PE Coverage at Bowmandale Primary School April 2014 – April 2015 Number of pupils and Sports Premium grant to receive Total number of pupils on roll 294 (May 2014) Amount of Sports Grant from Sept 2013 £8,000 Amount of Sports Grant received per pupil £1,470 Total amount of Sports Grant expected per year £9,470 Year group Autumn 1 Foundation Stage Indoor and Outdoor Fine motor control – scissors, pencils (correct grip copy some letters, begin to write their name), paint brushes, moulding etc. Basic skills – run skilfully, negotiating space, changing direction and speed. Experiment with different ways of moving, catch a ball, jumps off an object and lands appropriately. Health and self-care – wash hands, dress with help. Floor Gymnastics Gymnastics Apparatus Running, changing speed/direction Year 1 Indoor Year 1 Outdoor Year 1/2 Indoor Year 1/2 Outdoor Year 2 Indoor Summer 1 Summer 2 Gymnastics and Apparatus. Modified Team Games Dance – links with EAD Athletics Modified Team Games Dance Modified Competitive Games Athletics Modified Team Games Rolling and Aiming Throwing and Catching Co-ordination skills – striking/skipping Modified Fielding Games Athletics Floor Gymnastics GymnasticsApparatus Dance Modified Competitive Games Modified Fielding Games Indoor Athletics Throwing and Catching Rolling and Aiming Co-ordination skills – striking/skipping Running, changing speed/direction Athletics Athletics Dance Modified Competitive Games Co-ordination skills – striking/skipping Dance Floor Gymnastics Gymnastics Apparatus Modified Fielding Games Indoor Athletics Rolling and Aiming Running, changing speed/direction Athletics Modified Team Games Floor Gymnastics Gymnastics – Apparatus Fitness/Circuits Indoor Athletics Benchball Handball Tri-golf Athletics Volleyball Year 2 Outdoor Throwing and catching Year 2/3 Indoor Running, changing speed and direction Co-ordination skills – striking/skipping Year 2/3 Outdoor Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Yeargroup Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 3/4 Indoor Year 3/4 Outdoor Year 4 Indoor Year 4 Outdoor Year 5 Indoor Year 5 Outdoor Year 5/6 Indoor Year 5/6 Outdoor Year 6 Indoor Year 6 Outdoor Fitness/Circuits Dance Floor Gymnastics Gymnastics – Apparatus Indoor Athletics Indoor Athletics Football Benchball Handball Badminton/Net Games Hockey Cricket Floor Gymnastics Gymnastics – Apparatus Fitness/Circuits Dance Indoor Athletics Rounders Swimming Tag Rugby Basketball/Benchball Netball Tennis OAA/Cricket Floor Gymnastics Gymnastics – Apparatus Dance Fitness/Circuits Indoor Athletics Indoor Athletics Hockey Handball Volleyball Badminton/Net Games Tennis Rounders Dance Floor Gymnastics Fitness/Circuits Uni-hoc Indoor Athletics Gymnastics – Apparatus Netball Tag Rugby Basketball/Benchball Badminton/Net Games Tennis Cricket/OAA Dance Floor Gymnastics Fitness/Circuits Uni-hoc Indoor Athletics Gymnastics Apparatus Tag Rugby Netball Badminton/ Net Games Basketball/Benchball Cricket Tennis/OAA Summer Term 2014 Clubs Netball – Miss Pitois (20) Rounders Practice Miss Pitois (12) Benchball Miss Pitois (40 at 2 different clubs) Cross country Miss Grierson (30) Multi skills Mr Grey (20) Tennis Practice Miss Pitois (8) Skipping Club Mrs Palin (25) Competitions North Lincolnshire Rounders Tournament Years 5 and 6 at Sir John Nelthorpe Humber School games Rounders Final at Hymers Bench Ball Match – Years 3 and 4 at Casteldyke North Lincolnshire Mini Red Tennis Tournament Years 3 and 4 at Appleby Frodingham North Lincolnshire Mini Orange Tennis Years 5 and 6 at Applepby Frodingham Cricket Match against Castledyke for years 5 and 6 Inter house football competition- whole school participation Team Challenge – whole school activity Autumn Term 2014 Clubs Netball – Miss Pitois (20) Modern Dance Miss Havercroft (13) Playground games Miss Pitois (18) Gymnastics Mr Grey (15) Competitions Netball Match against Castledyke Years 5 and 6 Inter House Netball Years 5 and 6 Spring Term 2015 Clubs Badminton Miss Pitois (10) Fitness Mrs Palin (15) Dance competition group Miss Pitois (KS1 16 KS2 27) Skipping Club Miss Pitois (10) Rugby practice Miss Pitois (23) Competitions Dance Showcase at Baths Hall (KS 1 and KS2) Sports Hall Athletics at The Pods (Year 3 and 4) Badminton Tournament at The Pods (Year 5) Skipping Festival at The Pods (Year 5 and 6) Investment made Reason for Investment Impact of the Investment Investment in Sports specialist- Mr. Grey. To raise the profile of PE and school sport. To provide staff with training, especially with structured ideas for lessons, including using the gymnastic apparatus in a challenging manner. All teachers have benefitted from observing and working alongside a specialist ex-secondary school PE teacher. His knowledge and expertise has been of great benefit to Newly Qualified Teachers within the team. They feel that the opportunity to observe and work with a PE specialist has provided a selection of resources, ideas and strategies to implement into their own PE lessons to make them well structured, engaging and interesting. Discussions regarding fundamental ways to maintain safety whilst delivering Gymnastics has significantly raised confidence and willingness to teach these skills in the future; especially the way to break down tricky skills into smaller and safer sections before trying the whole eg. Safely performing a forward roll. Purchase of additional PE resources. To improve skills and techniques in specific sports. By purchasing several pieces of specialist equipment pupils could practice the skills and techniques required to learn and develop different sports before going on to apply the skills whilst representing the school in competitions. (netball posts/bases, tennis equipment). Some of the year 6 children engaged in a pupil voice exercise, identifying aspects of PE which they liked and disliked, some of their work is shown below. A variety of miscellaneous equipment was purchased to ensure the whole school could participate in the first ever House Team Challenge which saw every child in the school actively engaged in imaginative and demanding physical activities. Overtime payments for Teaching Assistants and Mr. Grey to run clubs. To increase the number of after school sporting clubs and competitions accessed by pupils. The range of clubs available to pupils has increased; staff listened to the requests of the children and as a result are now offering a wider variety of physical activity groups after school. Consequently, engagement in physical activity has significantly increased during the year 2014-2015. CLUBS: Summer 2014: Rounders (12) Benchball (40) Netball (40) Cross country (30) Multi skills (20) Autumn 2014: Modern Dance (13) Playground games (18) Gymnastics (15) Spring 2014: Badminton (10) Fitness (15) Dance competition group (KS1 16 KS2 27) In total, 256 children aged 5-11 attended clubs over this period. COMPETITIONS: The opportunities for pupils to represent the school at tournaments also rose during the year. 167 children participated in organised competitions. The school had representatives at 17 events. Whilst the children thoroughly enjoyed these activities and developed great team building and perseverance skills they were also met with success on several occasions eg. winning the North Lincolnshire Skipping Festival and their victory in the North Lincolnshire Rounders Competition saw the Y5/6 pupils represent the school at the regional level. 2013-14: Children participated in 6 competitions 2014-2015 : 17 were attended. The children also participated in several inter-house competitions, allowing a large number of pupils to experience competitive sport, these included Y5 and 6 inter-house Netball, Y3 and 4 Benchball and a whole school football skills competition. Interschool activities- netball (4 competitions), bench ball (2), rounders (2), tennis (2), handball (advantage was taken of the opportunity to experience a taster session and follow up competition at the local secondary school – Baysgarth), a cricket match, a badminton tournament, Skipping Festival, Sports Hall Athletics and 2 Dance Showcases. “The athletics competition was so exciting because we hadn’t ever done anything like it and I didn’t think I was going to be able to do it, but now I love hurdling!” Ellie, Y4 “It is fantastic to see my child excited about taking part in sport as this is something she has never been confident in.” Mrs Armitage Organisation of and preparation for events. To reimburse staff for costs incurred. (travel, equipment) As pupils have to opportunity to travel beyond Barton to participate in different competitions, costs are incurred with regard to travelling, eg the use of staff vehicles. In order to successfully participate in specific events, specialised equipment or resources can be required; as a result the school has funded the making or purchase of certain resources to ensure pupils are fully prepared for their activity eg costumes for the dance festival. Parents have appreciated the greater opportunities made available to their children are getting far more involved in providing transport to and from events. “I loved going to the dance competition, especially dancing on a real stage.” Violet, Y1 “Although it was a bit tricky, I really enjoyed badminton because I have never done it before!” Jack, Y5 “Taking part in these activities has given my child a huge boost to her confidence!” Mr and Mrs McWilliam Purchase of colour coordinated House Team Tee Shirts. To develop a team ethos amongst the children. Inter House competitions – many children participated in Inter House activities with the rest of the House/Team supporting and cheering them on. This developed a sense of belonging within the school and a “Family” atmosphere of looking out for and supporting each other.