Oral presentation How to... Year 7 oral presentation: How to.... This oral presentation is one where you can choose to speak about something of your own choice, as long as it’s a ‘how to’ topic. This oral will form half of your oral communication grade for the semester. The rest of your grade will be based on your oral contributions in class and how well you are able to listen actively to other students when they deliver their orals or contribute to class discussions. You must speak for 2 minutes and you are expected to have rehearsed and timed your oral carefully. Remember that most people speak more quickly in front of a class than they do at home or in front of one or two friends and adjust your oral accordingly. You will be assessed in two main areas: 1. 2. Your content and how it is put together. This also means how you structure what you say. Is it in a logical order, does it have a strong beginning and end, do you explain all you need to.....? How you physically present your oral. Do you slouch, fidget, rock, have your hands in your pockets, um and ah, stumble over words, forget what to say, look only at your notes.....? I have included some ideas for you to have a think about and to show you that there are heaps of topics you can choose from, you are limited only by your imagination. Remember that this doesn’t have to be a formal oral, you could choose to make it one designed to entertain, to amuse, as well as to inform. We’ll brainstorm some other possible topics in class too. Care for a pet pig Paint a room Raise chooks Annoy your teacher Keep fighting fish Pass your exams Annoy your parents Fly to the moon Win friends and influence people Get fit Become PM Dress for success Make sure you get what you want for Christmas Impress people Braid hair Change a nappy Do a French manicure Clean your bedroom Care for a sprained ankle Be a winner Impress Mrs Lloyd Ace this oral Get away with..... Find a boyfriend/girlfriend Keep a boyfriend/girlfriendBuild a cubby Year 7 Oral ‘How to…’ Assessment Rubric CATEGORY Appropriate information selected Careful explanation of the steps involved Logically ordered information/ Strong introduction and conclusion Content original, not just copied from the Internet or another source Obviously carefully prepared and rehearsed/All criteria fulfilled/ Timing Presentation was interesting and engaging for the audience Effective use of voice, including tone, inflection and projection VH H M L VL NS 5 4 3 2 1 0 Appropriate body language and stance No fidgeting or distracting movements Eye contact/Notes used appropriately No giggles, ums or other verbal ‘tics’ A+ 45-50 A 40-44 B+ 35-39 B 35-37 C+ 33-34 C 30-32 D+ 27-29 D 25-26 E+ 23-24 E 20-22 UG 0-19 GRADE: ________________