Biology 2–3 Carbon Compounds Name: _____________________ Date: _____________________ Period: _____________________ The Chemistry of Carbon Organic ______________ is the study of all _______________ that contain bonds between ______________ atoms. ________________ atoms have ________ valence electrons that can join with the electrons from other atoms to form strong _________________ bonds. A carbon atom can bond to other ______________ atoms, giving it the ability to form _____________ that are almost _____________ in length. The Chemistry of Carbon Living organisms are made of _______________________ that consist of _____________________ and other ___________________. __________________ of ___________________ can even close upon themselves to form ___________. ______________ has the ability to form millions of different _______________ and ________________ structures. Macromolecules _______________________ are formed by a process known as ______________________. The smaller units, or ______________, join together to form ________________. Macromolecules 1 _______________ in a _________________ may be identical, or the monomers may be _____________________. Macromolecules _____________ groups of ______________ compounds found in living things are: A. B. C. D. Carbohydrates ______________________ are compounds made up of _____________, _______________, and _______________ atoms, usually in a ratio of ________________. Carbohydrates 2 What is the function of ___________________________? Carbohydrates Living things use ____________________________as their main source of _____________. Plants and some animals also use carbohydrates for _____________________ purposes. Carbohydrates The breakdown of ___________________, such as __________________, supplies immediate energy for all ______________ activities. Living things store ______________ sugar as complex __________________ known as ________________________. Carbohydrates ________________ and __________________ are examples of carbohydrates that are used by living things as a source of energy. 3 Carbohydrates Single ____________molecules are called ___________________________. ________________________include __________________, _________________________ (a component of milk), and ___________________________ (found in many fruits). The large _______________________________________formed from ____________________________are called ____________________________________. Lipids __________________are generally ___________ soluble in water. ___________________ are made mostly from ____________ and ________________ atoms. Lipids The common categories of lipids are: 4 A. B. C. D. Lipids What is the function of ______________? Lipids Lipids can be used to __________________ __________________. Some _______________ are important parts of biological ________________________ and waterproof ___________________. Lipids Many __________________ are formed when a ____________________ molecule combines with compounds called ________________ ______________________. If each _______________ atom in a lipid’s __________________ acid chains is joined to another ____________________ atom by a ________________ bond, the lipid is said to be _______________________. The term _______________________ is used because the fatty acids contain the __________________ possible number of ______________________ atoms. Lipids If there is at least one ___________ - ________________ double ____________ in a fatty acid, it is________________________. ______________________ whose fatty acids contain more than one __________________ _______________are________________________________. 5 ____________________ that contain ________________________ fatty acids tend to be _________________ at _________________ temperature. Nucleic Acids _______________ ________________ are macromolecules containing __________________, ___________________, ________________, ______________________, and _____________________. Nucleic acids are ______________________ assembled from individual ____________________ known as _________________________. Nucleic Acids __________________________ consist of three parts: A. B. C. Individual ________________________________ can be joined by __________________ bonds to form a _____________________________, or ___________________ acid. 6 Nucleic Acids What is the function of ____________________ _______________? Nucleic Acids Nucleic acids __________________ and transmit ________________, or ___________________, information. There are ___________________ kinds of nucleic acids, ______________________ __________ (_________) and _______________________ ________________ (__________). ____________ contains the sugar ___________________. ____________ contains the sugar ________________________. Proteins 7 ___________________are ________________________ that contain __________________, ________________________, ________________________, and ______________________. Proteins are ___________________ of molecules called ______________ ____________. Proteins _____________ __________________are compounds with an _______________ group (________) on one end and a _____________________ group (__________________) on the other end. Draw GENERAL STRUCTURE ALANINE SERINE Proteins The __________________ of each amino acid that is different is a side chain called an __-group. Proteins 8 The instructions for arranging ___________ _________ into many different ________________ are stored in ______________. Proteins What is the function of __________________? Proteins (IMPORTANT STUFF!) Some __________________________ control the rate of _________________________ and regulate cell ________________________. Some _________________________ are used to form __________________ and _________________. Other proteins ________________________ substances into or out of ______________ or help to __________________ disease. Proteins _________________________ can have up to ________________ levels of organization: 9 _____________________ acids have a specific _______________ chain. The amino ___________________ within a __________________ can be ______________ or folded. The _______________________ itself is folded. If a ____________________________ has more than one chain, _____________ chain has a __________________ arrangement in space. QUIZ _____ 1.Large carbohydrate molecules such as starch are known as a. lipids. b. monosaccharides. c. proteins. d. polysaccharides. _____ 2. Many lipids are formed from glycerol and a. fatty acids. b. monosaccharides. c. amino acids. d. nucleic acids. _____ 3. Proteins are among the most diverse macromolecules because a. they contain both amino groups and carboxyl groups. b. they can twist and fold into many different and complex structures. c. they contain nitrogen as well as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. d. their R groups can be either acidic or basic. 10 _____ 4. Which of the following statements about cellulose is true? a. Animals make it and use it to store energy. b. Plants make it and use it to store energy. c. Animals make it and use it as part of the skeleton. d. Plants make it and use it to give structural support to cells. ______ 5. A major difference between polysaccharides and proteins is that a. plants make polysaccharides, while animals make proteins. b. proteins are made of monomers, while polysaccharides are not. c. polysaccharides are made of monosaccharides, while proteins are made of amino acids. d. proteins carry genetic information, while polysaccharides do not. END OF SECTION 11