"REVITALIZATION OF TOURISM SMES THROUGH INNOVATION IN CSR: A PROPOSAL FOR LOCAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT" Dr. María Victoria Sanagustín Fons Associate Professor of Sociology Department of Psychology and Sociology Faculty of Business and Public Management e-mails:; Tel: 0034- 976 761000 ext.: 951378 Mobile phones 0034 619 406075 0034 653133499 Prof. José Antonio Moseñe Fierro Vice-Dean for Students and International Relations Faculty of Business and Public Management e-mails:; University of Zaragoza Plaza Constitucion 22001 Huesca - Spain 1 tel. 0034 974239373 fax. 0034 974239375 PhD Student Lic. Laura F. Arena Luna Associate Professor of Sociology Department of Psychology and Sociology Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities e-mails: ; C/ Ciudad Escolar, s/n 44003 Teruel - Spain Tel. 0034 976 761000 ext.: 861351 - 0034 978- 645351 Mobile phones 0034 611865893 University of Zaragoza Abstract Tourism can play a significant role in the development of European regions. Sustainable Tourism involves the preservation and enhancement of cultural and natural heritage, ranging from the arts to local gastronomy or the preservation of biodiversity. In this paper we study the role of Innovation in CSR as a way of improving the development of Touristic SMEs in Spain. According to the Central Companies Directory (2012), companies are in Spain 3,195,210, of which 3,191,416 (99.88%) are SMEs (between 0 and 249 employees). In the services sector (excluding trade) about 58% are micro enterprises without employees and 38% have between 1 and 9 employees. Their contribution to employment is about 60% of the total workforce. Theoretical framework remarks the importance of Globalization in our society in the sense that companies must adapt themselves to a complex, competitive and uncertain global context (Castells, 2004) moreover traditional concept of Innovation developed by Schumpeter, J. (1978) and the idea of Innovative Regional Systems (Lavia C., 2011) and Milieurs Innovateurs (Furio E., 1996) emerge in this context. Hjalager, A. M. (2002; 2006). shows that Tourism is one of the main innovative economic sectors because permanently the sector is trying to answer tourists needing, desires and options; that is how Tourism becomes a way of dreammaker and giving unique experiences for people. As suggests Porter ”the competitiveness of a nation depends on the capacity of its industry to innovate and improve” (Porter, 1999). Clearly, consumers, citizens and society in general are demanding for socially responsible products and services. The application of these issues to the tourism sector is relatively recent and also scientific research (Sanagustín et al, 2011). From methodological approach, a documentary analysis is made about the socioeconomic aspects present in the tourism sector today. Specifically we review concepts and contributions focused on innovation, sustainability and corporate social responsibility, taking into account European policies that set the roadmap in 2 all these aspects considered crucial for the survival and consolidation of the tourism sector in Europe. Secondly, we have designed a specific survey based on two standardized ones: III (Irish Innovation Index) and GRI (Global Reporting Initivative) for measuring Innovation in CSR in SMEs in the Tourist Spanish Sector. First conclusions according with other previous studies show how in recent years there has been a change in the value system that has generated a change towards ecological and social awareness. These demands are answered by CSR policies into SMEs and there is an increasing care about all these aspects, by the moment we really don’t know if SMEs answers in front of these demands are because of their authentic and ethic concern or because they want to make-up their image in relation to social reputation. Key Words: CSR, SMEs, Tourism, Sustainability, Innovation. REFERENCES: Castells, M. A. 2004. “La era de la información: economía, sociedad y cultura” (Vol. 3). Siglo XXI. “El Retrato de las PYMES”, 2013 , Subdirección General de Apoyo a la PYME Dirección General de Industria y de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa. (accessed 02.05.2013). Furio, E., 1996. “Desarrollo territorial y procesos de innovación: los milieux innovateurs”. Ciudad y Territorio. Estudios Territoriales, 28(110), 639-49. Global Reporting Innovation. Available in: Hjalager, A. M., 2002. “Repairing innovation defectiveness in tourism”. Tourism management, 23(5), 465-474. Hjalager, A. M., 2006. “The Marriage Between Welfare Services and Tourism—A Driving Force for Innovation?” Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 6(3-4), 7-29. Irish Innovation Index. Available in: Lavía, C. et al, 2011 “Innovación y Territorio. Una encuesta a pequeñas y medianas empresas industriales”. Revista Internacional de Sociología (RIS), vol. 69, nº 2, mayo agosto, pp. 461-486. Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R., 1999. “Philanthropy's new agenda: creating value”. Harvard Business Review, 77, 121-131. Sanagustín Fons M. V., et al, 2011 “Análisis, Diagnóstico y Propuestas de mejora del Turismo en Aragón: del Turismo como Riesgo a la oportunidad de un Turismo Sostenible”. Zaragoza: Consejo aragonés de Cámaras de Comercio. Schumpeter, J., 1978 “Teoría del desenvolvimiento económico”. Quinta Reimpresión, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, p.25. 3