FBISD – 1st 9 weeks 2013 - 2014 Monday 8-26 Obj: Orient students to school procedures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Seating game Introductions Distribute materials Go over schedule Troubleshoot bus routes August 26 2 Labor Day No School Tuesday 8-27 Obj: Orient students to classroom procedures 1. Distribute class syllabus 2. Discuss classroom policies 3. Show wikispace for class docs 27 3 Obj: Read text for plot structure & fig. lang. All 1. Warm-up: complete OER using CEC format over HOMS and fig lang 2. Discuss warm-up and point out how to draw inferences from text 3. Read Appt. with Love-begin written activities for the story Wednesday 8-28 Obj: Get-to-know-you activities/community building 1. Warm-up--CEC 2. Watch the video called The Power of Words twiceonce without sound & once with it—‘What did you notice?’ 3. Discuss differences in what you noticed in watching it each time 4. Make note of how author uses sounds, images to elicit feelings/emotions 5. Discuss how authors of text do the same thing—to bring the reader into the text 28 4 Obj: Read text for plot structure & fig. lang. All 1.Warm-up: justify decision from character in Appt with love 2. Discuss warm-up creating inferences about the characters 3. Complete activity of: summary statements, character traits, theme statement Thursday 8-29 Obj: Review of plot elements through fictional text 1. Warm-up—CEC response to video from yesterday 2. Read 1st vignette for HOMS—What did you notice? Partner up and discuss & write summary statement CWBS 3. Re-read for fig language 4. Partner up to compare/discuss 5. Large group share of fig language—How does it bring the reader into the text? 29 Friday 8-30 Obj: Review of plot elements through visual text 1. Warm-up-CEC response to HOMS 2. Read short story— An Appointment with Love’ 3. Write summary statement CWBS— turn in for daily grade 4. Re-read for fig language—use sticky notes. 5 Obj: Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Complete warm-up over theme statement from Appt for Love 2. Take individual pictures 3. Read in HOMS 6 Obj: Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Complete warmup—story creation 2. Read in HOMS— Begin ‘Hairs’ activity and assign min-project for homework 1. 2. 3. PAP Warm-up: Claim statement about character trait from Appt with Love Take pics Review tone 30 PAP 1. Warm-up: story creation 2. HOMS activity: How figurative language drives tone 9 Obj: Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Complete warm-up— HOMS notes and reading 2. Read in MDG— --add to vocabulary list --Begin plot diagram for story 3. Assign HOMS test PAP 1. Warm-up: Argue for or against: Hunting is wrong; Read in MDG for 5 minutes 2. Introduce/ review Costa’s levels of questions—take notes 3. Break up into groups for group activity over Anthem 10 Obj: Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Complete warmup—HOMS notes and reading 2. Read in MDG— --vocab --plot 3. Begin notes over characterization/plot 16 Obj: Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Warm-up: HOMS— read; response to 4 Skinny Trees—What is this chapter about? CEC 2. Handout Hairs chapter/highlight sentences—label figurative language for each/ 3. Provide time to craft metaphors for assignment—due Thursday PAP 1. Warm-up: MDG response—character development 2. Complete MDG 3. Complete Character traits for main characters and support with direct/indirect lines of text 4. Create a one sentence summary of the story for notes 5. Create a working theme statement for the story 17Obj: Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Warm-up: Complete or Re-read HOMS chapters for test 2. Discuss Darius and the Clouds/House says goodbye Sometimes PAP 1. Warm-up: Response to quote from MDG 2. Group work over theme: List the most prevalent themes from the story—3-5; isolate the one you think is most important; craft theme statement for the text; turn in PAP 1. Warm-up: Read in MDG for 10 minutes; create level 2&3 for MDG; share 2. Group work for Question activity 11 Obj: Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Complete warmreview literary terms & highlight what you know 2. Read in/complete MDG— PAP 1. Warm-up: Read in/complete MDG 2. Complete group activity—final draft of questions due Thursday 18 Obj: Assess knowledge of plot for summer reading Assessment over HOMS PAP Assessment over Anthem 12 Obj: Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Warm-up: HOMSread/notes 2. Discussion/analysis of the chapter called Hairs—What can you infer about the family based on the descriptions of their hair? 3. Assign HAIRS activity— due Monday PAP 1. Warm-up: Literary Terms sheet— highlight what you know 2. MDG—isolate for characterization; create notes page: summary statements/character traits/mood 19 17Obj: Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Warm-up: MDG-work on plot diagram for MDG 2. Complete rough draft/revise drafts of Hairs activity PAP 1. Warm-up: What did you think of the test? Is there anything different you would have done to prepare for it? 2. Article over texting and driving--discuss 13 Obj: Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1.Warm-up: HOMSread/notes 2.Read/Complete MDG if not finished 3.Work on HAIRS activity/Read HOMS PAP 1. Warm-up: Response to quote: There are two classes of people-hunters and the huntees. Agree or disagree 2. MDG Activity: Choose favorite line about both characters—What does it tell you and what can you infer? 20Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Warm-up: Complete plot diagram for MDG 2. Discuss MDG with big question: Would you have ended the game as Rainsford did? Why? 3. Revise rough drafts for Hairs-begin to write final PAP 1. Warm-up: SAT word—begin section for vocab— think of situation in which word might be used—create helpful tip to remember the word; use in a sentence 2. Article over hunting in Nepal—response to MDG 23 Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits Write to inform/revise for fig lang/edit for punct 24 Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Warm-up: If you could back into ANY time period at all, where would it be and why? CEC 2. Peer revision 3. Final changes/edit Warm-up: If you have not finished your rough draft—do so now. 10 minutes PAP 1. Personal ratiocination 1. Warm-up: CEC of rough draft— response to MDG highlight fig lang; cat and mouse quote box verbs; 1. MDG: Discuss paragraphing ending of MDG 2. Revise draft—due 2. Anthem Test tomorrow question review 25 Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Computer lab for typing final draft— find clip art for visual PAP 2. Warm-up: CEC response to MDG 3. Review Anthem questions and discuss 26 Read text for plot structure, fig lang. and character traits 1. Warm-up: CEC response to MDG cat and mouse quote—discuss and craft one as a class 4. Complete plot diagram for MDG—discuss ending PAP 1. 2. 3. PAP 1. Warm-up: SAT words: anathema; burgeon 2. Analysis of Hairs text—syntax, fig lang, diction 3. Assign rough draft due Thursday 30 OBJ: Read for plot analysis; fig lang; theme 1. Warm-up: If you could be transported to another time period, when would it be and why? Begin Sound of Thunder—notetaking: character development, theme, imagery, foreshadowing Vocabulary sheet!! October 1 Read for plot analysis; fig lang; theme 1. 2 Read for plot analysis; fig lang; theme Warm-up: Close 1. Warm-up: JFK read and response quote response: The CRC only thing you have 2. Review qualities of to fear is fear OER answers and itself—relate to any 2. claim statements; of our readings CEC revise OER and turn 2. Continue Sound of in for grade Thunder 3. Continue Sound of Thunder PAP 4. Vocabulary sheet! 1. Warm-up: JFK 3. quote response: The PAP only thing you have PAP 1. Warm-up: to fear is fear 1. Warm-up: If you close read and itself—relate to any could be transported response of our readings CEC to another time 2. Read SOT— 2. Continue reading period, when would it add to notes SOT be and why? 2. Begin reading SOTnotetaking: character development; foreshadowing; imagery; theme 2. 3. No School County Fair Day Warm-up: Short story using 3-4 of the vocab words Peer revision of Hairs rough draft Final draft due Monday-typed 3 Read for plot analysis; fig lang; theme 1. 27 Warm-up: Close read and response Review OER from Mango Street/Revise Continue/Finish reading SOT PAP 1. Warm-up: Close read and response 2. Complete discussion of SOT—notes over both 3. Complete OER response in notes 4 Read for plot analysis; fig lang; theme 1. Quiz over fig lang PAP Short story test over Figurative Language 7 Obj: students will 8 Obj: students will 9 Obj: students will read for information read for information read for information and theme; draft for and theme; draft for and theme; draft for plot, character plot, character plot, character development, conflict development, conflict development, conflict 1. Warm-up: Response 1. Warm-up: response to Time and to quote 1. Warm-up: Re-read Punishment 2. Continue predraft—look for 2. Begin pre-writing for writing for characterization Engaging story—a Engaging story—a 2. Complete rough Cautionary tale Cautionary tale draft PAP PAP PAP 1. Warm-up: Response 1. Warm-up: Response 1. Review Short story to Time and to quote test—annotation of Punishment 2. Engaging Story— questions 2. Engaging Story— begin prewriting 2. Complete rough begin prewriting draft for Thursday-homework 10 Obj: students will read 11 Obj: students will for information and read for information theme; draft for plot, and theme; draft for character development, plot, character conflict development, conflict 1. Warm-up: Prepare 1. Warm-up: Hand out manuscript for peer One-pager revision Information 2. Complete peer revision 2. Computer Lab to type draft Homework—make changes to draft PAP 1. Warm-up: Prepare manuscript for peer revision 2. Complete peer revision Homework—make changes to draft 14 Students will create visual theme All 1. Review past assessment and justify changes for daily grade 2. Work on One-Pager 15 Students will create visual theme All 1. Work on One-Pager 16 PLAN-ACT Testing 14th period 17 Students will create visual theme All 1.Work on One-Pager—turn in at the end of the period. 18 Students will read for historical context for Animal Farm 1. Begin country project for intro to Animal Farm PAP 1. Complete OnePager if needed 2. Read A Scarlet Ibis for symbolism End of 1st Nine Weeks FBISD – 2nd 9 weeks 2013 - 2014 Monday October 21 Students will read plot, symbolism, 1. Complete group project 2. Start notes over Animal Farm PAP 1. Warm-up OER: quote from Orwell 2. Scarlet Ibis—look for symbolism in colors 28 Students will read plot, symbolism, 1. Warm-up: theme of ignorance in Animal Farm 2. Read Ch5-6 in novel PAP PAP Tuesday 22 Students will read plot, symbolism, 1. Complete notes over AF 2. Begin reading novel PAP 1. Warm-up: quote from Scarlet Ibis/discuss 2. Symbolism of colors ins tory Wednesday Thursday 23 Students will read 24 Students will read plot, symbolism, plot, symbolism, 1. Warm-up OER from AF 2. Continue reading PAP and taking notes 1. Warm-up OER 2. Complete Scarlet PAP 1. Scarlet Ibis Quiz Ibis 2. Continue symbolism 3. Discuss AF-analysis symbolism Friday 25 Students will read plot, symbolism, 1. Warm-up Quiz over Ch 1-3 AF 2. Read in Ch 4 29 Students will read plot, symbolism, 1. Warm-up: OER over Animal Farm 2. Read Ch 6-7 in novel and add to notes PAP 30 Students will read plot, symbolism, 1. Warm-up over Animal Farm 2. Read in novel 7-8 3. Begin character chart November 1 Students will read plot, symbolism, 1. Warm-up: OER over Animal Farm 2. Complete the novel and discuss PAP 31 Students will read plot, symbolism, 1. Warm-up: Close reading of Animal Farm 2. Read in novel 8-9 3. Continue character chart PAP 1. Group project over AF theme statements Group Thematic writing for Animal Farm Group Thematic Writing—prepare for Timed Writing tomorrow 5 Students will take 4 Students will analyze plot for theme and District Assessment symbolism 1. Complete AF 2. Complete Character Chart PAP 1. SAT vocab 2. The Raven— summary, tone analysis and theme statement 11 Students will note 12 Students will note characteristics of Hero, characteristics of The Journey and Hero, The Journey Archetypes and Archetypes 1. Take notes and 1. Take notes and discuss prior discuss prior knowledge of; knowledge of; archetypes, Heroes archetypes, Heroes and Greek and Greek Mythology Mythology 18 Students will read The Odyssey **All Students will turn in the Hero Project 1. Read in The Odyssey and take notes 25 19 Students will read The Odyssey 1. Read in The Odyssey and take notes PAP Warm-up: Picture from The Raven 2. Read poem— summarize, diction analysis 6 Students will 7 Students will analyze plot for theme analyze plot for theme and symbolism and symbolism 1. Review for Animal Animal Farm Test Farm Assessment PAP PAP 1. Warm-up 1. Warm-up 2. Revision of AF 2. Revision of AF Timed Write Timed Writing PAP Timed Writing over Animal Farm 13 Students will note 14 Student will begin characteristics of reading The Odyssey 1. Set-up note-taking Hero, The Journey for The Odyssey and Archetypes 1. Take notes and 2. Commit to project discuss prior partner and title of knowledge of; text archetypes, Heroes 3. Begin Book 1 and Greek Mythology 20 Students will read The Odyssey 1. 2. 26 Thanksgiving Break No School 1. Read in The Odyssey and take notes Quiz over Hero’s Journey and Archetypes 27 Thanksgiving Break No School 21 Students will read The Odyssey 1. 2. Warm-up Read in The Odyssey and take notes 28 Thanksgiving Break No School 1. Continue The Raven 2. Write theme statements and claim statements over diction 8 Students will begin reading about Mythology All classes: Introduction to Mythology—Zeus and Cronos 15 Student will begin reading The Odyssey 1. Set-up note-taking for The Odyssey 2. Begin Book 2 22 Students will read The Odyssey 1. 2. Warm-up Read in The Odyssey and take notes 29 Thanksgiving Break No School Thanksgiving Break No School December 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 Semester Exams 19 Semester Exams 20 Semester Exams Semester Exams End 2nd Nine Weeks End 1st Semester FBISD – 3rd 9 weeks 2013 – 2014 Monday January 6 Campus Staff Dev. Student Holiday 13 Analyze Expository writing; revise drafts 1. Ratiocinate own draft for thesis, evidence 2. Review score and rubric 3. Begin revision of piece—the goal is to move up and/or improve something about the piece 20 M. L. King Day No School Tuesday 7 District Staff Dev. Student Holiday 14 Analyze Expository writing; revise drafts 1. Warm-up: analyze thesis/claim stmts through sample text & discuss 2. Revise thesis stmts in drafts; peer revise Wednesday 8 Analyze Expository writing; revise drafts All students: 1. Locate personal drafts & return 2. Prompt Annotation: review and take notes over how to annotate expository prompt 3. List and narrow evidence to level of importance 15 Analyze Expository writing; revise drafts 1. Warm-up: Review evidence 2. Revise evidence in draft—choose and elaborate strongest evidence; peer revise 21 Students will 22 Students will analyze poetic devices analyze poetic devices 1. Warm-up 1. Warm-up 2. Notes over Sonnets 2. Notes over sonnets continued 3. Read Shakespeare’s history in Literature Book--notes 27 Students will analyze poetic devices 1. Warm-up: Response to day off 2. Sonnets: Analysis of Sonnet #18 28 No School—snow day 29 Students will analyze poetic devices 1. Warm-up: read and annotate Sonnet #57 2. Discuss meaning of Sonnet 3 Students will read for plot/character analysis; play structure 1. Warm-up: Response to quote from R&J 2. Continue Act I, scene ii—add to notes and discuss 4 Students will read 5 Students will read for plot/character for plot/character analysis; play analysis; play structure structure 1. Warm-up: Response 1. Warm-up: Response to quote from R&J to quote from R&J 2. Continue Act I, 2. Continue Act I, scene iii—add to scene iii—add to notes and discuss notes and discuss 10 11 12 Thursday Friday 9 Analyze Expository 10 Analyze Expository writing; revise drafts writing; revise drafts All students: 1. Warm-up: Annotate All students: prompt using 1. Warm-up: Calibrate strategies from drafts to rubrics previous day—turn in using EOC rubric for daily grade and sample texts 2. Analyze the rubric for 2. Ratiocinate sample the EOC and review text looking for sample text thesis and evidence 16 Analyze Expository writing; revise drafts 17 Analyze Expository writing; revise drafts All students: Computer Lab to type and submit final rafts of Expository pieces All students: Final drafts of Revised Expository pieces due to Turnitin.com 23 Students will analyze poetic devices 1. Read/Annotate Sonnet #18 a. Look up known words b. Divide into quatrains, rhyme scheme, syllables c. Discuss meaning of sonnet 30 Students will analyze poetic devices 1. Warm-up: Read Prologue and annotate 2. Discuss Prologue 3. Watch Standard Deviants intro to R&J 6 Students will read expository text and apply to literary selection 1. Read text about Shakespearean England—annotate, look up words, etc. 2. Continue reading Act I, scene iv 13 24 No School—Snow Day 31 Students will read for plot/character analysis; play structure 1. Set up notes for R&J 2. Begin reading aloud Act I, Scene i 7 Students will complete written response to expository text 1. Complete timed OER over expository text 2. Continue reading Act I, scene iv 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 March 3 4 5 6 7 17 19 Spring Break—March 10-14 19 20 21 End 3rd Nine Weeks FBISD – 4th 9 weeks 2012 - 2013 Monday March 24 25 Tuesday 26 Wednesday 27 Thursday 28 Friday March 31 April 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 Good Friday No School 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 May 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 3 4 5 6 Memorial Day No School June 2 Semester Exams Semester Exams Semester Exams Semester Exams End 4th Nine Weeks End 2nd Semester