HARWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL - LONG TERM PLAN YEAR 4 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Theatre in Ancient Greece – the importance of masks Why are masks important in performing arts? Mummers’ Play Fundraising for Water Aid Tudor toys and games Local History Study Ancient Egypt Who were the Mummers? Why can’t we all have clean water? Pitt Rivers Museum Masks workshop Year 5 ‘s Roman play; Take one picture (George & dragon) Talk by an ex Thames water director, Water Aid clips. What’s the difference between Harwell and Longnor? High Ash Residential visit Peak District To find Trip/hook How did the children in Tudor times entertain themselves? Visit to Sulgrave Manor in Banbury Outcome Heroes of Troy play and Greek artefacts display (including masks). Carol singing and Mummers’ play performance Creating an interactive Tudor museum (games and toys). Literacy – play scripts, myths & legends; Drama; Art & DT – masks, Greek pottery, Greek soldier helmets; Languages – Greek; Communication – speak to small and larger audiences Literacy – stories set in imaginary worlds; George & dragon stories; Poetry ; DT Cooking; PE Gymnastics Presentations/displa y of similarities and differences (historical and geographical) Science: living things and their habitats. Animals , including humans; Literacy information texts, non-chronological reports; Art: sketch books record Obs.; Geography – maps, investigate places and patterns, lands, History – people; PE – outdoor and adventurous Egyptian day – artefacts, clothes, food, etc. - Main curriculum areas Exhibition of African art and posters raising awareness of water shortage in the world. Literacy – non chronological reports, persuasive texts, stories from other cultures; Art – painting, masks, pottery, baskets based on traditional African culture; Geography – rivers, lakes, water; Science – Water cycle; RE – variety of religions in Africa; PE Swimming Project title Driving question DT – making toys and games in Tudor style; Literacy – diary entries, information texts, letters, poetry recounts, PE – dance; History – Tudors, Explores in Tudor time; Trip to Ashmolean/National History Museum? Geography: human geography. History: Ancient Egypt; DT – Cooking; PE Swimming Learning skills Literacy Story Non-fiction Music Maintain positive attitudes to reading by reading play scripts, poems and non-fiction, discuss and evaluate how authors use language, learn, draft edit Perseus & Medusa; Heroes of Troy Maintain positive attitudes to reading: play script, poetry, dragon stories Take responsibility showing confidence in themselves and their contribution. Collaborate with others to work towards common goals. Working with different materials; collaborate with others; communication skills Research, group work and cooperation; leadership; planning; management of time and resources. Research, group work and cooperation; leadership; planning; management of time and resources. The Snow dragon; George & dragon Sir Francis Drake story To find To find Information texts Newspapers, Persuasive texts Traditional African story – The two mischievous brothers Various Atlases , Non chronological reports, Persuasive texts, Poetry Diary entry, Information texts To find To find KS 2 singing Singing and performance skills Christmas KS2 concert. African dance and music, exploring musical instruments. KS2 singing, KS2 singing KS2 singing Tudor music and dance Dancing like an Egyptian; Greek mathematicians’ investigations. Measures for cooking mass, capacity, time, temperature – making soup for carol singing Water survey and data analysis Measuring, Scaling, measuring, coordinates, data calculation of angles, handling. costing of materials Egyptian mathematicians investigations Light sources, shadows Electricity Water cycle/ Digestive system Materials - changing Living things and their habitats. To investigate Music Express and A song for all seasons Additional Maths Links (in addition to lessons Science Science: living things and their habitats. Animals, including humans. ICT E Safety Research, PowerPoint presentations. Research, PowerPoint, create a blog, Scratch Use search technologies effectively, programming Research, PowerPoint presentations, programming Research, programming