2012-2013 State Income Eligibility Table and Sample Tuition Formula for Full-Day Kindergarten Programs in Districts with Quality Full-Day Kindergarten Grants (Income Level Source: MA Department of Early Education and Care, effective 7/01/2011: http://www.mass.gov/edu/docs/eec/research-planning/state-planning/ie-sliding-fee-scale-amend.pdf ) Instructions: Use this income table to calculate the district’s sliding fee scale. Start with the district-set annual tuition (not more than $4,000), then apply the formula in each row of Column B. Insert the district’s annual tuition amount for each income level in the blank sliding fee scale provided on the next page. Additional income levels may be added, consistent with the scale. Districts charging over $3,100 annually must also cap the annual tuition for families earning between 25% and 50% of State Median Income (SMI) at the $3,100 levels. Column C is an example based on the FY12 average tuition for full-day kindergarten in MA ($2,893) and a 10-month payment schedule. Income Eligibility Levels – for families with 2-6 individuals Column A % of SMI Formula for district tuition Column B Family of Two Family of Three Family of Four Family of Five Family of Six To calculate fee scale: Column C: EXAMPLE If maximum tuition = $2,893 Annual tuition: $______ Up to 25% 26 – 35% Monthly $0 - $1,418 $1,419 – $1,985 Monthly $0 - $1,751 $1,752 - $2,451 Monthly $0 - $2,085 $2,086- $2,918 Monthly $0 - $2,418 $2,419 - $3,385 Monthly $0 - $2,752 $2,753 - $3,852 Formula Must be free 36- 50% $1,986 - $2,835 $2,452 - $3,502 $2,919 - $4,169 $3,386 - $4,836 $3,853 - $5,503 51 – 65% 66 – 85% 85 - 100% Above 100% $2,836 – $3,686 $3,687 - $4,819 $4,820 - $5,670 $5,670+ $3,503 – $4,553 $4,554 - $5,953 $5,954 - $7,004 $7,004+ $4,170 – $5,420 $5,421 - $7,087 $7,088 - $8,338 $8,338+ $4,837 - $6,287 $6,288 - $8,221 $8,222- $9,672 $9,672+ $5,504 – $7,154 $7,155 - $9,355 $9,356 - $11,006 $11,006+ Free OR lesser of: 18% tuition or $558 25% of annual 50% of annual 75% of annual 100% of annual Income Eligibility Levels - for families with 7-11 individuals Column A % of SMI Free OR lesser of: 10% annual tuition or $310 Family of Eight Monthly Free $28.93 $520.74 $52.07 $723.25 $1,446.5 $2,169.75 $2,893 $72.33 $144.65 $216.98 $289.30 Formula for district tuition Column B: Family of Seven Annual Free $289.30 Family of Nine Family of Ten Family of Eleven To calculate fee scale: Column C EXAMPLE: If maximum tuition = $2,893 Annual tuition $______ Up to 25% 26 - 35% Monthly $0 - $2,814 $2,815 - $3,940 Monthly $0 - $2,877 $2,878 - $4,027 Monthly $0 - $2,939 $2,940 - $4,115 Monthly $0 - $3,002 $3,003 - $4,202 Monthly $0 - $3,064 $3,065 - $4,290 36 - 50% $3,941 - $5,628 $4,028 - $5,753 $4,116 - $5,878 $4,203 - $6,003 $4,291 - $6,129 51 - 65% 66 - 85% 86 - 100% Above 100% $5,629 - $7,317 $7,318 - $9,568 $9,569 - $11,257 $11,257 + $5,754 - $7,480 $7,481 - $9,781 $9,782 - $11,507 $11,507+ $5,879 - $7,642 $7,643 - $9,993 $9,994 - $11,757 $11,757 + $6,004 - $7,805 $7,806 - $10,206 $10,207 - $12,007 $12,007 + $6,130 - $7,967 $7,968 - $10,419 $10,420 - $12,257 $12,257 + Formula Must be free Free OR lesser of: 10% of tuition or $310 Free OR lesser of: 18% of tuition OR $558 25% of annual 50% of annual 75% of annual 100% of annual Annual Free $289.30 Monthly Free $28.93 $520.74 $52.07 $723.25 $1,446.5 $2,169.75 $2,893 $72.33 $144.65 $216.98 $289.30 2012-2013 State Income Eligibility Table and Tuition Formula for Full-Day Kindergarten Programs in Districts with Quality Full-Day Kindergarten Grants (Income Level Source: MA Department of Early Education and Care, effective 7/01/2011: http://www.mass.gov/edu/docs/eec/research-planning/state-planning/ie-sliding-fee-scale-amend.pdf ) District Worksheet District ___________________________ This is a blank income eligibility table and sliding fee scale that districts can fill-out to send to ESE for approval and then provide to families. Determining family eligibility for reduced tuition: First, calculate a family’s gross monthly income (to convert monthly income from weekly income, multiply by 4.33; to calculate monthly income from bi-weekly income, multiply by 2.17). Next, find the column with the family’s size written at the top. Read down the column until you come to the correct monthly income, then read across to Columns C and D (monthly tuition is annual divided by 10) to determine a family’s monthly and annual tuition. Payment schedules should be arranged accordingly. Income Eligibility Levels - for families with 2-6 individuals Formula for district tuition Column B State Median Income % Family of Two Family of Three Family of Four Family of Five Family of Six Up to 25% 26 – 35% Monthly $0 - $1,418 $1,419 – $1,985 Monthly $0 - $1,751 $1,752 - $2,451 Monthly $0 - $2,085 $2,086- $2,918 Monthly $0 - $2,418 $2,419 - $3,385 Monthly $0 - $2,752 $2,753 - $3,852 36- 50% $1,986 - $2,835 $2,452 - $3,502 $2,919 - $4,169 $3,386 - $4,836 $3,853 - $5,503 51 – 65% 66 – 85% 85 - 100% Above 100% $2,836 – $3,686 $3,687 - $4,819 $4,820 - $5,670 $5,670+ $3,503 – $4,553 $4,554 - $5,953 $5,954 - $7,004 $7,004+ $4,170 – $5,420 $5,421 - $7,087 $7,088 - $8,338 $8,338+ $4,837 - $6,287 $6,288 - $8,221 $8,222- $9,672 $9,672+ $5,504 – $7,154 $7,155 - $9,355 $9,356 - $11,006 $11,006+ Income Eligibility Levels - for families with 7-11 individuals To calculate fee scale: Annual tuition: $______ Formula Must be free Family of Seven Family of Eight Annual Monthly Free OR lesser of: 10% annual tuition or $310 Free OR lesser of: 18% tuition or $558 25% of annual 50% of annual 75% of annual 100% of annual Formula for district tuition Column B State Median Income % 2012-2013 Tuition Family of Nine Family of Ten Family of Eleven Up to 25% 26 - 35% Monthly $0 - $2,814 $2,815 - $3,940 Monthly $0 - $2,877 $2,878 - $4,027 Monthly $0 - $2,939 $2,940 - $4,115 Monthly $0 - $3,002 $3,003 - $4,202 Monthly $0 - $3,064 $3,065 - $4,290 36 - 50% $3,941 - $5,628 $4,028 - $5,753 $4,116 - $5,878 $4,203 - $6,003 $4,291 - $6,129 51 - 65% 66 - 85% 86 - 100% Above 100% $5,629 - $7,317 $7,318 - $9,568 $9,569 - $11,257 $11,257 + $5,754 - $7,480 $7,481 - $9,781 $9,782 - $11,507 $11,507+ $5,879 - $7,642 $7,643 - $9,993 $9,994 - $11,757 $11,757 + $6,004 - $7,805 $7,806 - $10,206 $10,207 - $12,007 $12,007 + $6,130 - $7,967 $7,968 - $10,419 $10,420 - $12,257 $12,257 + To calculate fee scale: Annual tuition: $______ Formula Must be free Free OR lesser of: 10% annual tuition or $310 Free OR lesser of: 18% tuition or $558 25% of annual 50% of annual 75% of annual 100% of annual 2012-2013 Tuition Annual Monthly