November 4th, 2013 Climate Change Cluster Seoul Global Center 7th floor Chairperson: Co-chair: Mr. H Ms. AT Facilitator: KP 1. Opening address and welcome remarks by lead city A. H i. Introduction, congratulatory remarks, and thanks to the election participation ii. Climate change issues since 1999?, has become to be greatly important iii. Climate cluster taken remarkable activities in 2011 and daka organized international conference as part of the climate change cluster activities iv. Other’s contribution is very vibrant and widespread v. City-to-city, sanitation, climate medication and adaptation etc.. hope to contribute to help for such sessions vi. B. AT i. C. Kp, clean air asia i. Introduction remarks, first presentation, chairman of People’s comm.— construction planning (Mr. L B delivering presentation on behalf) 2. presentation: construction planning and development of team ky city towards green growth A. Overview of Tam Ky City overview B. Vision toward green growth-challenges to face in order to build green growth cities i. 1. Climate change: impact on the city with the hot temperature and heavy rain potentially floods and another challenges is the infrastructure ii. Community awareness for the environment 1. iii. C. Could take a long time Tight budget 7 solutions i. 1. Development orientation of urban space-emphasizing green villages and eco-bility combining houses and green area also in attempt to prevent floods and climate change ii. 2. Construction of infrastructure systems to ensure green growth iii. 3. Development of sustainable = iv. 5. Measure to strength environment protection v. 6 . Rising community awareness vi. 7. Financial resources-from 2013-2020 $1000 million and from the national budget and supporting funds and et 13.52 D. Question session: do you expect to see the current plan reaching out the – i. KP: Not sure but positive ii. New swage system next year, already have plans to conduct programmes, iii. Prof Lemann: Building a new city is a big task and complex already have cities and building and call it green cities, how people would move in to and what kind of density are you envisioning? iv. A: trying to maintain the new area and found a new area near the existing location and v. What is the density and how many population? vi. Currently have no number vii. Current and exact number is important and it will be not a green city if people are moving around by cars, work with consultants and the meaning of the density and environment indicator –too low density problem is critical for the green viii. Pof of uni of Seoul: what is the motivation on developing cities? ix. Natural condition is already good and the current area is too crouded and x. Asia tobing: What is the green city and the importance is make people to less use cars---R? 1. Q. we are deviing current cities into two areas and currently one area has enough nature and the new area is --? 21 Presentation: 3. 4. Green house cass emission-Balikpapan A glimpse of Balikpapan A. Located right in the enter of Indonesia B. –five big islands in Indonesia and Kalimantan is the center of Indonesia C. Total area and the half of the area is land the 10 percent is the flat land Spatial organization planning A. Half of the area is the protected and the other hald is for the cultivated area 5. Our commitment to environment 6. Developing B ecological city A. 7. (most repeat of the presentation slide) Prohibition to open mining A. 50 percentation of the area is the potential for the mining and the local governmenor protected such mining area 8. Relocating the container port A. 9. Due to the traffic jam and congested population, moved location Methane and biogas A. To change the mine set of the people, potentially for people, the policy of reduction of the green house gas emission is started B. Citiy transportation changes-bus and monoplane for Hili area C. And the development of the green building D. To decrease the number of the waste –missing –how local gov of B reduced the green house gas emission 34 10. interesd ting presentation since I work for the clean air Asia and especially the recent 11. GIZ: name -learn more how cities those cities develop missions and the several measures to green house gas emission-how? (process how the city can manage) -monitoring station in B-if move from one places to another, signficiation decrease of the dust level in one year 2011 –only containor part of the central city of the industry 12. Asia T: question-we need some kind of measure of how much CO2 will be reduced in the future; you do a lot with the transportation -the same question and answer above 13. UNESCAP question: clarification about the bio gas mitigation—land recovery system. Was wondering if you started proessing –missing land recovery system -processing of waste into electricity, we use for market and this is only the on-site process and different landville, 1-2 years ago, to support people to make pipes, they are 40 households and now there is 70 or 100 households around the land fields 41 10. Overview of previous congress cluster meeting and identification A. H i. 11. Presentation: climate change planning A. NL i. B. RE i. JG: third presentation—planning for a compact city 12. In 60s and 70s, not much highly developed like today 13. Three big ideas and three big secrets to get to this modernization and population growth 14. 1. Slide A. Singapore is small and the population is compact and we are urban but we are also green B. In the study, EIU, S is the most Asia’s greenest city C. Why is it S known as the city garden? Why is that? 15. 2. A. Being compact does not mean it is hard to live—study about the livable city mostly Vancouver and other cities with the large lands—but Singapore is known for livable cities B. Three: As we grow bigger with our population and development, the quality Compact green livable C. Secret: 1. We plan long term i. Economic structure and first started in 60s, only had three tree governors –not trained and little number of specialists ii. Asked help to UN in terms how to plan the urban development—many officers learned from the officers abroad D. Secret: 2 i. Integrated approach –water body is consisted of reservoir ii. 2/3 whole land is the water catchment and run down the drain and collecting it iii. Before the development, the city was direct with poor state—first step is to clean out the city for ten years 1. By the time water waste and establish the clean river—also in order to have the converting dirty water to the clean water also took more 10 years 2. Many people in various sectors has worked together for more than a long time E. Secret 3 i. Focus on public transport 1. ii. IN 70s, used the coupon systems with many polices monitoring We have high rise and also low rise and open spaces in the city area-=does not really overwhelm people with its compactness 55 16. Uni of Seoul: construction of reservoir right in front of the urban city-Large amount of rainfall—how do you manage that? A. If do handle it properly, to balance B. 1. We have comprehensive water system-engineer well design such system which has the both balancing function to manage collecting and managing flood area C. When one reservoir is full we designed the other reservoir to fill it in to balance D. We pump water up and we have constructed the pip line in which can pump the water out in times of the huge water fall and when there was a risk of flooding, 17. Prof Leman: high tech technology solving and smart city concept is which is also not always sutable for th ecieis with the slumps, how you integrated into the green city-one concern is the waste and sustainable management-although the fast growth of middle class- islands you have waste dumping called “the garden of Eden” A. Did not have much solutions to deal with it so closed it in 80s B. Interesting: islands used to be a dumping site and now it is well protected-since it the islands C. Q. behavior change – i. A. how to start to swift early enough it was questionable since it is hard to demonstrate and watching the other cities in Europe and learn from them – D. Rae Kwon, UNESCAP i. Political leadership—without the controlling it would have been h ii. low tech control but the political leadership is something where sig can show to other nations because inmany other countries, the political leadership is chaning relatively shortly in four years and whereas in S, you have long term and stable leadership, nothing was possible, should add that iii. A/ in 60s, dirty and smelly also had the political corruption, if people witnessing the development and progress, people can see the benefit and have tendency to comply—political will iv. From the benginig, there was only one building design and since S was young so people was willing to sacrifice some certain amount of inconviencty at the start v. Trust government—overall the quality of living is improving 1.08 Way forward: future action to increase urban resilience AT-Climate change presentation (Repeat over the presentation slides) 1.20 -instead of voting right now, email Secretariat if wanting to be CC leader since there are not many full members here Coffee Break 18. Way forward: cluster session terms of reference and further leadership A. H/ AT B. New C. Ballots 19. Way forward discussion: future action to improve city-to-city climate change cooperation A. All three B. 20. Announcement of new cluster leader and co-leader for 2014-2017 UNESCAP 21. Turning waste into a resource A. 22. Innovative and low-cost solutions to solid waste and fiscal sludge treatment A. 23. Promoting pro-poor and sustainable solid waste management in Asia Pacific A. 24. Local initiatives in achieving sustainable and low carbon cities in Asia A.