Write Creation

Write Your Own Creation Story
Okay, now that we’ve looked at the importance & function of creation stories, a bit about how
they work in terms of the gods’ roles, and the Babylonian creation story of Marduk, it’s time for
a bit of imitative, creative, synthesis writing.
The premise: You and a partner (you chose) will write an original version of a made-up
civilization, complete with its own pantheon of gods (or one god if you choose), but there are
certain elements that have to be incorporated.
Pretend that there is an archaeological discovery somewhere (it can even be otherworldly) that
brings to light a new theory on how the universe and people were created. You are inventing a
society and elements of that society (such as culture, what they value, their belief system, etc.)
through a narrative similar to” Marduk Creates the World.”
Your story must include:
A prologue of sorts that tells the where, when, and the basic what of your lost
civilization. For example, when and where did this civilization exist? I need
geographical data, like where on Earth they lived. When? Is this the distant past? Some
future lost planet? Establish settings, but also…
The how and what? How was this discovery made? Who was your Layard or Rawlinson
or Smith? What was found and what was the medium of communication? Gilgamesh
was discovered to have been written on clay tablets in the cuneiform alphabet. It was
“written” by pressing a reed into the wet stone to form wedge-shaped pictographs. The
Egyptians used hieroglyphics. What does your civilization use?
The story itself should have
A pantheon (deities/gods/supernatural beings) who have distinct personalities, names,
and roles
A method of creation for the Earth/Land, and the people. What were the raw materials?
Some sort of conflict/clash of the titans/battle for dominance and/or a coming together
and how it is resolved
The emergence of a hero
A good, multi-paragraph narrative that ties this all together
Some basics requirements
Use the Marduk story as a guide for how long it should be
Try to imitate the formal, narrative style these sorts of stories have
Type it in the MLA format w/both partners’ names in the heading
PROOFREAD and be appropriate in your subject matter
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