A. Identification Data Roll No. 01 Name of the School Tiny Tots Hr. Sec. School Class 8th Av. Age of the pupil 13-14 years Subject Social Studies Aspect Geography Topic Internal Structure of the Earth Time 30-35 Minutes Dated B. Input B1. Teaching Points 1. Earth : Earth is the planet in our solar system. It is the only planet on which life exists and we live on it. 2. Earth has three layers named crust, mantle and core. 3. Crust : The top layer of the earth is called the crust. It comprises of continents and ocean basins. It is the thinnest layer of the earth. The thickness of the earth’s crust on a continent will be between 35 and 75 kms and in the deepest basins of the ocean it is 5 to 10 kms thick. 4. Mantle : The middle layer of earth is called the Mantle. At 2900 kms deep, it is the thickest layer of the earth. The mangle has two layers, the upper and the lower mantle. Because of its thickness, the mangle is where most of the earth’s heat is located. The average temperature of the earth’s mantle is about 1000 degree Celsius. At this temperature, the mantle remains a solid, but a flexible like plastic. 5. Core : The core is the innermost layer of the earth. It is made up of two parts the inner core and the upper core. At the very center of the earth is the inner core. It is solid and is made up almost entirely of iron. It is about 1200 kms thick. B2. Objective of the Lesson : To acquaint the learner with different layers of earth. B3. Expected Behavioural Objectives 1.1 The learner is able to recall the definition of earth. 1.2 The learner is able to recall different layers of earth. 1.3 The learner is able to recognize different layers of earth. 2.1 The learner is able to see the relationship between layers of earth. 2.2 The learner is able to differentiate between the characteristics of layers of earth. 4.1 B4. The learner is able to analyze interior of the earth. Teaching Aids : General Aid : Usual classroom apparatus. Specific Aid : Model showing different layers of earth. C. PROCESS C1. Motivation : In order to motivate the students pupil teacher will ask them the following questions :1. How many planets are there in the solar system ? Ans. There are eight planets in our solar system. 2. Name the planets ? Ans. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Naptune, Pluto. 3. On which planet do we live ? Ans. We live on the earth. 4. What are the different layers of earth ? Ans. May or may not answer the question. C2. Announcement of the Topic : On getting no response, P.T. will announce the topic by saying that, “Well students, earth has three layers and today we shall study about the layers of earth”. C3. Presentation : Pupil Teacher Activity Use of Chalkboard and A.V. Aids Students Activity Pupil teacher will take an apple and show. Q. What is the colour of Red outer layer of the apple ? Q. How does this apple It’s hard. feel ? Pupil teacher will explain Listen carefully and Crust is the outer layer of that so students, as the noting down. the earth which is hard. red colour surface is the outer layer of apple in the same way crust is the outer layer of the earth which is hard. Pupil teacher will cut the Red colour surface is apple and ask the student thinnest. which is the thinnest layer in this apple. Crust is the thinnest layer Pupil teacher will explain Noting down. of the earth with the crust is the thinnest layer thickness of 35 km. of the earth with the thickness of 35 km. Q. If we see the earth from an aeroplane Land and water. what do we see ? So, the crust comprises The crust comprises of of land i.e. continent and Noting down. land continent and water water i.e. ocean basins i.e. ocean basins and the and the thickness of crust thickness in continent is 35 km and continent is 35 and 75 75 kms and the thickness km and thickness of crust of crust in ocean basins in ocean basin is 5 to 10 is 5 to 10 kms. kms. of crust in Pupil teacher will show a aluminum foil and ask. Q. What is this ? So, students, aluminum Aluminum Foil. is a metal which is found in crust. Aluminum Noting down. is a metal which is found in crust. Showing an apple pupil teacher will ask :- Q. What comes after the red cover of the apple ? The white layer. Q. What part of the apple is thickest ? White. So students, after the crust the second layer is The second layer of the called mantle which is Noting down. earth the thickest layer of the which earth layer of the earth having having the thickness of 2900 kms. pupil teacher will ask :- is the the thickness kms. Showing a thermometer is called mantle thickest of 2900 Q. What is this ? Q. What is the use of Thermometer Thermometer ? It Q. How do when you you is used to record feel temperature. have fever? (When you thouch your head what do you feel ?) Body is hot. So students, the average temperature of earth The average temperature mantle is 1000 degree Noting down. of earth mantle is 1000 Celsius and that is why degree Celsius and that is this layer of earth is why this layer of earth is very-very hot. very-very hot. Showing an iron nail pupil teacher will ask :Q. Can you bend this nail? No Showing a plastic piece:Q. Can you bend this plastic ? Yes So, the plastic has the characteristic of being flexible and the same Listen carefully. property is shown by mantle. Mantle remain solid at the high temperature but is flexible like plastic. Mantle remain solid at Noting down. high temperature but is flexible like plastic. Again, showing an apple pupil teacher will ask :Q. Which is the inner layer or surface of the apple ? The surface with the seed. So, students, the third and the innermost layer The third and innermost of the earth is called core Listen carefully and layer of earth is called and it is divided into two noting down. core and it is divided into parts :- two parts inner core and Inner core and outer outer core. core. Showing a glass of water pupil teacher will ask :Q. What is the form of water in the glass ? Liquid. So, the outer core of earth is liquid. The outer core of earth is Q. In which state ice is Noting down. liquid. found ? Solid So, the inner core of earth is solid. The inner core of earth is Q. Which substance is Noting down. solid. called the natural magnet ? So, students, Earth. pupil teacher will explain that the magnetic properties of the earth is because of core. CLOSURE : Pupil Teacher will close the lesson with the help of model. By telling, so students, earth has three layers named crust, mantle and core, crust is the outer layer of earth having continents and ocean basins. Mantle is the middle layer with ferromagnesium salts and most of the heat. The innermost layer is called core which is divided into liquid outer core and solid inner core. Magnetic field of earth is because of core. D. OUTPUT D1. Real learning outcomes : In order to know to what extent the pupils have understood the topic, pupil teacher will ask the following questions :Q1. Read the questions below and circle the letter of the correct answer :i) ii) Which of the following is NOT one of the Earth’s layers ? a) Inner Core b) Crust c) Outer mantle d) Lower mantle Starting with the outermost layer, what is the order of earth’s layers ? a) Core, mangle, crust b) Crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, outer core, inner core. c) Mantle, inner crust, core. d) Crust, inner core, mantle. iii) The core of the earth is made up almost completely of which element ? iv) v) Q2. a) Iron b) Granite c) Sulfur d) Calcium Which layer of the earth is the thickest ? a) Mantle b) Core c) Crust d) All layers are the same thickness. Which of the earth’s layers is liquid ? a) Lower crust b) Outer core c) Inner core d) Mantle Label the layers of the earth :- Q3. Read each statement below. If it is true, write “T” in the blank; if it is false, write an “F”. a) The center of the Earth is made of molten rock. b) Most of the Earth’s heat is stored in the mantle. c) The outer core is liquid. d) The thinnest parts of the Earth’s crust are its continents. e) The crust of the earth is much cooler than its other layers. f) The crust is broken down into two parts : the upper and lower crust.