Corporate Environmental Management

Olof Hjelm
Corporate Environmental Management
Preliminary Course plan
Yet to be decided by IEI director of PhD-education.
Purpose and goals
The course aims to give a broad and deep understanding of contemporary research on
corporate environmental management. After the course the PhD-student shall:
Apprehend the contemporary issues in corporate environmental management
and their relation to general corporate management.
Appreciate the contributions of the different relevant fields of literature in
corporate environmental management and their theoretical foundation.
Describe, compare and utilize theories, tools, models, and approaches relevant
for corporate environmental management.
Describe how corporate environmental management tools, models, and
approaches are applied in organizations.
Demonstrate analytical capability in relation to the study of corporate
environmental management.
Have shown ability to explore a specific topic related to corporate
environmental management by using existing theories, integrating theories
and building synthesis.
The course is divided into two blocks. The first general block comprises several themes
which represent different literature fields.
Theme 1 gives an introduction to standardization and management systems.
Theme 2 deals with corporate management both in general and with a focus on
corporate environmental management. The focus is on companies’ intra
organizational management in a market economy perspective.
In theme 3 a broader perspective is applied and alternatives to dominating approaches
and prosperity models are introduced.
Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling
581 83 Linköping
Theme 4 deals with organizational theories and tools with relevance for corporate
environmental management.
Finally in the first block, a subject relevant for one or several of the above mentioned
themes is selected for a written assignment.
In the second block the PhD-student can choose another relevant topic for further in
depth analysis. This is done as an individual written assignment.
No prerequisites except for having started PhD studies and having a general interest in
the field. Basic knowledge about corporate environmental management is desirable.
Target group
PhD-students with an interest in corporate environmental management
Organization of the course
For block 1:
Theme 1 is organized as individual literature studies and writing a short essay.
Theme 2-4 includes individual literature studies, lectures, seminars and exercises.
For the assignment in block 1, the PhD-students work in pairs. They choose a relevant
topic, perform literature searches and write a scientific report. This report is presented
and discussed at a seminar.
For block 2:
Each PhD-student chooses a course related topic; perform literature studies and
empirical studies if relevant. This is documented in a scientific report.
To be announced.
Theme 1 is examined as a written assignment (1 hp).
Themes 2-4 are examined based on active participation during seminars and exercises
(3 hp).
The individual assignment is examined as a written report and an oral presentation on
a specific topic related to corporate environmental management (2 hp).
A second in-depth assignment constituting of 4 hp can be written on a voluntary basis.
This assignment is examined as a written report.
Examiner is Olof Hjelm, Environmental Technology and Management
Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling
581 83 Linköping
Block 1: 6 hp
Block 2: 4 hp
Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling
581 83 Linköping