APWH/Burlage Something You Need to Keep All Year in Your

Something You Need to Keep All Year in Your Notebook
Notebook Directions/Requirements
Divide by time periods.
a. 8000 BCE to 600 CE
b. 600 CE to 1450 CE
c. 1450 to 1750 CE
d. 1750 to 1914 CE
e. 1914—present
Point of reference: BCE is “Before Common Era”—Before Christ, year ZERO. CE is “Common Era”—A.D.,
Year of Our Lord. Dates before CE/AD go from big to small (8000 BCE, 600 BCE, 33 BCE, etc.) “Common
Era” gets bigger as time goes on—1250, 1492, 1776, etc. Usually, as the CE era goes on, the “CE” isn’t
put on the date, but the BCE/BC always is.
Does that make sense?
Keep everything. This includes all returned papers. If you have a zero, prove me wrong. You
have to have the returned paper, though.
3. Purchase several freezer-size Ziploc bags. We will punch holes in these so that you can put
these in your notebook(s). For each chapter, make vocabulary flashcards. You will need these
for reviewing as the BIG DATE approaches.
4. I’ll check your notebook the last day of the six weeks when you are taking your six weeks exam.
It should be an easy 100 for a test grade.
More Stuff to Keep In Your Notebook
You will be assigned PERSIAN charts for homework quite often. This is how you do this.
1. Get your blank sheet of paper. You can write this or type it.
2. Number from one to seven.
3. Answer the following for the assigned topic using the acronym PERSIAN.
4. This is what PERSIAN represents:
a. P—Political
b. E—Economic
c. R—Religion
d. S-Societal
e. I—Intellectual
f. A—Arts
g. N—Geography (the N stands for “near”—don’t try to figure that one out)
5. Here’s an example for the United States:
a. Political—representative democracy
b. Economic—extremely capitalistic
c. Religion—freedom of religion. Can worship McDonald’s if you want to or goats or Bevo
d. Societal—mobile society; “melting pot” of races, ethnic groups
e. Intellectual—(be nice) country of many innovations, universities, public schools, etc.
f. Arts—whatever—music, artwork, architecture, writings, sports, whatever!!
g. N/Geography—middle part of North America, has mountains, prairies, to the oceans
white with foam, purple mountains majesty—you get the idea
Yet Something Else to Keep in Your Notebook
Timeline Directions
Look at the five AP World History themes .
Find 10 major events for your designated topic.
Explain in a sentence how each event demonstrates one of the themes.
At the bottom, write a thesis statement about these events. Try to indicate continuity (what
stayed the same during the time period) and what changed.
The Five AP World History Themes
Impact of interaction among and within major societies.
Impact of technology, economics, and demography on people and the environment.
Systems of social structure and gender structure.
Cultural, religious, and intellectual developments.
Changes in functions and structure of states and in attitudes toward states and political
identities, including the emergence of the nation state.