Church Council Minutes – November 20th, 2011
The CAUMC Church Council meeting was convened by chairperson, Chuck Havlicek. Persons in
attendance included Jim Koelliker, Marilyn Bunyan, Forrest Buhler, Eric Williams, Jenny Hutchinson,
Andy Hutchinson, Diana Williams, Larry Fry, Dan Seemann, Dale Houdeshell, Tom Bennett, Brandy
Webb, Courtney Fowler, Susie Shaw, Bill Lewis and Chuck Havlicek. There were no additions to the
Calendar Items:
December 2 Service of Decoration prep 5:30
December 4 Service of Decoration
December 11 Church Christmas Pageant 4:00
Larry does Wamego UMC Charge Conference
December 16-17 Scout Lock-in
December 18 Charge Conference 4 p.m.
January 7 Change in Sanctuary to Epiphany
January 8 Confirmation day
Chair orientation 2-4
January 14 Chair orientation 8:30-10:30 a.m.
January 15 Human Relations Day Offering
February 5 Scout Sunday
February 12 UMW Sunday
*April 14 Love and Logic Parenting workshop
April 24-May 4 General Conference (Courtney Fowler and Gary Beach attending)
* dates added at Church Council
Minutes Susie Shaw moved and Diana Williams seconded to accept minutes as written. The motion
Pastor’s Report and Biblical Image by Larry Fry. Larry used the 14th Chapter of Numbers to talk about
our growing church. David Proctor and Chuck Havlicek have agreed to be the Chair and Vice Chair of the
Building Committee. There were 160 people at lunch today and we are reaching 200 in worship on a
regular basis. We need to not let fear slow us down. We also need to not underestimate our abilities
and strength and the power of God to help us through.
The Vital Congregation project is well underway and chairs are to submit goals for 2012 which will be
sent in to the project. Starting in January we will submit weekly numbers such as attendance and 13
other stats.
Program Director’s Report by Brandy Webb. Directory was submitted and is expected to be done in
January. There is a Safe and Sacred Spaces training on Tuesday the 29th at 7 p.m. Brandy presented us
with a proposed change for our website. We would use Intuit and save over $300 per year. Courtney
Fowler moved that we accept Brandy’s proposal and Susie Shaw seconded. There was a discussion
about having only one person who changes and updates the website as opposed to many people. The
motion passed.
Staff Parish Relations by Courtney Fowler. We have encountered some difficulties in starting the new
ELC Director. She needs to have 6 months of infant care to be a teacher in an Infant Classroom. Until
her credentials come in and everything gets cleared we may have to hire her as a teacher and then let
her move into the director position. It is time for staff Christmas gifts so give generously.
Financial Report by Marilyn Bunyan. Marilyn reported that we are right on target. We will be debt free
in two weeks. Dale Houdeshell moved and Andy Hutchinson seconded that the budget be accepted as
printed. The motion passes.
Stewardship and Finance by Dale Houdeshell. This year’s budget is about $350,000 in revenue and
$350,000 in expenses. The budget for next year projected as $354,926 in revenue and $351,504 in
expenses it was moved by Susie Shaw and seconded by Dale Houdeshell to accept the 2012 budget as
presented. Courtney proposed an amendment to add $2000 for the proposed Sunday Office Manager
position. After some discussion Courtney amended her amendment to add $3000 instead of $2000.
Susie Shaw moved to accept the amendment made by Courtney and Dale seconded. The motion to add
$3000 for a Sunday Office Manager passed. *Tom Bennett expressed concerns about the vagueness of
the ELC/CAUMC facilities budget. This was discussed and tabled until the next meeting. The budget was
excepted as amended.
Christian Family and Friendship by Diana Williams. CFF will be providing a reception after the Christmas
Program. They also had five students show up for the lunch after church last week and will continue this
Outreach by Forrest Buhler. The Rummage sale raised $3700 for Ogden.
Worship by Susie Shaw. The Service of Decoration prep will be Dec. 2nd and dinner will be served by the
movie night parents. Christmas Day service will be carols.
Christian Ed. and Discipleship by Jenny Hutchinson. Christmas Program is in the works and April 14th is
the tentative date for Love and Logic workshop.
Chuck Havelicek adjourned
Next meeting is January 15th, 2012.
Submitted by Jenny Hutchinson, Acting Secretary