Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - Middlesex Surgical Associates

Knowing Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
 Understanding AAA
 Endovascular and Surgical Artery Repair
 Keeping Your Arteries Healthy
What is an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm?
Arteries are muscular tubes that carry oxygen and nutrient rich blood
away from the heart and toward the rest of the body. The largest artery in
the body is located in the chest and carries blood directly from the heart. It
is called the aorta. The part of the aorta that passed through abdomen in
called the abdominal aorta. The abdominal aorta branches into two
smaller arteries called the lilac arteries which supply blood to the organs
in the abdomen, including the kidneys and legs.
When the abdominal aorta weakens and expands, it becomes an
abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).The pressure from blood flow can
cause a weakened area of the abdominal aorta to expand and form a
balloon-like bulge. An AAA poses a health risk because it can burst or
rupture. This is can cause severe internal bleeding, which can be fatal.
Luckily, AAA can be treated and even cured, especially when diagnosed early.
An AAA is often causes no symptoms. It is usually found during a routine exam or if tests are done to an
unrelated problem. If you do experience symptoms, these may include:
 Pulsing feeling in the abdomen (similar to a heartbeat)
 Severe, sudden pain in your abdomen or lower back. If you experience this, contact your doctor right
away. It may be a sign your aneurysm is about to rupture.
 You may experience pain, discoloration, or sores on the toes or feet due to material shed from the
Risk Factors
Although anyone can have AAA, certain factors increase the risk of an AAA forming or rupturing. These risk
factors include:
Having a close family member with an AAA
Blood vessel disease in another part of body
High blood Pressure
Being over 55 years old if you are a man, or
being over 65 years old if you are a woman
How does an AAA develop?
An AAA usually begins to form when the lining of the aorta is damaged, or the aorta
may become weakened due to hereditary risk factors. A weakened artery will expand
like balloon, creating a bulge called an aneurysm. This causes the expanded walls to
become thinner and weaker, such that it is susceptible to rupture (leaks, bursts, or tear
open). Plaque, a substance composed of cholesterol, may accumulate along the
weakened artery wall. Blood may also thicken forming clots inside the artery. This may
not cause symptoms because blood can still flow through the clot. High blood
pressure may also further strain the artery walls.
A ruptured AAA can be fatal if not treated immediately.
What tests will I need?
In order to determine the size of your aneurysm, your doctor will perform an evaluation. Your evaluation will include a
patient history and exam. Your doctor will ask questions about your health history and your family medical history. During
your physical exam, your doctor will examine your abdomen.
In addition, you may have imaging tests done to create pictures of the arteries and help determine the size and shape of
the aneurysm. They include:
 Ultrasound: This test uses sound waves to create an image of the arteries and veins. During the test, your
healthcare provider will move a sensor across your abdomen.
 CT (computed tomography): A series of x-rays are taken using a special x-ray machine. These x-rays are used
by a computer to create an accurate 3D image of the aneurysm. You may be injected with contrast fluids via an IV
line which will help show the arteries clearly.
 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): This test uses a strong magnet to create images that analyze energy
released by tissues in the body.
These tests may be performed before the artery repair:
 Arterial Doppler study: This test measures blood flow in the leg by using a special probe and blood pressure
cuff placed on the leg.
 Arteriography: This test makes an x-ray image by showing the blood flow through the aorta and other arteries
and to prepare for future surgery.
To determine your best treatment plan, our doctors will take into consideration how quickly your aneurysm is growing, its
size, your overall health and other factors. He or she will discuss treatment options, and together you can decide what
works best for you.
Watchful Waiting
A small aneurysm will most likely not rupture therefore, if your AAA is small, your doctor may recommend watchful
waiting. This will include:
 Regular monitoring: You will need to be monitored every 3-12 months. Your doctor may schedule CT
scans or ultrasounds to watch the aneurysm. If the rupture risk changes due to enlargement or quick
growth, repair may be necessary. It is very important to keep follow up appointments with you doctor so
he or she can detect these changes.
 Reduce rupture risk: It is important to control your blood pressure to help prevent your aneurysm from
growing and rupturing. It will also improve the overall health of your arteries. Also if you smoke, you
should get help to stop smoking.
 Be aware of rupture symptoms: If you experience severe back pain and tenderness in your abdomen,
CALL 911 right away! You may also feel lightheaded or dizzy. A ruptured AAA is a life threatening
If your aneurysm is large or growing quickly, there is an increased risk that your AAA will rupture. Therefore, your doctor
may advise you to have surgical repair. There are two ways to repair the artery: endovascular repair and open surgery.
Both repairs use an artificial graft inside the artery that enables blood to flow safely through your aorta. Your doctor will
take into consideration certain factors to determine what repair is best for you.
Endovascular Repair Procedure
During this procedure, your surgeon places a graft
composed of wire mesh and fabric inside the
abdominal aorta thus taking pressure off the weak
artery wall. During the procedure, two small
incisions are made in the groin and a catheter is
guided through an artery at the incision sites. One
of the catheters carries the collapsed graft to the
damaged artery. Your surgeon guides the graft
toward the damaged area of aorta using x-rays.
The catheters place the graft into position and then your surgeon expands the graft. Metal springs and hooks
above and below the aneurysm keep the graft in place. Your surgeon will then remove the catheters. Because the
surgery is minimally invasive, you can expect a short recovery and a quick return to your normal routine.
Open Surgery Repair
During this procedure, your surgeon replaces the weakened wall of the abdominal aorta
with a graft composed to strong, flexible fabric. This allows blood to safely flow through
your abdominal aorta and lower body. This repair uses a single large incision made in the
abdomen or flank. Your surgeon will carefully move your organs aside in order to reach the
aorta. The aorta is then clamped to prevent blood flow. The aneurysm is opened and
cleared of blood clots. Your surgeon will sew the graft into the artery above and below the
aneurysm. The aorta is then sewn together around the graft. In order to create a snug fit,
some of the aorta wall may be removed. Your surgeon will then close the incision site.
How to Reduce Rupture Risk and Keep Your Arteries Healthy
If you smoke, quit! Smoking causes high blood pressure and increases chances of blood clots forming.
Eat a healthy diet. Including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low fat dairy products in your diet will help
lower blood pressure. Try to limit your sodium intake too.
Exercise daily. Exercising everyday can decrease risk of artery problems.
Maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight, even losing 5-10 pounds can improve your health.
Take medication as prescribed. If your doctor has prescribed medication to help control your blood pressure,
remember to take the correct dosage.