Module 5: National Covenant Explained, Pt 1 (Exodus 20

Module 5: National Covenant Explained, Pt 1 (Exodus 20-40)
1. The relational context (Exodus 20-40)
In the Text
Rescue and proposal (Exod 20:1-19; 24:4-8)
Holiness: Making intimacy possible (19:12-13; 21-23)
Fellowship with God (Exod 24:9-18; 33:19-23; 34:27-30; Jer 2:2)
God’s presence (Exod 33:12-16)
The pillar, cloud and angel of the Lord (Exod 40:34-38)
A tent for God: mishkan (Exod 25-40; see 29:45; 40:34-38)
The shared “glory” (Exod 34:29-35; cf John 1:14)
God’s jealousy (Exod 34:14-16; cf Deut 4:24; Heb 12:29)
Covenant pattern (Exod 32-34)
Behind the Text
Sinai: Place of revelation (midbar) and relationship
In Front of the Text:
Kinds of revelation
2. Covenant formalized (Exodus 20-40)
In the Text
Covenant formally accepted (Exod 24:3-8)
Covenant broken and renewed (Exod 32; 34:6-10)
Moses as mediator/intercessor (Exod 32)
The Sabbath “sign” (Exod 31:16-17)
The firstborn (Exod 22:29; 34:19-20)
Behind the Text
Contracts, covenants and treaties
Suzerainty Treaty Elements
Sacred bulls and calves
Historical Prologue
In Front of the Text
Keeping covenants
Document Clause
Blessings & Curses
Witnesses & Succession
3. Laws for life with God (Exodus 20-40)
In the Text
Laws as “rules of engagement”
The “Ten words” (Exod 20: 1-17; 34:28; Matt 22:36-40; cf Exod 23:4,5)
No other gods
No graven image
No swearing
Remember Sabbath
Honor parents
No murder
No adultery
No stealing
No lying
No coveting
Relational rules
Apodictic laws (“You must [not]”)
Casuistic laws (“If … then…”)
Behind the Text
Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) Law “codes”
Relational context
Similar laws but…
In Front of the Text
Celebrating the Torah
4. The tabernacle and its symbolism (Exodus 25-40)
In the Text
mishkan (Exod 38:21)
miqdash (Exod 25:8)
tavnit (Exod 25:9, 40)
Holy of Holies
Ark of the Covenant
Mercy seat
Holy Place:
Table with showbread (holy bread)
Lampstand and oil (perpetual light)
Altar of incense (pleasing aroma)
Altar of burnt offering
Outer covering
Behind the Text
Tent living
The sacred tent and royal platform
In Front of the Text
Christ “tabernacling” among us (John 1:14)
Jesus as the Bread of Life
Jesus as the Light of the World
5. The priesthood and its symbolism (Exod 28-29, 39)
In the Text
Dress (Exod 28, 39)
Breast piece
Consecration (Exod 29)
Allotments (Exod 29)
Behind the Text
Roles of priests
Regulations for priests
In Front of the Text
Jesus as greater than Moses (Heb 3)
Jesus as great High Priest (Heb 4-8)
Tabernacle and the ultimate blood/sacrifice of Jesus (Heb 9-10)
A royal priesthood (Exod 19:6; 1 Pet 2:9)
6. The tabernacle as new creation
In the Text
Echoes of creation
Seven times: “The Lord said to Moses…” (25:1; 30:11; 30:17; 30:22; 30:34; 31:1; 31:12 - Sabbath)
The Holy Spirit in Bezalel (31:2-3; 35:30-35 et al), Oholiab (31:6: 36:1-2) and others
Pattern of speaking-building in chapters 25-31 then 35-40
In the end, Moses “saw” that they had done all that God commanded (39:43)
In the end, Moses “blessed” the people (39:43) – a nation of “royal priests”
Dedication of the tabernacle on Israel’s New Year’s Day (40:2, 17)
At the end of speaking, God “finished” and then the tabernacle was “finished” (40:33)
Other possibilities: 3 zones and inhabitants, East entrance with cherubim…
Echoes of sin in Exodus 32
Blame (32:22) and “nakedness” in 32:25 (cf 28:42)
Offerings and worship
Echoes of restoration and renewal in Exodus 33-34
In Front of the Text
A theology of aesthetics
A theology of craftsmanship