Identify the form of the verb be that best completes each sentence

Identify the form of the verb be that best completes each sentence.
1. A hammer is a helpful tool when you (is, are) making a bird’s nest.
2. I hope my soccer team (is, are) not in jeopardy of making the playoffs.
3. I tried to make bake a cake, but it (was, were) too difficult.
13. steer, for, create, glide
Identify whether the verb is
present, past or future.
a. steer
6. Jennifer saw the movie in class.
a. Present
b. Past
b. for
c. Future
7. Sam will walk to the park.
a. Present
b. Past
c. Future
8. The dogs bark at passing cars.
a. Present
b. Past
c. Future
c. create
d. glide
14. leave, hold, smile, may
a. leave
9. The house will sell after the holiday.
a. Present
b. Past
c. Future
10. After dinner, Mary does her homework.
a. Present
b. Past
c. Future
b. hold
c. smile
d. may
15. over, went, whistle, call
Identify the word (or verb) that is
NOT an action verb.
a. over
11. yell, and, tell, lie
b. went
a. yell
c. whistle
b. and
d. call
c. tell
Identify the word (or verb) that is
NOT a helping verb.
d. lie
21.can, may, make, must
12. sit, rest, on, make
a. can
a. sit
b. may
b. rest
c. make
c. on
d. must
d. make
22. is, am, are, went
a. is
How many verbs are in the following sentences?
Be sure to include ALL!
31. My brother always thinks about football.
a. 1
b. am
b. 2
c. are
c. 3
d. went
d. 4
32. Hunt was begging for forgiveness.
23.were, as, being, be
a. 1
a. were
b. 2
b. as
c. being
d. be
c. 3
d. 4
33. Each player should be watching his own mark on
the field.
24. been, said, am, should
a. 1
a. been
b. 2
b. said
c. 3
d. 4
c. am
34. She smiled and waved at the audience.
d. should
a. 1
25. do, did, shall, always
b. 2
a. do
c. 3
b. did
d. 4
35. No two people think in exactly the same way.
c. shall
a. 1
d. always
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
36. They did not know the way.
a. 1
The verb in the sentence is already
underlined. Identify whether it is
an action verb, a linking verb, or
a helping verb.
b. 2
c. 3
41. The mayor suggested that the boy redo
Wilmington Statue for his community service
d. 4
a. Action Verb
37. She is awesome.
b. Linking Verb
a. 1
c. Helping Verb
b. 2
42. Mary is becoming writer.
c. 3
a. Action Verb
d. 4
b. Linking Verb
38. Karen aced the test.
c. Helping Verb
a. 1
43.The twins are identical.
b. 2
a. Action Verb
c. 3
b. Linking Verb
d. 4
c. Helping Verb
39. I know this is fantastic.
44.The student asked the teacher for extra help.
a. 1
a. Action Verb
b. 2
b. Linking Verb
c. 3
c. Helping Verb
d. 4
45.I always drive my son to school.
40. The carpenter bought the house, fixed it, and then
lived in it.
a. 1
a. Action Verb
b. Linking Verb
b. 2
c. Helping Verb
c. 3
46.The magazines are expensive.
d. 4
a. Action Verb
b. Linking Verb
c. Helping Verb
47. The pollution may destroy the environment.
49. After losing, the team became sad.
a. Action Verb
a. Action Verb
b. Linking Verb
b. Linking Verb
c. Helping Verb
c. Helping Verb
48. Samantha always plays her instrument.
a. Action Verb
50. The muffins look delicious.
a. Action Verb
b. Linking Verb
b. Linking Verb
c. Helping Verb
c. Helping Verb
Where are the verbs in the following sentences? Please underline the verb(s).
If there is more than one verb, please include all of them.
56. The clerk gave the order to his boss.
57. Should you help the man cross the street?
58. The owner of the store has donated a lot of money to the charity.
59. The bus struck and scratched the car in front of him.
60. They should have been practicing their verbs all night.