People of the Past Topic Web

Entry Point
PRE TOPIC: Set H/W – Children find five facts
about a famous person from the past.
Guess Who? Children take role as their person
from the past, peers have to work out who it is
through questioning. Then as class sort modern
famous people by their occupation e.g. singers.
History – Rulers
Know the things a ruler must do.
Know some of the qualities a good ruler
must have e.g. fairness, strength etc.
Research information on Qin Shi Huang
and Elizabeth 1st.
Think about how we would act if we were
rulers - dilemmas- What would we do?
Find out how rulers solved dilemmas.
Give an opinion with a reason for choice.
History – Nurses and Doctors
Research the lives of Florence Nightingale
(FN) and Mary Seacole (MS).
Put the main life events of FN/MS into
chronological order.
Know why FN and MS went to the Crimea.
Find out what it was like when FN/MS
arrived in the Crimea.
Find out how Florence Nightingale
improved hospital conditions in the Crimea.
Compare FN/MS – say what they had in
common and how they were different.
Know why Edward Jenner is famous.
Put events leading to the cure of smallpox
into chronological order.
Make a story map detailing events leading
to small pox vaccine.
See events from a different point of view.
Know what skills a scientist needs.
History - Explorers
Order the main events of Christopher
Columbus’ discovery of America.
Use time sequence words to write a
Take part in a conscience alley to share
Use information sources to find out about
Sir Edmund Hilary and his conquest of
Mount Everest.
Make a ‘Conquest of Everest’ board game.
Make an Edmund Hilary picture book.
People of the Past.
(Year 2)
History – Inventors
 Find out what Bi Sheng (invented type) is famous
for by doing a key word internet search.
 Print our own words using moveable type.
 Compare two methods of making books, say
which is the best and why.
 List ways people communicate with each other in
modern times.
 Use information sources to find out about
Alexander Graham Bell (invented the telephone).
 Chronologically order main events in Bell’s life.
 Think of ways to adapt our behaviour to solve a
problem e.g. Bell wanted to talk to his mum but
she was far away.
 Find out about life before the internet. How did
people communicate/find out things?
 Know ways we remember events and individual
achievements e.g. poppies, medals, statues.
 Create an item to remember a famous person
from the past achievement.
 Look carefully at a painting and say what you
 Create our own version of a famous portrait
(Elizabeth 1st).
 Paint a self portrait.
 Compare portraits by different artists painted
in different eras.
 Create a painting in the style of L S Lowry.
 Evaluate our work and say how we can improve
Listen and respond to pieces of music by
Mozart 1) Sad – Requiem Mass 2) Lively –
Symphony No 15.
Create our own music to demonstrate
different emotions.
Compose a musical pattern.
Use symbols to represent sounds.
Perform our own music to an audience.
Explore ways sounds can be changed.
Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Mahatma Ghandi
Understand what fairness means.
Recognise when something is fair or
Think of ways to solve unfair situations.
Make our own fairness charter.
Exit Point
Have an awards ceremony for people from the
past. Categories include bravest, cleverest, most
caring, strongest, most resilient, strong willed etc.
In groups of four recap all people studied and as
class decide on who will win each award.