Children’s & Adults Services Workforce Planning and Development Team Title: Allergy Awareness Training for Childcare Practitioners (E-Learning) Description: The Food Information for Consumers Regulation law changed on the 13th December 2014, with implications for all childcare providers. All nurseries in the UK who provide snacks and meals to children must be able to detail and prove what ingredients are in every single food dish they serve. This brand new level 2 accredited online course, developed especially for the childcare sector, has been developed in partnership with The Safer Food Group. It covers the changes in the law and explains what you need to do to meet the new legal requirements. Content: Allergens and the law Introduction to allergens The 14 allergens Recipe writing and ingredient panels Preventing allergenic contamination - prerequisites Preventing allergenic contamination – service Emergency first aid Audience: All childcare practitioners who provide snacks and meals to children Price: There is no charge for this training but please note we have a limited number of licences to offer. Booking Info: To enrol on this course please contact Vanessa Stoneman who will issue you with an access code and provide you with further information. Tel: 01204 337367