Adult health questionnaire

Please complete this questionnaire as thoroughly as possible. Some of the questions
answers are important. As it will help me to better understand the health issues that
you are experiencing. All information that you provide will remain strictly
confidential at all times, unless otherwise directed by yourself.
Full name……………………………….................... Date of Birth…………………
Telephone:- Home………………………….. Mobile………………………………...
Email Address……………………………….................................................................
Gender:- Male  Female  Transgender  Other……………………………….......
Approx Height……………….. Approx Weight………………..
G.P’s name & address………………………………......................................................
Are you taking any medication? (Prescribed and Complimentary) Yes  No 
Please list on the chart below. (continue on reverse side of form in need more room)
Name of medication
Date Started
Do you have any allergies? Yes  No  (if yes, please state)
Do you have any conditions that could cause you to become poorly quickly?
Yes  No  (if yes, please state what)……………………………...................................
Who would you like me to contact in case of emergency?
Name……………………………….................. Number(s)……………………………
Do you carry emergency medication? Yes  No  (if yes, please state)
Is there a possibility you could be pregnant? Yes  No 
(if yes, how many weeks)………………………
Current Occupation……………………………….........................................................
Previous Occupation(s)…………………………….......................................................
What (if any) exercise or physically activity do you do?……………………………....
Do you smoke? Yes  No  (if yes please state daily amount)……………………….
What is your daily fluid intake of:- Water……………….. Coffee……………………
Tea………………… Alcohol(units per week)………. Other……………………….
What does your diet mainly consist of?……………………………..............................
How would you describe your sleep patterns? (sound sleeper, amount of hrs,
Do you snore/grind teeth/get up regularly to go toilet? Yes  No  (if yes, please
How would you score your stress levels - (please circle)
At home - not stressed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 + very stressed
At work - not stressed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 + very stressed
Any other relevant information regarding your lifestyle……………………………….
Do you have any relevant family history? Yes  No  (if yes, please state)
What was your childhood health like?…………………………….................................
Your past medical history. (Please inc. any breaks/fractures/dislocations, plates or
pins, replacements, pacemaker, stents, surgery, whiplash, head trauma or X-rays, Usounds, CAT scan, MRI)……………………………...................................................
Have you had any dental work/surgery? Yes  No (if yes, please state)
Have you had ANY implants in your body? Yes  No  (if yes, please state where
abouts on your body) ……………………………….........................................................
Have you had any form of cosmetic surgery/botox/liposuction, etc? Yes  No 
(if yes, please state where abouts on your body)……………………………...............
Have you had any past pregnancies? Yes  No  (if yes, how many and were there
any problems?)………………………….........................................................................
Do you or have you ever suffered from the following complaints?
Heart problems
Yes  No  Fertility problems
Yes  No 
High/Low Blood pressure
Yes  No  Gyneacological problems Yes  No 
Blood related problems
Yes  No  Prostate problems
Yes  No
Poor circulation
Yes  No  Back problems
Yes  No 
Loss of feeling
Yes  No  Lung problems
Yes  No 
Varicose veins
Yes  No  Asthma
Yes  No 
Yes  No  COPD
Yes  No 
Pancreas problems
Yes  No  Headaches/Migraines
Yes  No 
Liver problems
Yes  No  Epilepsy
Yes  No 
Spleen problems
Yes  No  Stress
Yes  No 
Gall Bladder problems
Yes  No  Anxiety
Yes  No 
Stomach/Digestive problems Yes  No  Palpitations
Yes  No 
Bowel problems
Yes  No  Panic Attacks
Yes  No 
Yes  No  Depression
Yes  No 
Yes  No  Mental Health Issues
Yes  No 
Kidney problems
Yes  No  Cancers
Yes  No 
Yes  No  Re-occurring infections Yes  No 
Continence problems
Yes  No  Undiagnosed lumps/bumps Yes  No 
Lymphatic problems
Yes  No  Undiagnosed areas of pain Yes  No 
Water retention
Yes  No  Foggy Head
Yes  No 
Swollen limbs
Yes  No  Lethargy/Chronic fatigue Yes  No 
Skin problems
Yes  No  Osteoporosis
Yes  No 
Yes  No  Rheumatic pain
Yes  No 
-itchy skin
Yes  No  Osteo-arthritis
Yes  No 
Yes  No  Stiff or painful joints
Yes  No 
Hormonal Problems
Yes  No  Menopause
Yes  No 
Yes  No  Period problems
Yes  No 
Any problems not mentioned above? Yes  No 
If you have answered yes to any of the above. Please give details……………………
To help you get the most out of your Bowen treatment and ensure that it is
tailored for you as accurately as possible, please answer the following questions as
accurately and honestly as possible. Thank you.
Are you currently being treated by any other therapist for any other problem?
Yes  No  (if yes, please state therapy and problem)……………………………......
Your health complaints in order of significance to you.
Severe Moderate Slight
1. 
2. 
3. 
How do these complaints impact on your daily life? eg mobility, home/work/family
life, driving, exercise, general well being………………………………..............................
What treatments have you tried for these complaints & what were the results?
Have you had to refrain from doing things you enjoy as a result of your complaint?
Yes  No  (if yes, please state)…………………………….........................................
On the following page please use the diagrams to clearly mark any areas of pain or
surgical scars. Please place an arrow beside each area of pain, (if more than one)
rating the pain on a scale of 1 - 10 with 10 being the highest level of pain.
After rating the pain please use one of the following words to describe the pain Sharp, stabbing, burning, fixed, travelling, ache, tingling, pins & needles, throbbing,
pulsating, cramping or spasmodic.
Does the following lesson the pain:- Pressure  Cold  Heat  Rest  Exercise
 Elevation 
Does the following make the pain worse:- Pressure  Cold  Heat  Rest 
Exercise  Elevation  Other___________________________________________
How long does the pain last?______________________________________________
What has lead you to try Bowen therapy?……………………………............................
Have you ever had a Bowen treatment before? Yes  No 
How did you hear about Get going with
Do I have permission to write to your Doctor and inform them that you are receiving
treatment from Get Going with Bowen? Yes  No 
I, hereby declare, that all the information I have given is true to the very best of my
knowledge. However, should any circumstances change regarding my health, I will
inform you at my next visit.
I confirm that I have understood the treatment that I am to receive and confirm that I
am willing to proceed without permission from my own Doctor or Consultant.
NB. The Bowen Fascial Release Technique is not intended as a substitution for
medical advice or treatment. If you have any concerns regarding your health or
condition pleas consult your G.P for advice.