RECLAMATION DISTRICT 799 (Hotchkiss Tract) 6325 Bethel Island Rd., Bethel Island, CA 94561 Meeting Minutes for Thursday, May 29, 2014 2:00 PM 1. Called to Order at 2:02 PM/Roll Call: There is a quorum and present are the following: President Wong, Trustees: Houde, Hopwood, Hanson and Kent. The District’s legal Monica Streeter is present along with the District’s Engineer Blake Johnson, The interim Levee Superintendent is present along with the District Manager taking the meeting minutes. 2. Public Comments: There are no public comments. 3. Consent Calendar: The meeting minutes were pulled. a. Meeting Minutes from the Regular Meeting on April 24, 2014 - M/S/P by Houde/Hanson with all in favor and zero opposed to adopt the meeting minutes from April 2014 with the following corrections: Trustee Hanson asked a question regarding travel time for the Engineer’s invoice and not Trustee Kent. b. Warrants – M/S/P by Hopwood/Houde with all in favor and zero opposed to adopt the warrants and the financial reports together. c. Financial Report(s) 4. Permits – a. Spinaker Cove – Water Main Projects: No report. b. East Cypress Corridor Project: No report. c. Delta Cove Water Line Project – Blake reports it’s been over a month since they sent in their last design drawing. There is really little impact to RD799 outlined at this time. d. 2070 Dutch Sl. Road – Dock/Gangway: The permit was continued to the next meeting at the request of the homeowner. e. Jersey Island Boring Project (Hultgren-Tillis) Permit and Reimbursement Agreement: The applicant pulled the permit. He has been informed that he will be responsible for all costs incurred by the District. f. 4734 Sandmound Blvd. – Interior Remodel. The plans for this permit have been stamped off and taken to the County. g. 5508 Sandmound Blvd. – Retaining Wall Repair. This permit was “over the counter” and was approved by the District Engineer and Levee Superintendent. h. 5274 Sandmound Blvd. – Walkway/Fence. The property owner built a solid fence running up the side of the levee to keep his dog in. There has been a requirement to have a 3 ½ inch space/gap between the fence boards so that the District can see through the fence and view the levee. Blake reports the property owner wanted a fence that went across the crown and has since changed his mind. There is a small chain link fence that he has up and Blake expresses that it’s not an issue if he sinks it in concrete. Trustee Hanson inquires on if we can change this standard for fences. Trustee Hanson expresses that he wants to put a permit in for his own fence. President Wong expresses to Trustee Hanson that he can write on the back of the form to request Error! Unknown document property name. that the District Manager add it onto the next agenda. Blake reports that he has no concerns with the way that the landowner installed the chain link fence i. 4580 Sandmound Blvd. – Dock/Deck/Gangway – The District Manager outlines that this property owner has been red tagged for work being conducted without a permit. The District’s interim levee superintendent will need to go over to the property and take measurements of the new docks installed to ensure that it is in compliance with the original plans submitted that were approved by the Army Core of Engineers several years back and reviewed by the District’s Engineer. The dock and the gangway have not been approved however; the landowner’s contractor is currently working on them. j. 5628 Sandmound Blvd. – Retaining Wall Repair, Blake has reviewed the drawing submitted by the landowner and agrees that this scope of work is feasible and is outside the levee prism. 5. Emergency Plan of Action – This item was continued to the next meeting. 6. California Payroll – M/S/P Wong/Hanson with all in favor and zero opposed to update Signers on Account – President Wong recommends Trustee Houde to be the signer on the account since he is the Office Supervisor. 7. BABS (Bay Area Barricade) Credit Application – M/S/P by Hanson/Hopwood with all in favor and zero opposed to allow the District to open a line of credit with Bay Area Barricade for the purchase of “No Trespassing” signs. The signs will be ready the first week of June. 8. Non Permitted Liveaboard Vessels – There is a brief discussion on live-a-boards and the fact that the District Manager and the Interim levee Superintendent have issued letters to landowners with live- aboards and Notices to leave. 9. DWR – Dutch Slough Restoration Project- Vegetation Control – Patty Frintock introduces herself and expresses that District’s obtain funding from their Department to do restoration projects. Patty stands with a board and points at three parcels. Patty expresses that her Dept. will be breaching the levee and doing a lot of excavation. They will be doing this after they build a new flood protection levee on little Dutch Slough. The new levee will tie into the existing levee that is in Little Dutch Slough. Patty express that they will be doing land elevation. Patty expresses that there are several ranches in the area. Patty expresses that they are hoping to start work on this project next year. DWR will be removing 20 trees and they will have to plant 100 trees. Patty expresses that the removal of a tree is a 3 to 1. They must have 60 healthy trees replaced. There are big clumps of black berry that they are planning on removing the bushes and clearing out the ditch in that area. Blake has a discussion with Patty with regards to the ditch being moved. Patty inquires about equipment on the levee. The District responds to Patty by expressing to her that we don’t allow any equipment on the crown of the levee that weighs more than 12 tons. Blake expresses that he would like to review the plans of where the trees are going and ensure that they will not affect the district. Patty responds to the District Manager that the maintenance of the trees will be maintained by DWR. The black berry’s will be removed and sprayed to prevent future growth. 10. Annual Assessments for FY 2014/15 – This item was continued to the next meeting. a. Adopt Resolution 2014-3 Authorizing Collection of the 2014/2015 Regular Annual Assessment and Directing KSN to prepare and submit the assessment roll to the Assessor b. Adopt Resolution 2014-4 authorizing Collection of the 2014/2015 Annual Special Assessment Error! Unknown document property name. 11. Budget for FY 2014/15: Discussion & Possible Action. This item was continued to the next meeting. 12. Closed Session. The Board adjourned to closed session at 3:20 p.m. a. Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation (Section 54956.9(b)): two potential cases b. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation (Section 54956.9(a)) Engler vs. California Delta Farms, Inc. et al. Case No. C12-02870 13. Report from Closed Session. The Board returned from Closed Session at 3:39 p.m. There is no reportable action. 14. Engineer’s Report – Blake Johnson: a. Levee Standards. Blake is still working on thsese. b. DWR PFA – HO-12-1.0 (Special Projects) – Update on Advance – The DWR did accept the advance request letter drafted by the District Manger c. DWR – New Flood Emergency Grant - Another Agency will be taking care of the grant. 15. Information Items: The District Manager thanks Kristy Petrosh for her organization and hard work. 16. Superintendent’s Report: Kristy Petrosh goes over her monthly Super’s report a copy of which is in the monthly meeting binder. 17. Office Supervisor’s Report: Trustee Houde 18. Chairman’s Report: Trustee Wong. A copy of the report is in the monthly meeting binder. 19. Trustee Reports: None. 20. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:58 p.m. Error! Unknown document property name.