HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GALLEGOS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 7415 Harrisburg - HOUSTON, TEXAS 77011 - TEL (713) 924-1830 - FAX (713) 924-1833 Jessica Tejada Principal Site-Based Decision Making Committee Meeting Minutes September 18, 2015 Gallegos Elementary School second Site-Based Decision Making Committee was held on Friday, September 18, 2015 at 3:30 PM. SDMC members present: Leslie Gonzalez, Carlos Gutierrez, Catherine Presley, Norma Long, Allison McBride, Wai Lam, Adriana Gonzalez and Jessica Tejada. Mrs. Jessica Tejada, Principal, began the meeting by having everyone introduce themselves and provided an overview of the SDMC function. The process was reviewed and the agenda began with going over the SIP and SMART Goals. There was a brief description of the school community, narrative of data analysis, priority focus, goals and major initiatives were discussed. The Campus Goals are outlined below and were shared and approved by the SDMC. Campus Goals Goal 1: By the end of the 2015-16 school year, 75% of students not on grade level in Grade 3 will show a 1.5 years reading growth based on DRA data and Istation. Goal 2: By the end of the 2015-2016 school year, the overall percentage of students in grades 3rd-5th passing the Math STAAR test will increase by 5% from 67% TO 72%. Goal 3: By the end of 2015-2016 school year, we will decrease our discipline incident report resulting in In/Out of school suspension from 6% to 4%. Goal 4: By the end of the 2015-2016 school year, the overall attendance percentage will increase from 97.4% to 97.6%. Goal 5: By the end of the 2015-16 school year, the overall percent of parent participation in our Academic Parent Teacher Team meetings will increase from 86% for grades 1st-5th to at least 88% of all grade levels PK-5. Beginning of year reading data was shared. We have about 48% of students reading on grade level based on DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment). This is an increase of 8 percentage points over last year. Being the regional hub we do have 34 new students that did not attend Gallegos last year. Our school initiatives include: Math and Writing consultants; monthly TDS literacy and science trainings; APTT (Academic Parent Teacher Team meetings); and CHAMPS (school-wide procedures). We have had our first round of APTT meetings on September 15 and 16. We are in the process of scheduling and completed make up session. As of right now, we are at 60% which is an 18 percent point increase over last year. We will increase our percent by end of next week as we finish up the APTT make up sessions. We are striving for at least 88% by the end of the year. We will begin with 2 school-wide fundraisers to support our monthly Attendance incentives and academic goals. The first one will be on the early release day. It is a movie afternoon. Parents will pay $6.00 to allow their child to stay and watch a movie and eat a treat. They will then be dismissed at 3:00 PM. On Tuesday a letter will go home in the HFC (Home Communication Folder) that we will being our chocolate fundraiser. We begin all after school program on Monday, September 28. We will have soccer, music club, dance, community group and Power Hour. Power Hour will be for grades 3, 4 and 5. It will be held Monday through Thursday from 3:00 – 4:30. We will also have an enrichment group from grades 4 and 5. Ms. Long shared that our cafeteria would like to sign up for the dinner service for our students. We will meet with our cafeteria manager to discuss all logistical issues and then make a final decision next week. Mr. Lam shared that our school is doing great things for the students. Mr. Lam wanted additional information on state testing. Mrs. Presley shared the information with him about STAAR and the accountability index. Ms. Leslie Gonzalez will be videotaped by HISD Media on Monday, September 21st. They are spotlighting her as a recent graduate of UH and a previous Gallegos student. Mrs. Tejada shared that the next meeting and agenda items would go out via email. Please send any additional agenda items to be included in our October meeting. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 28 at 8:15AM. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM.