Karyotypes Vooraf ; enkele opmerkingen over " speciale" karyotypes 1.- Wikipedia. Genoomverdubbeling gaat , volgens mij , in één keer. Ook weet ik wel dat chromosoomverdubbelingen bij zoogdieren voorkomen, en er zijn soorten met verschillende karyotypen (= verschillende aantallen chromosomen), zoals de muntjak. Organisme Neurospora 14 Corn 20 Pad (Bufo americans)22 Boon 22 kikker (Rana pipiens) 26 kat huiskat 38 http://www.stanford.edu/group/neurospora/UsefulPDFs/PerkinsChromosomes92.pdf http://www.broadinstitute.org/annotation/genome/neurospora/neurospora.html Rhesus aapje 42 46 mens Figure 1: Normal Chromosome Set (2n) http://www.treatgene.com/what-is-chromosome/ Primates karyotype evolution tree http://www.riverapes.com/Me/Work/HumanHybridisationTheory.htm Tabak 48 schaap 54 Rund 60 paard 64 Goudvis 100 http://www.grisda.org/origins/13009.htm CHROMOSOME BANDING AND EVOLUTION L. James Gibson Geoscience Research Institute Aantal Chromosomen(2n ) & Karyotype in lichaamscellen Zoogdieren http://www.kumc.edu/gec/prof/cytogene.html http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/gender/pdf/xsandoscards.pdf kangoeroe 22 The tammar wallaby karyotype (2 n = 16) consists of 7 autosomes and the two sex chromosomes. [4] reuzenkangoeroe 22 mol 34 huismuis 40 Normal_Mus_musculus_karyotype.jpg (Normal Mus musculus karyotype) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/guide/mouse/n http://www.informatics.jax.org/mgihome/other/mouse_facts4.shtml Composite mouse karyotype illustrating fluorescence signals from simultaneous hybridization of BACs linked to genetic markers defining the centromeric and telomeric ends of the genetic maps. Centromeric clones are shown in red; telomeric clones in green. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC310771/ http://images.google.be/images?q=Karyotype%20mouse&hl=nl&lr=&sa=N&tab=wi rat 42 https://www.google.be/search?hl=nl&q=karyotype+rat&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1360&bih=644&wrapid=tlif134420040947410&um=1&ie=UTF8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=5t4eUOX2J5C1hAeEoIGoAw Siberische tijger 38 varken 38 goudhamster 44 konijn 44 vleermuis (Myotis) 44 egel 48 haas 48 kapucijnaap 54 rund 60 cavia 64 paard 64 http://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/equine/caballus/ HORSE MAP VIEWER http://www.fiu.edu/~milesk/toc.html hond 78 Chromosome aberrations in canine multicentric lymphomas detected with comparative genomic hybridisation and a panel of single locus probes R Thomas, K C Smith, E A Ostrander, F Galibert and M Breen Figure 3. Previous figure | Figure and tables index Composite of CGH profiles from 25 canine lymphoma cases. The DAPI-banded ideogram of Breen et al (1999a) is displayed. For each case, genomic gains and losses are shown as green and red bars to the right and left of each chromosome, respectively. Each vertical bar represents a site of genomic imbalance in a single case (cases are identified at the top or bottom of red/green bars), and demonstrates the physical extent of the chromosome over which the aberration was detected. The evolutionarily conserved chromosome segments shared with the human karyotype (taken from Breen et al, 2001) are identified with coloured bars to the far left of each chromosome. http://www.nature.com/bjc/journal/v89/n8/full/6601275a.html http://www.humangenetik.uni-bremen.de/HundegenetikEng.html Karyotype of a dog (Canis familiaris) Breen, Matthew, PhD. C.Biol. M.I.Biol Associate Professor of Genomics Canine Karyotpye The genome of the dog is estimated to be approximately 2.5 billion bases in size. This genetic information is divided into 78 chromosome - 38 pairs of acrocentric (single-armed) autosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes. In females both sex chromosomes are X chromosomes and in males there is one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. A typical chromosome preparation (at the metaphase stage of mitosis) from a male dog is shown below. In this preparation, the chromosomes have been banded to allow identification of chroimosome pairs. Using multicolor FISH we are able to conclusively identify each chromosome pair and generate a karyotype of the above cell, as shown below. NC State College of Veterinary Medicine Molecular Biomedical Sciences 4700 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC 27606 919-513-6220 Zie ook : Hondenschedel uit Waalse grot is oudste ter wereld RODE VOS http://dels-old.nas.edu/ilar_n/ilarjournal/39_2_3/39_2_3Fox.shtml FIGURE 1 Gene map of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) contains 35 biochemical loci. Gene symbol abbreviations are as follows: HPRT, hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase; IDH1, isocitrate dehydrogenase-1; ITPA, inosine triphosphatase; LDHA, lactate dehydrogenase A; LDHB, lactate dehydrogenase B; ME1, malic enzyme-1; MDH1, malate dehydrogenase-1 (NAD dependent); MDH2, malate dehydrogenase-2 (NAD dependent); MPI, mannose phosphate isomerase; NOR, nucleolar organizer region; NP, purine nucleoside phosphorylase; OTC, ornithine carbamoyltransferase; PEPA, peptidase A; PGD, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase; PGM 1, phosphoglucomutase- 1; PGP, phosphoglycolate phosphatase; PRNP, prion protein; PP, inorganic pyrophosphatase; SST, somatostatin peptide. FIGURE 2 Syntenic genes and similar patterns of GTG banding on human, mink, cat, and fox chromosomes. The short arm of human chromosome 1 (HSA1p), the long arm of mink chromosome 2 (MVI2q), and the short arm of cat chromosome C1 (FCA C1p) exhibit similar banding patterns. Regional assignments of homologous genes are as follows: PGM1, PGD, ENO1 to HSA1p; the homologous mink genes to MVI2q; and the cat genes homologous to PGM1 and PGD to FCA C1. The human PGD and ENO1 genes are located very close to each other. In the fox, PGD was assigned to chromosome 2 (VVU2), but ENO1 and PGM1 were assigned to chromosome 12 (VVU12). The fox is the only known species to have these genes asyntenic. No region similar to Hsap1p, MVI2q, or FCA C1p was found on VVU2 or VVU12, nor was such a region found on MVI8 (containing the MDH 1, ACP1, ITPA, ADA genes), FCA A3 (the MDH1, ACP1, ITPA, ADA genes), HSA2p (containing the MDH1, ACP1 genes), or fox chromosomes VVU8 (containing the ACP1 gene), and VVU16 (containing the MDH1 gene). MVI8 and FCA A3 exhibit excellent banding pattern homology over the entire respective chromosomes. It is likely that they contain a region of homology with part of HSA2p. No region of similar banding was found on VVU16 or VVU8 (Rubtsov and others 1988). sea otter, Enhydra lutris= 38 chromosomes, http://placentation.ucsd.edu/seaotter.htm Karyotypes of male and female sea otters (from Hsu & Benirschke, 1971). Grevy's Zebra : 46 chromosomes, Plains Zebra : 44 chromosomes Mountain Zebra has : 32 chromosomes http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_chromosomes_does_a_zebra_have Vogels duif 80 eend 80 gans 80 huismus 76 kanarie 80 kip 78 merel 80 reiger 68 wilde gans 80 Reptielen adder 36 alligator 32 aspisadder 42 hazelworm 44 karetschildpad 58 moerasschildpad 50 zandhagedis 38 Amfibieën anura Amazonian Engystomops (Anura; Leiuperidae http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1055790309004126 Fig. 2. Karyotypes of male specimens of Engystomops petersi from Puyo (A) stained with Giemsa, (B) submitted to the Ag–NOR technique, (E) Cbanded, (F) DAPI-stained (top) and MM-stained (bottom), (G) DAPI-stained (top) and MM-stained (bottom) after C-banding technique. The insets in (A, B and E) show the homomorphic and the heteromorphic pair XX from the females ZUEC 34939 (A and B), ZUEC 34935 (E) and ZUEC 34937, respectively. (C) NOR-bearing chromosomes of a female hybridized with the rDNA probe HM 123. Note that some heterochromatic regions clearly evidenced by Ag–NOR in (B) are not detected in (C). (D) NOR-bearing chromosomes of the male QCAZ 34940 after the Ag–NOR technique (left) and hybridized with the rDNA probe HM 123 (right). Note the additional NOR in one homologue 9. (H) Giemsa-stained karyotype from the Puyo female QCAZ 34935 with 2n = 23. The arrow points the trissomic set. In the insets, chromosome 8 after the Ag–NOR technique (left) and C-banding (right). Bar = 2 μm. Fig. 4. Cytogenetics of the Yasuní specimen QCAZ 30826. (A) Karyotype submitted to C-banding. (B) Karyotype after Ag–NOR staining. The NORs were pointed by arrows. (C) Mitotic metaphase hybridized with the rDNA probe HM 123 and stained with propidium iodide. Note that some heterochromatic regions seen in A are clearly detected by the Ag–NOR method. (D) X chromosome hybridized with the HM123 probe and stained with DAPI (left). In the right, only the DAPI-stained. (E) X chromosome after C-banding. (F) X chromosome after the Ag–NOR technique. Note the presence of three NOR blocks in (B and F), separated by heterochromatic regions (E). axolotl 28 boomkikker 24 bruine kikker 26 Cycloramphus Fig. 1. Giemsa-stained karyotypes of (a) Cycloramphus acangatan, (b) C. boraceiensis, (c) C. brasiliensis, (d) C. carvalhoi, (e) C. eleutherodactylus from São Paulo, (f) C. eleutherodactylus from Paraná, (g) C. fuliginosus, (h) C. lutzorum, and (i) C. rhyakonastes. Bar = 10 μm. geelbuikvuurpad 22 gewone pad 22 groene kikker 26 kamsalamander 24 knoflookpad 26 rugstreeppad 22 vroedmeesterpad 36 vuursalamander 24 Vissen goudvis 94 guppy 48 karper 104 kathaai 24 prik 174 snoek 18 Tetraodon nigroviridis, http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2006/06/08/pufferfish-and-ancestral-genom/ walvishaai 24 echte zalmen zwaarddrager 48 Schedellozen Lancetvisje 24 Ongewervelde dieren bidsprinkhaan (m) 27 brede bloedzuiger 26 Callimenus (=Bradyporus) macrogaster macrogaster Figure 1. Male karyotype of Callimenus macrogaster Drosophila 8 bron ; http://rationalrevolution.net/articles/understanding_evolution.htm geelgerande watertor 38 honingbij (?) 32 Chromosomal spreads, ideogram and karyotype of Apis mellifera. The ideogram (in blue) shows average chromosome lengths, positions and sizes of DAPI-positive (heterochromatin) bands. The percentage of heterochromatin reflects the time of appearance of heterochromatic bands (100% observed in all preparations; lower percentages seen only in early prophase spreads). Lines to the right of chromosomes represent BACs shown by FISH to bind in relative order and positions predicted from the genetic and physical maps. Binding sites of rDNA probes (distal short arms of chromosomes 6 and 12) are shown in red. The karyotype (below the ideogram) is based on the rightmost spread. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v443/n7114/fig_tab/nature05260_F2.html HOOIWAGEN GAGRELLOPSIS NODULIFERA (ARACHNIDA: OPILIONES) http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1554/0014-3820(2000)054%5B0176:SCIAHZ%5D2.0.CO%3B2 Six representative karyotypes of males of Gagrellopsis noduliferacollected in the Ashizu transect. Diploid numbers are represented together with the number of trivalents (in parentheses) found in the karyotypes. Triangles denote columns of chromosomes showing interkaryotypic variation. Scale bar = 5μm hoofdluis 12 huisspin (?) 43 huisvlieg 12 inktvis (Sepia) 12 kakkerlak (?) 47 koolwitje 30 kruisspin 14 leverbot 12 libel (Aeschna) 26 meeltor 20 Mieren Figure 1. Karyotype of female workers ofAzteca trigona 2n = 28 sorted according to the classification proposed by Imai (1991) aConventional staining using Giemsab C-banding showing the distribution of heterochromatin. oorkwal 20 pissebed 32 regenworm 32 schapenteek 28 schorpioen (Buthus) 14 spin (Aranea) 14 spoelworm 2 spons (Sycon) 2 sprinkhaan 14 steekmug (Culex) 6 treksprinkhaan (? ) 23 tuinslak 48 vuurwants 24 watervlo 20 wijngaardslak 54 zee-egel (Paracentrotus) 36 zeester 36 http://www.ensembl.org.