AP Calculus

IB SL Mathematics: Chapters 3, 8, 15
Probability and Statistics
3.1-3.3 Review
Review definitions of theoretical, experimental, and subjective probability;
Venn diagrams; the addition rule; mutually exclusive events; sample space
diagrams; and the product rule
3.4 Conditional Probability
Chapter 3 Review Problems
8.5 Cumulative Frequency
8.6 Variance and Standard Deviation
15.1 Random Variables
15.2 Binomial Distribution
15.3 Normal Distribution
Chapter 3, 8, 15 Review
Chapter 3, 8, 15 Test
Review the definition of conditional probability and its application.
Refresh/build confidence/be inspired by your abilities
Calculate and diagram cumulative frequency
Utilize variance to combine all values in a data set to produce a measure of
spread; use GDC to calculate population standard deviation and variance
Define a random variable, tabulate probability distribution for random
variables, define and calculate the expected value of a random variable
Determine the essential elements of a binomial distribution; calculate the
variance and expected value of the binomial distribution
Investigate the normal distribution as a suitable model for many naturally
occurring variables; calculate the variance, expected value, and
transformation of the normal distribution.
I still have questions about:
pp. 67-68 Exercise 3A all;
pp. 71-84 Exercises 3B-3F exam-style
questions only
pp. 86-88 Exercise 3G all
pp. 94-96 all
pp. 273-276 Exercise 8G all
pp. 279-280 Exercise 8H all;
pp. 281-283 odd problems
pp. 522-523 Exercise 15A all;
pp. 525-527 Exercise 15B all
p. 531 E 15C
p. 533 E 15D: 1‐7 odd
p. 534 E 15E all odds
p. 535‐536: E 15F all odds
p. 537‐538 all odds
pp. 541-551 Exercises 15H-15M odd
pp. 281-284 even problems
pp. 551-553 all
Please e-mail Ms. Lovegren your group’s
test at P-LovegrenC@edmonds.wednet.edu
Homework Rubric
Score: 0
Score: 1
Score: 2
Score: 3
Score: 4
I didn’t do the assignment. I did 25% of the
I did 50% of the
I did 75% of the
homework on the day it
was due. I completed it by
the end of the unit exam.
I did 100% of the
homework on the day it
was due.
I copied the answers from
the back of the book.
I showed all of my work.
I showed all of my work.
I showed all of my work.
I showed all of my work.
I checked all my answers
in the back of the
I checked all my answers
in the back of the
I checked all my answers
in the back of the
I checked all my answers
in the back of the
If I had questions, I sought
help, i.e. I worked
backwards by knowing
what the answer in the
back of the book.
Where can I get help?
My classmates. Form a study group! Get phone numbers or
My parents or other adults. They are smarter than you think!
emails so that you can phone a friend when you are in the hot seat. Besides, it creates good bonding time.
My teacher. (Ms. Lovegren’s Info) I am usually in the Math
Department Office (E200) from 7:00-7:30am & 2:00-2:30pm
every day. I have 1st period planning so I can help you. My
advisory is in F203 and you are encouraged to get help from me
during travel days.
The textbook and its tutorial website, www.interactmath.com.
Select Finney: Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic (3e), then
select the current chapter and section. There are lots of practice
problems here. Try the Help Me Solve This button.
Free Tutoring. Let me know if you need a tutor.
The World Wide Web. Check out the documents and links at