KARL MARX IN AMERICA: READINGS FOR THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS FALL 2013; MONDAYS 6:30-9:30 Instructor: Joseph W.H. Lough Course Location: Filozofski fakultet, University of Tuzla, Room 101 email: joseph_lough@berkeley.edu Office phone: +387 603375497 Office Hours: MONDAYS, URBAN 10-12 Course Description In the 1960s the world was for the most part a prosperous place; and where it was not prosperous, it was enjoying unprecedented economic growth. Then, in the 1970s, the world’s economic fortunes began to change. Karl Marx in America invites students to critically assess the crisis of capital accumulation that began in the 1970s from a wide variety of vantage-points; from Bob Jessop and Robert Brenner to David Harvey and Moishe Postone; from Milton Friedman and Gary Becker to Francis Fukuyama and Robert Lucas, and, yes, even Karl Marx. Our aim is to critically interrogate the sea-change in society, culture, politics and economics that took root in the 1970s and from there completely altered our world; most directly, the world of the Balkans, of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and of Tuzla. In the first half of our course, we will look at the history of capitalism, not in detail, but as an emerging complex, highly-differentiated, dynamic system that, taking root in the late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, from there began to encompass the globe. Our aim is less to critique or praise this novel global system than to see if we can grasp its cycles, its transformations, its growth, and its crises. In the second half of our course, we will look specifically at recent capitalism, capitalism since World War II. Here our aim is both to understand the strength and dynamism of this increasingly crisis-prone world system, but also therefore to critically assess those economic theories that have repeatedly and mistakenly predicted the immanent collapse of capitalism. On a cultural, social, political, and institutional level why has capitalism proven so resilient? Why have economic theorists proven so illadept at accurately grasping the dynamism of this peculiar system? This Syllabus While students may rely upon this syllabus for all readings and assignments, they should also be aware that unforeseen contingencies may require that we alter the syllabus from time to time. Students are therefore encouraged to log onto and consult the syllabus online at regular intervals (at least three times weekly). Course Materials All course materials will be posted in Microsoft Word doc or docx form, or in Adobe Acrobat pdf form on the course website under the “Documents” tab. Course Requirements Under the conviction that scholarship is a collective venture (even when we think we are conducting it alone), students will be expected to attend class and actively participate in discussions and presentations (whether or not they are the presenters). For our purposes, emailing, on-line chatting, and texting do not constitute active participation. More than two unexcused absences may invite being dropped from the course. Attendance is not optional. OU 101 Karl March in America (rev. 1 2016-02-07) LOUGH – Fall 2013 Page 2 Students are expected to have read the assigned readings and to be ready to share questions, interpretations, challenges, alternatives, etc. to the positions presented by the authors. Written assignments (i.e., mid-term, presentation summary, final paper) must be type-written, appropriately formatted, with the course name, student name, date, and assignment clearly visible. Assignments must be submitted electronically to the instructor. Presentation: Before Midnight, November 3, students will select and rank their top three choices for presenting. Based on their selections, students will be broken down into teams of between 4 and 5 students. SHOULD STUDENTS OVERSUBSCRIBE OR UNDERSUBSCRIBE FOR A PRESENTATION, THEY WILL BE RANDOMLY ASSIGNED FOR THE UNDERSUBSCRIBED PRESENTATIONS. Prior to their presentation, presentation teams will meet with me during my office hours to discuss their project. Team members will be responsible for collaborating together on a presentation, not to exceed fifteen minutes, during which they will (1) identify the problem the author(s) are addressing; (2) the position against which the author(s) is/are arguing; (3) the author(s) solution to the problem. PRESENTERS MUST NOT SUMMARIZE THE AUTHOR(S) POSITION. PRESENTERS MUST PRESENT THEIR AUTHOR(S) “SOCRATICALLY,” I.E., BY IDENTIFYING THE QUESTION THE AUTHOR(S) ARE RAISING AND ENGAGING THEIR CLASSMATES OVER THIS PROBLEM. Each student must then submit his/her own 5-page paper: (1) identify the problem the author(s) are addressing; (2) the position against which the author(s) is/are arguing; (3) the author(s) solution to the problem. The paper must not summarize. Final: Students must visit me during office hours prior to the Spring Break to discuss the two economists they intend to focus on in their final paper. Students will present to their assigned Reader a bibliography of works they intend to use writing their final paper no later than week 14. In their final paper: (1) students will identify a problem common to both economists; (2) identify how this problem arose in response to historical changes; (3) critically reflect on how well (or poorly) the economists grasp and respond to these changes; and (4) identify the solutions that each economist settles upon to this problem; and (5) state how they would revise these solutions to make them more adequate. Course Calendar PART ONE: THE REVOLUTION GYMNASIUM IN A BOX Date November 11 November 18 November 25 Title Introduction; Gymnasium “on a Stick” Revolution in Time and Value The Birth of the Transcendental Subject Assignment (completed by date) Read: Aristotle, Politics; Plato, Gorgias; Plato, Republic Read: D Landes, “Revolution in Time,”; EP Thompson, “Time, Work Discipline and Industrial Capitalism”; I Kant, Prolegomena; PRESENTATIONS A Smith, Wealth; GWF Hegel, Civil Society; K Marx, Capital; PRESENTATIONS OU 101 Karl March in America (rev. 1 2016-02-07) LOUGH – Fall 2013 Page 3 THE GEOGRAPHY OF CAPITALISM Date Title December 2 The Three Hegemonies of Historical Capitalism and the Genoese Cycle December 9 The Dutch and the British Cycles December 16 The American Cycle December 23 The Bosnian Cycle THE VIEW FROM CHICAGO Date Title February 10 No Democracy Necessary February 17 A Private History February 24 Negative Freedom THE END OF HISTORY Date Title March 3 What Happened March 10 Our Pessimism March 17 Desire March 24 The Master-Slave Relationship Assignment (completed by date) Read: G Arrighi, Long Twentieth Century, chap. 1, The Three Hegemonies of Historical Capitalism; G Arrighi, Long Twentieth Century, chapter 2, pp. 86-129; PRESENTATIONS Read: G Arrighi, Long Twentieth Century, chapter 2, pp. 130-162; G Arrighi, Long Twentieth Century, chapter 3, pp. 163-200PRESENTATIONS Read: G Arrighi Long Twentieth Century, chapter 4, pp. 247308; PRESENTATIONS Read: J Lowinger, Economic Reform and the Double Movement; PRESENTATIONS Assignment (completed by date) Read: G Becker, Competition and Democracy; G Becker, Irrational Behavior and Economic Competition; PRESENTATION Read: M Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, Preface, Intro, chapters 1-3; PRESENTATION Read: M Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, Preface, 4-7; PRESENTATION Assignment (completed by date) Read: D Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism, Intro, chapters 1-2; PRESENTATION Read: F Fukuyama, End of History, Intro., Part I; PRESENTATIONS Read: F Fukuyama, End of History, Part II, chapters 5-9; PRESENTATIONS Read: F Fukuyama, End of History, chapters 13-18; PRESENTATIONS THE BIRTH AND DEATH OF POSTMODERNITY Date Title Assignment (completed by date) March 31 Modernism Read: D Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, chapters 1-3; PRESENTATION OU 101 Karl March in America (rev. 1 2016-02-07) LOUGH – Fall 2013 Page 4 April 7 Postmodernism April 14 Fordism April 21 Global Economic Turbulence Where Theory Went Wrong Traditional Marxism’s Missteps An Alternative Approach In Defense of Slavery April 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 RETHINKING OUR HISTORY Date Title May 2 Where from Here? Read: D Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, chapters 7-8; PRESENTATIONS Read: D Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, chapters 9-11; PRESENTATIONS Read: R Brenner, The Economics of Global Turbulence, intro and chapters 1-3; PRESENTATIONS Read: M Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination, Intro, chapter 1; PRESENTATIONS Read: M Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination, chapters 2-3; PRESENTATIONS Read: M Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination, chapter 8; PRESENTATIONS Read: D Dobbs, Natural Right and the Problem of Aristotle’s Defense of Slavery; PRESENTATIONS Assignment (completed by date) OPEN DISCUSSION