1. Impersonating another person online is a form of what?
a. flaming
b. friending
c. identity theft
d. blocking
e. all of the above
2. _____ can refer to the standards of a particular country, a particular ethnic group, or a particular
3. What are the footprints of all of a computer’s activity called?
a. firewall
b. cookies
c. emoticons
d. tracks
e. none of the above
4. What is a name given to a computer and its peripherals connected to the Internet which identifies
the type of organization? (Ex: .com, .org, .net.)
a. domain
b. URL
c. hardware
d. server
e. browser
5. Refusing to hire or denying advancement to someone in a company because of age, gender,
ethnicity, sexuality, religion, or other personal reasons is a practice of what?
6. What is an antipiracy method for protecting networks which permits access to public sections of
the network while protecting private areas?
a. firewall
b. cookies
c. emoticons
d. tracks
e. none of the above
7. The central computer of a network, or “host”, used for shared storage is called what?
a. domain
b. URL
c. hardware
d. server
e. browser
8. Having several layers of management is called what?
9. What is a system of interconnected computers that communicate with one another and share
applications and data?
10. A company’s _____ can be defined by a company code of ethics, written manual, and orientation
a. diversity b. bureaucracy
c. corporate culture
d. harassment
e. ethics
11. Identifying someone by a single trait or as a member of a certain group rather than as an
individual is what?
12. To engage in rude or insulting behavior in an e-mail or chat message is called what?
a. flaming
b. friending
c. identity theft
d. blocking e. all of the above
13. What is the process of encoding data to prevent unauthorized access?
a. encryption
b. spamming
c. emailing d. dragging
e. none of the above
14. What is the amount of data that can be transferred over a network at any given time referred to
a. operating system
b. software c. network d. motherboard
e. bandwidth
15. Working from home by computer, fax, and telephone is called _____.
a. hierarchy
b. culture
c. discrimination
d. telecommuting
e. stereotyping
16. Workplace _____ means people of different backgrounds and identities such as age, gender,
education, and ethnicity working together.
17. What Act requires business to provide facilities such as wheelchair ramps for people with
18. What Act provides protection from discrimination in employment on the basis of gender, race,
sexuality, age, or religion?
19. _____ are the moral standards to live by observed by a culture or group of people.
20. What is the term for the chain of command in a company?
21. What Act protects workers age 40 and over?
22. Which workplace culture allows employees more freedom in work schedules, dress code, and
expression of ideas and opinions?
a. formal
b. informal
c. both
d. neither
23. Which workplace culture is more strict as far as work schedules and dress code go?
b. formal
b. informal
c. both
d. neither
24. A company’s location has no bearing on its corporate culture.
25. Most company codes of ethics have rules against discrimination and harassment.
26. Many U. S. companies now offer diversity training courses.
27. A diversified work environment can only mean trouble.
28. A company that does business globally should be aware of the cultures of other countries.
29. Harassment in the workplace should be handled with profane language or violence.
30. Helping all co-workers, regardless of differences, is an example embracing diversity.
31. Believing that your way is the only way is an example of rejecting diversity.
32. Making fun of a co-working is not considered a form of harassment.
33. Agreeing with everyone about everything is required to maintain a productive work environment;
respectfully disagreeing with a co-worker is considered a form of harassment.
What is diversity and how can it benefit a company?
What is harassment and how can you handle those types of situations?
What is the Equal employer Opportunity Act? How is it important?
Dress to Part questions
How important is your dress code/attire when interviewing for a position in a
*9 Weeks Exam Testing Schedule*
English—Monday, March 10
Math—Tuesday, March 11
Science/DTC—Wednesday, March 12
Social Studies/History/Electives—Thursday, March 13