Syllabus Course Description: 251009 Mandarin Chinese 1 Full year 1 credit (Grade 9-12): This beginning level course is for the students who have limited or no Chinese language background, who is interested in exploring Chinese culture and understanding basic Mandarin language. Emphasis will be on listening comprehension and simple conversational skills. It will prepare students to speak, write and understand both the reading and writing of Chinese language. The culture content will be interwoven through current events and Chinese seasonal festival celebrations and research projects. The literature part of the course will mainly focus on achieving 37 phonic symbols, 21 compound vowels in both Romanized and Han-Yu-Pin-Yin systems, and become familiar with 300 fundamental characters in traditional and simplified forms. * Text book and material: ZhenBasng I ; Living Mandarin I, II / IQ Chinese Go-100/ Live Interactive Chinese / and teacher edited conversational supplement. 251010 Mandarin Chinese 2 (Grade 10-12): Prerequisite: Students with one year of high school Chinese Mandarin or whose native language is Mandarin. Students should have basic knowledge of phonic symbols and are able to read write, and speak Mandarin and comprehend the daily conversation. This course will continue build upon the basic vocabulary, grammar and conversation skills that students learned in the first year. Emphasis will be on daily dialogue practice, short article/ story reading and writing, and free journal writing. Students also have great opportunities to explore further knowledge about Chinese history, culture, geography and current events. * Text book and material: Zhan Bang 1 /Live Interactive Chinese / and teacher edited conversational supplement. 251012 Mandarin Chinese 3 (Honor Chinese/ pre-AP Chinese/Dual enrollment CHI101 -5 credits/ChI102- 5 credits) (Grade 11-12 or 9-12 whom have passed Mandarin level 2 examination): Prerequisites: Students with at least two years of Chinese Mandarin or whose native language is Mandarin. This course equivalents the level of a two-semester university /college course in Mandarin Chinese. If you enroll Dual Enrollment program through Rio Salado College, it allows you to receive total 10 college credits in foreign language. It is your choice and great opportunity to accumulate credits prior to entering college, so that you will be able to graduate from college early or on time! In addition you will save money! This course continues to build up Mandarin Chinese’s four skills of listening, speaking reading and writing. The course emphasizes practicing a broad range of writing and verbal communication skills through spoken and written exercises that simulate daily life, with topics and themes that are relevant and personal to students, as well as building cultural understanding to enhance student’s comprehensive grounding in Chinese language. * Text book and material: ZhenBang level 2 / Live Interactive Chinese / and teacher edited reading/conversational supplement. 251014 AP Chinese and culture/ Dual enrollment CHI201-5 credits /ChI202 -5 credits) (Grade11-12) The AP Chinese Language and culture course is in accordance with the Arizona Education standard for secondary school foreign language, and meets the criteria of the College Board AP Chinese language and Culture. It will match the level of a fourth-semester university/college course in Mandarin/ Mandarin Chinese. It requires students to complete approximately 250 hours of Chinese classroom instruction. This course also emphasizes helping students prepare their AP Chinese examination or SAT II Chinese examination. The AP Chinese examination measures fluency; students should be able to recognize and understand both spoken and written Chinese at a sophisticated level. Furthermore, students will demonstrate their abilities to speak and write fluently and accurately in a culturally appropriate manner that reflects the language used in real life, as well as build the skills needed to communicate in today’s rapidly changing world. * Text book and material: Zhen Bang 3 / /Live Interactive Chinese/ Integrated Chinese Part 2 level 1 / Jia You book1/ and teacher edited reading & conversational supplement. Student Classroom Behavioral Expectation: Follow school rules and policies, such as dress codes & cell phone policy and the Chinese classroom procedure. Visible cell phones will be confiscated Be in their seat when the bell rings and begin the warm up immediately. Bring learning materials necessary for class, paper, pencil, pen, etc. Listen quietly to whoever is talking, raise hand and gain permission before talk. Use appropriate language. Treat instructor, others and the classroom respectfully. Take responsibility for their action. Use class time wisely and stay on task. ( No the other subject works please!) No food or drinks (other than water) are allowed. Do not apply make-up, cologne and comb hair elsewhere! Consequence of misbehaviors: ASD will be assigned for all unexcused tardy; did not turn in assignments twice, and misbehave ignorant warning. Green Card Friendly reminding the violation for expected classroom behaviors. Some acting need to be taken to improve immediately. Write down the fact about what’s happen and the student’s information (name/ ID/ date and time) also include how to improve the situation effectively. Yellow / Red card Conduct improve plan with Mrs. Kuo Parent contact. Report to the administration board and teacher-parent conference Removal from the class Course/materials/methods/and/objectives: Materials: 1. Textbook, A, B exercise books and 2. Online program, 3. Teacher-edited materials. Objectives: The course preparation is following the “Chandler District Foreign Language Guideline”. It is based on the concepts of preparing students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese and applying through the three basic modes -- communication (interpersonal communication; interpretation of that interpretive; overall expression of presentational), and in accordance with ACTFL Foreign Language Teaching five criteria - Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. Methods & procedures: In the Mandarin 1 level: first nine weeks of study, we will mainly focus on the pronunciation system and tones. In which students will introduce both Han-Yu-Ping-Yin (use in Mainland China) and phoneticㄅㄆㄆ (traditional system for enhance pronounce accurate sound and abundant literature resources for building Chinese reading skills.) After students achieve the phonic and tones, the courses of the other up-levels classes will emphasis on building up practical Chinese Characters, expressions and daily dialog to build the strength of applying various Chinese language abilities in real life. Other levels: Besides the phonic, during each class, there are several literal units integrated such as: Reading Unit, Writing Unit, and Oral Unit. With the whole-language/ literal curriculum setting, I will encourage students to apply their literal skills—both in English and Chinese, through various learning tasks - to interview, role playing, problem solving, described the incident, planning activities, discussion, debate and other one-way or two-way communication, including the provision of student expression of diversity and continuity of the Chinese learning environment. Student Assignments: Students are expected to Listen carefully to directions and follow them carefully. Do their best on EVERY assignment. Hand in neat, legible assignments, on time. Illegible, incomplete or messy product will not be accepted and will not credit any points. Take responsibility for their learning. Take responsibility for their portion of group assignments, be present with their materials or make sure their materials are sent to school if an absence is unavoidable. Groups not prepared on the day they are scheduled may not be given another opportunity to present. Writ the proper heading in the upper right hand corner of each assignment. Such as ID; Name: Chinese and or English included // class period If the day’s assignment is not completed in class, it should be completed at home and ready to hand in the due day when arrive to the classroom, if not hand in during the ending of the class, will be considered late. If absence and miss the assignments, student will be allowed to have equal amount of absence day to make up the works or make up the tests. (Using their spare time or come back after school hour tutoring to fix them. not in the class.) Evaluation and Assessments: Each and every effort counts! All class assignments tests, projects and class activities will be designed to assess state standards for the Mandarin Chinese language and culture. Grading Scale: A=90%-100%, B= 80%-89%, C= 70%-79%, D= 60%-69%, F=59% and below. Each quarter will be worth 40% of the semester grade and the final exam will be worth 20% of the total semester grade. Students and parents need to check their grade on SIS on a regular basis. Mrs. Kuo’s grading method will accumulates all the points from: Classroom performance: 35 % 1 class hour count 1 point. (Each week about 5 points) Daily attendance, task participation & personal efforts contribution to various activities; Individual and group performances, other assigned projects on daily basis. Examinations and chapter quits: 45 % Special presentational projects. (Points will vary depend on the difficulty) All chapter review tests (10 points for each test in written or oral format) ; Final examination; ( 30 - 40 points) Home works: 20%: Each accomplished work earns its assigned points. Complete and turn in on time of the assigned homework , handout writing and reading reflection; Weekly free journal writing; reading log reflection. ( 2 points for each) ( Suggest to read Chinese books/articles and online web articles, free write in Chinese, or partial English or Han-Yu- Ping-Yin, but prefer gradually write in Chinese characters). Diversity Statement All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and bigotry. As members of the HHS/ACP-Erie High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual orientation. Parents : Comments and sharing are welcome! Please E-mail or phone call HHS 480-883-5000 ; ACP-Erie 480-424-8000// 480-940-1835 (H) evening. Sincerely, Teacher Kuo, Lu Hsiu-Lien