context is everything: caul workshop on transnational education

Transnational education for the purposes of this workshop includes any education conducted outside
Australia by an Australian university, including overseas campuses, the use of other universities’
campuses and other locations for teaching Australian university courses, and courses using
Australian universities’ curriculum but taught by others – in other words, all teaching conducted
overseas which leads to an Australian university qualification. It does not include distance education
from an Australian campus.
Program, date and location
Friday 4 May
Location: PARKROYAL at Melbourne Airport
Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm
Cost: $120.00 plus GST
There will be an introduction, and four panels. Each panel will present the perspectives of different
universities, and the way they deal with issues which arise in library and non-library support for
transnational education. The approach will be to share information about problems and about
solutions which have worked (or not worked). In many cases there will be no clearly “right” answer,
but simple a matter of what works.
9.30am Introduction (45 mins)
10.15am Topic 1: Agreements and formalities (1 hr)
11.15am Break
11.45pm Topic 2: Copyright, licensing and purchasing (1 hr 15mins)
12.45pm Lunch (1 hr)
1.45pm Topic 3: Library services with partners (1 hr)
2.45pm Break
3.15pm Topic 4: Training and staffing (45 mins)
4.00pm Wrap up and lessons learned (15 mins)
4.30pm Conclude
Introduction: Varieties of transnational education
Melissa Banks, Director, Swinburne International, Swinburne University of Technology
Chair: Derek Whitehead
Melissa will speak about:
Global trends in cross border education
Trends in Australia
TNE and International education - models, terminology and stakeholders
TNE and International engagement at Swinburne University of Technology- some examples of TNE
The future of TNE.
With over twenty years experience in multiple education sectors and service providers, Melissa has
experience and skills in many aspects of international education in Australia. She has held senior
positions in three Australian universities, including her current role as Director Swinburne
International at Swinburne University of Technology. Melissa also led major research projects in her
capacity as Head of research at IDP Education Pty Ltd.
Melissa has contributed to national and international forums and publications throughout her
professional career on topics including global student mobility, outcomes and impacts of
international education in Australia, retention and transition practices in Australian universities, and
Australian transnational tertiary education.
Topic 1 – Agreements and formalities
Greg Anderson, University Librarian, University of Newcastle
Ian McBain, University Librarian, Flinders University
Imogen Garner, University Librarian, Curtin University
Margie Jantti, University Librarian, University of Wollongong
Chair: Greg Anderson
Greg Anderson: CCSAC has just completed a final draft for the Guidelines/Principles document. We
have incorporated feedback from the last CAUL meeting and I have re-worked the context statement
to try and cover all types of remote locations. We decided to also move away from the use of
"campus" as this did not reflect the variety of arrangements in place.
 Transnational agreements and their coverage of library services
 Service level agreements / how do we evaluate performance?
 Application of the CAUL Principles for Library Services to Offshore Students (2012)
 Working with the libraries of partner institutions
 University funding formulas for support of overseas campuses
 Distance students
 Quality assurance
CAUL Principles and Guidelines for Library Services to Staff and Students at Remote Locations
(Revised April, 2012)
Topic 2 – Copyright, licensing and purchasing
Robin Wright, Copyright Manager, Swinburne University of Technology
Derek Whitehead, University Copyright Officer, Swinburne University of Technology
Annie Lennox, Senior Coordinator, RMIT Copyright Service
Neil Renison, Librarian, Acquisitions Services, James Cook University
Jan Rutherford, Manager, Client Services, Murdoch University
Chair: Derek Whitehead
 Making content available to TN programs through your online reserve or other collection of
Part VB copies.
 Providing access to licensed online resources for transnational students.
 Copyright and licensing risks
 Copyright law in partner countries
 Implications for subscription costs Many vendors charge additional licensing fees for
transnational access to online resources. Is there any joint action/pressure we can apply?
 How do we count student numbers?
Topic 3 – Providing library services with overseas partners
Julia Leong, Staff development Librarian, RMIT University
Jan Rutherford, Manager, Client Services, Murdoch University
Kerryn Amery, Associate University Librarian, La Trobe University
Greg Fry, Team Leader, Faculty Liaison Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Chair: Kerryn Amery
 How does it all work? Who does what? Different delivery models for library services
 Technical issues – network and bandwidth, equipment, other
 How is support provided? local library support vs online delivery/support
 Is there a requirement for library support for research
 Providing library and information support to transnational programs.
 Working with partner libraries overseas
Topic 4 – Training and staffing
Ralph Kiel, University Librarian, Victoria University
Janette Burke, Director Resources, Monash University Library
Karen Ayles, Academic Librarian, University of South Australia
Chair: Ralph Kiel
 Recruiting subject librarians / library staff generally
 Retention of staff (Monash on staffing issues)
 Delivery of induction, orientation, PD and library-related training to overseas-based teaching
 Information literacy/ student training
 Services such as chat, online reference, libguides
 Training of library staff at partner institutions
Concluding session: open session to bring conclusions together
Derek Whitehead
Finalised 3 May 2012
Context is everything: CAUL Workshop on Transnational Education, 4 May 2012
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