History of School Research Awards

2010 – 11
Anselm Heinrich
Travel and accommodation to present a paper at one-day conference in Reading – entitled ‘Regional
Spaces, National Stages: Performance Beyond London 1945-2010. Anselm hopes to publish his
paper through the organisers publishing a volume of essays.
Christine Geraghty
Funding towards budget for Centre for Screen Studies seminar with Andrew HookCentre.
Ian Goode
Fee for conference attendance at the Edinburgh International film Audiences Conference. Ian
presented a paper ‘The rural cinema operation: exhibiting non-theatrical cinema in rural Scotland
(1946-1970). Ian intends to develop a journal article of the paper.
Ian Garwood
Archive visit to Lux Film Archive, London. To develop research for his monograph ‘The Sense of Film
Additional support for future Centre for Screen Studies seminar series.
Karen Boyle
Subsidise travel to Vancouver as Karen was a keynote speaker at the Sex/Money/Media Conference
organized by Women in View (Canada) and Simon Fraser University.
Katie Gough
Subsidise accommodation costs to present paper ‘Plato and his Double: Save As: Kinship/Save as:
Allegory’ at the Performance Studies International Conference in Utrecht. This [presentation
allowed Katie to engage with colleagues within the discipline of performance studies and
disseminate her research at a key stage in her project.
Karen Lury
Additional financial support to attend and present paper at international conference – Society for
Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) annual conference in New Orleans. Karen will submit a longer
version of the paper for publication in a relevant academic journal.
Martin Cloonan
Costs of hiring a translator while research the promotion of live music in Japan. The research would
result in at least two articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Popular Music and Popular Music and
Society. The paper also presented at a live music conference which is part of Martin’s AHRC project.
David Archibald
Additional financial support to attend and present paper on film festivals at international conference
– Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) annual conference in New Orleans. His article forms
part of a dossier on film festivals that David is co-editing for the leading film journal ‘Screen’.
Amy Holdsworth
Additional financial support to attend and present paper at international conference – Society for
Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) annual conference in New Orleans. The research presented helps
in developing lines of inquiry into the impact of the shift between analogue and digital
understandings of television and it’s forms of memory and experience.
David Hopkins
Present paper at the College Arts Association conference in New York 2011. The conference is the
major annual forum for art historical research in the USA. The paper title ‘ The Soul of the Toy : The
Toy in Recent Art’ andwas presented as part of the ‘Design Studies Forum’ ( short session ) chaired
by Amy Ongata. The paper relates to ongoing research project on toys, which recently produced an
exhibition at the Fruitmaket Gallery, Edinbugh ( ‘Childish Things’, currently showing at the
Fruitmarket )
Frances Lennard
Travel and accommodation expenses to attend a workshop in Poland to disseminate the results of a
research project at the University of Krakow with Dr Bratazs. The project is complementary to a
completed AHRC funded research project which Frances was PI. The possibility that Dr Bratazs could
be a partner in future funding application and possible joint publications.
Sabine Wieber
Travel costs to attend conference at AAH annual conference University of Warwick. Beneficial to
international collaboration and possible future grant application. Further impetus for book project
and exhibition project on Leistikow.
Vicky Price
Attendance and presentation of paper at The British Shakespeare Association’s ‘Shakespeare:
Sources and Adaptation’ Conference at Cambridge University. The paper is an output from research
that was undertaken for an article entitle ‘(Re)enactments of violence in post-Ceasefire Northern
Ireland: The Educational Shakespeare Company’s Mickey B’.
Grischka Petri
Present paper at Special Session on Museum Ethics at the 4th International Conference on
Information Law in Thessaloniki, Greece entitled ‘ Works of art in the public domain: the problematic
copyright practice of museums’. The paper to be published in the conference proceedings.
Ian Goode
PhD student from Griffith University in Australia visiting UK on a scholarship. Invited to give a
research seminar on her work. The seminar provided support and development of Ian’s research
grant proposal and aid the publication of a chapter he is contributing to a book ‘Watching Films:
New Perspectives on Movie-Going, Exhibition and Reception.
Perla Innocenti
Conduct case studies interviews and onsite observations in American leading museums for ongoing
research project Preserving Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI): Art theory, Methods and
Experimental Applications. Outcomes – publishing outputs of interdisciplinary research project.
Patricia de Montfort
Present paper ‘Work and leisure: advertising exhibitions in the London times’ at annual conference
of the international Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, at Canterbury Christ Church
University. Outcomes – book publication and possible development of new funding application
based on content development of Exhibition Culture project.
Bjorn Heile
Presenting as part of a panel at Seventh Biennial International Conference of Music since
1900/Lancaster Music Analysis Conference. Outcomes –collected volume of articles in peer reviewed
Katie Gough
Two events – week long event , roundtable discussion with Professor Roach (Performance Studies,
Yale) and discuss current book project in relation to his work on Circum-Atlantic Performance.
Birkbeck College hosting poet, translator and essayist Anne Carson as part of the William Matthews
memorial lectures series. Outcomes – to build working national and international relations with
colleagues in theatre and related disciplines.
Simon Murray
Paper/presentation for working group on performer training at 2011 TaPRA (Theatre and
Performance Research Association) at University of Kingston. Outcomes – enhance the culture and
landscape of wider research and scholarly activities and help enrich the national/international
profile of Theatre Studies at GU.
School Research Symposium
Costs towards lunch and coffee for the event.
Genevieve Warwick
Travel and accommodation in Rome in order to do a final check of references/photographs for
recently completed monograph on Bernini and performance.
Anselm Heinrich
Chair panel at international theatre studies conference on ‘Politics, Performance and Popular Culture
in 19th Century Britain’ at Lancaster University. Outcomes – offer paper on ‘Gladstone and the
National Theatre’ in a reworked version to the conferences organiser to be included in the
Anita Quye
Two day trip to London to visit three institutions: National Archives Kew to view registers of designs
with Dr Dinah Eastop; British Museum to discuss potential analytical research projects with Dr
Catherine Higgit, Department of Conservation and Scientific Research; National Gallery to discuss
potential analytical research projects with Dr David Peggie, Science Department. Outcome – to
enhance the development of research grant proposals arising from the Research Network meetings
by the Centre of Textile Conservation
Minty Donald
Presenting paper at TaPRA annual conference at Kingston University (Theatre and Performance
Research Association. Three potential outcomes – an article based on the paper ; site-specific audiot
sound performance (High-Slack-Low-Slack-High) and development towards a research
network/project concerned with urban rivers and performance.
Sarah Foskett
Attendance at Symposium 2011 Adhesives and Consolidants for Conservation: Research and
Applications, hosted by the Canadian Conservation Institute in partnership with Library and Archives
Canada. By updating on knowledge and skills in this specialist area, will be in a stronger position to
undertake practical conservation treatments worthy of publication.
Patricia de Montfort
Support for travel to visit a private London collection of the work of Louise Jopling (1843-1933). The
visit helped progress the publication and project.
Genevieve Warwick
Funding for photographic illustration for forthcoming monograph on Bernini due to appear in
Autumn 2012. The research for the book was funded by Leverhulme Trust and the AHRC.
Deborah Lewer
Presented a paper at The Blue Rider Centenary Symposium at the Tate Modern – Kleinkunst and
Gesamtkunstwerk in Munich and Zurich: Der Blaue Reiter and Dada.
William Sweeney
Funding to support Delphian Records release a CD of Bill’s recent music for cello(s). This contributes
to REF output and the University is recognised on the CD as support.
Dee Heddon
Attended Sideways festival in Belgium. Outcomes include The Walking Library an ‘exhibition’ on
display at the festival’s key nodes. Publication of collected writings – deposited with the festival; a
co-authored article reflecting on the Walking Library Project. Heddon and Myers have been invited
to join the editorial board of a new online journal W.A.L.K and Heddon also invited to co-edit a
themed edition of Art and Research.
Minty Donald
To cover shortfall in funding for the development and performance/exhibition of a practice-asresearch artwork for inclusion in the Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art 2012. Five
performances/Installations in Glasgow City Centre. The project was also funded by Glasgow Life
Visual Artrs Fund and Chancellor’s Fund.
Amy Holdsworth
Present paper at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) annual conference in Boston.
Outcomes – article submitted to Critical Studies in Television. Book – co authored with Karen Lury
and Alexia Smi – Archaeologies of the Intimate: Television Form and Feeling.
Dee Heddon
Present paper entitled ‘ The Institutionalisation of Live Art’ at ‘Performance Studies International’
conference in Leeds. This will lead to a journal publication.
Simon Murray
Present paper at Performance Studies International Conference in Leeds, entitled ‘The pedagogies of
Philippe Gaulier, Jacques Lecoq and Monika Pagneux as structures of feeling’.
Simon Murray
Present paper at ‘Between’ Conference in Sopt/Gdansk Poland entitled ‘A dog following the advice
of his nose: strategies of association in contemporary theatre and the writings of WG Sebald’,
David Hopkins
Funding to cover illustration costs/permissions arising from two future publications
Dimitris Eleftheriotis
Visit to Germany where Dimitris was invited to talk as part of the conference of Hybridisation of
Genres at the University of Mainz.
Erma Hermens
Present paper at British Museum Conference – leading to publication.
Martin Cloonan
Present paper at the Music, Methods and Social Research Workshop at the Curve theatre, Leicester,
organised by Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change - paper ‘Music and the anti-social
Ian Garwood
Present paper entitled ‘Scuffing the Plastic: Animated Grain and Storytellintg in the Films of Pixar’ at
Cinema of Sensations Conference hosted by Sapientia University in Romania. The paper contains
material that forms part of Ian’s monograph The Sense of Film Narration.
Amy Holdsworth
Travel funds to visit University of Warwick to discuss the development of a collaborative research
project and major AHRC grant application on Children’s Film and Television in Britain.
Clare Willsdon
Paper entitled Brangwyn’s Workers’ at the 2012 annual conference of the Association of Art
Historians (the national subject association for art history), at Open University, Milton Keynes. Also
paper entitled ‘Murals as threshold, incision, and autopsy: Albert Besnard’s decoration at the Ecole
de Pharmacie in Paris, 1883-6’, at Probing the Interior international interdisciplinary conference, to
be mounted by the Courtauld Institute of Art, London and King’s College, London, 25th May 2012.
Ian Craven
Research archive trip to London to enable a three-day stay in London, allowing visits to a number of
libraries and archives to consult rarer cine-related journal materials (The British Film Institute
Library, The British Library), and to view otherwise unavailable amateur films (The National Film
Archive, The Imperial War Museum Film Archive); the visit also afforded the opportunity to meet
with two amateur filmmakers who stand at the centre of Ian’s current research into small-gauge film
production and to examine the collections (both paper and moving image) retained by them, with a
view to their future digitisation.
Ian Craven
Archive visits to Berlin and Vienna, enabling visits to several libraries and archives (The
Bundesfilmarchiv, The Deutsches Staatsbilbliothek, UFA Filmmuseum and Archive, the Austrian
Filmmuseum, Osterreichë Filmarchiv, etc.), which allowed the viewing of some rare German amateur
films from the inter-war period in particular, and scrutiny of paper records relating to the formation
of German amateur film organisations, and local cine clubs.
Bjorn Heile
Present paper entitled Towards a theory of experimental music theatre: ‘Showing-doing’ ‘nonmatrixed performance’ and ‘metaxis’ at the Perceptual Tensions, Sensory Resonance Conference –
University of Toronto. This will be chapter in forthcoming book.
David Archibald
Present paper at 2012 European Network For Cinema and Media Studies Conference at the New
University of Lisbon - paper on the making of Ken Loach’s The ange3ls’ Share. The paper culminated
in a book-length study with Manchester University Press.
Anselm Heinrich
Attend and speak to a two day conference on ‘Politics Performance and Popular Culture’ in
Birmingham. 8,000 word essay definitive outcome.
Perla Innocenti
Travel funding in order to conduct a case study at Ars Electronica Centre in Liz for her Research
project Preserving Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI): Art Theory Methods and Experimental
Nick Fells
Funding to support Music ‘Away Day’- develop and solidify Music’s research narratives. Sharing of
perspectives and plans. Aid focus and qualitatively improve REF submission and provide greater
detail and coherence to the Music research webpages.
David Code
Present paper ‘Serendipity and the Subtexts of Film Song: The Problematic Case of A Clockwork
Orange’. At the International Music and Moving Image Conference at New York University.
Postgraduate Research Students
17 PGR students were awarded funding towards various research trips, conference travel etc.