press release - Wanaka Wastebusters

02 Dec 2014
Wanaka Wastebusters makes surplus
Wanaka Wastebusters has made a surplus for the 2013-2014 financial year, despite tight
trading conditions for recycling materials.
Wanaka Wastebusters released its end of year accounts at the Wanaka Wastebusters Ltd
AGM held at the Wanaka Hotel on Tuesday night.
The community enterprise made a surplus of $9,089 for the year ending June 30 th 2014.
Turnover was over $1 million, with around $800,000 spent on wages during the year.
Wanaka Wastebusters Ltd is debt free with no long-term liabilities.
“The hard work that we’ve put into building up our reuse side and on-site and business
recycling has really paid off and we’re happy to report that we made a surplus last year,”
said General Manager Sue Coutts. “We expect to do the same this year.”
“It’s great we are still a significant employer in town, and continue to employ 23 full and
part-time staff in an inclusive workplace.”
Russell McGeorge, Chair of the Wanaka Wastebusters Board 2013-14, said the prices for
some recycled materials were generally weaker than in previous years.
Off-setting the drop in value of recycled materials, reuse sales have been strong through the
Wanaka Wastebusters shop, with more customers coming through the shop. The average
sale has remained unchanged at $10 for several years.
Ms Coutts said Wanaka Wastebusters really appreciates the generosity of all the people
who donate stuff they’ve finished with.
“Sharing stuff makes it easier to survive tough times. The Wastebusters shop makes it easier for us
all to support each other and keep it affordable for people to live here.
The recycling drop-off is also proving very popular, with 753 people using it last month. “Lots of
people find it really useful to be able to pop in over Christmas and empty the over-flowing recycling
bin. We’ve managed to keep the charge down to $1 per bin of recycling, which helps pay for the
sorting and transport costs.”
Sue said the Board had done a lot of work behind the scenes in 2013 and 2014 to make sure that the
changes to the Wanaka Wastebusters structure had gone smoothly.
“I’d really like to thank our Board and the Friends of Wanaka Wastebusters who help make Wanaka
Wastebusters an inspiration to other community enterprises.”
Sue said plans for the future include diverting some of the 5,000 tonnes of rubbish which goes past
the Wanaka Wastebusters gate to the tip every year into reuse or recycling.
“With building booming in Wanaka again, we also will be working with builders, electricians and
plumbers to get more recycling off their construction sites.
General manager Sue Coutts: 027 322 9675
Communications advisor Gina Dempster: 027 443 7116, 443 8606 x 8
Photo shows Chair of the Wanaka Wastebusters Board, Sally Battson, and Board member Nigel
Perkins recycling draft copies of the annual report at the Wanaka Wastebusters recycling drop-off.
Wanaka Wastebusters recycling centre will be open 9am-5pm for shopping and recycling every day
except Christmas Day. Dec 12th and Dec 19th will be late night Fridays, open until 8.30pm.
Reports to the AGM from the Chair and the General Manager are attached.