Newsletter Spring 2015

Spring Term 2015 Newsletter
Welcome back everyone!! Happy New Year to you all and we hope you all had a lovely Christmas.
The first half of the Spring Term, the children will be looking at food and this will include our Food Assembly. Please
see the reminder below.
During the second half term, the children will be looking at the changes that take place during the seasons.
COMMITTEE MEETING – Tuesday 3rd February 2014
The next committee meeting is 19:30 Tuesday 3rd February at The Fleece Pub, Liverpool Road, Penwortham.
Everybody is welcome to attend and we look forward to seeing you there.
Toddler Group
The toddler group follows meets at the Village Hall on Wednesday mornings (11:00am – 12:30pm) and everyone with
children under the age of 5 are welcome to attend. For further information, please speak to Bill 01772 614714.
We have raised just over £600 from the Nativity, DVD’s and Calendars, so thank you to everyone who contributed. A
full breakdown is available at the committee meetings and is posted on the committee board. As you know, Hutton
Playgroup is a non profit-making organisation, and the money from fundraising goes towards improving the provision
for the children. If you have any fundraising ideas, please let us know!
Children’s Folders & Keyworkers
During the time your children are with us at Playgroup they will accumulate work in their folders. The folders are
available for you to take home to look at whenever you like. You can add information to them, and will be informed
by your child’s Key worker when an observation has been carried out for you to read and make comment. Key
workers are available for you to talk to at any time during the session either face to face or on the telephone.
We like to mark the children’s birthdays at the closest Playgroup session, either before or after the actual date. On
those occasions we may diverge from our usual healthy eating policy and allow cordial and sweet biscuits to be
handed out, or cake for sharing at break. Children also often bring in chocolate bars or sweets to be handed out at the
end of the session.
FOOD ASSEMBLY – Thursday 12th February
The idea is the children bring in a savoury or sweet dish that they particularly like, that they can share with the other
children and that they can help to prepare. This can be as simple as sausages on sticks or as complicated as cottage
pie! We need sufficient quantity to enable all children who wish to try to do so, and parents and staff can eat up
what’s left!
We would like to ask a parent or carer to attend the assembly to taste the food and make this a special occasion.
Parents are asked to come in at 11.30 for lunch and bring in the food. There is an oven and a microwave if anything
needs to be warm. Please put down what you intend to make on the sheet which will be issued the week before. This
will enable you to check that you are not doing the same as somebody else.
This year we would like parents to prepare some photos or pictures of the food being prepared and a brief description,
we will work through these during the sessions. Please give them to your child’s Keyworker.
We always welcome parents and grandparents getting involved with Playgroup as much as possible. At the moment
we could do with some help in the kitchen, so please let us know if you could spare an hour or so in the morning.
Important Reminders
If your child is unable to attend Playgroup due to sickness for example, please telephone us on 612806 as soon as
Changes to Personal Details
Should your contact details change e.g. change of mobile phone number, email address or your child’s medical details,
please advise a member of staff as soon as possible.
Coats & Personal Belongings
Please can you ensure that all coats and other items hung up on the coat rack are clearly labelled with your child’s
Just to remind everyone to please ensure that a member of staff is aware of you leaving the building and
locks the door behind you. There is a large pond within the grounds and we would like to remind you to
ensure your children are closely supervised when entering and leaving the building.
Yellow Polo Shirts (£7) and blue Sweatshirts (£8) are available to buy direct from Playgroup. We would like to
encourage all children to wear the uniform and please ensure that your child’s name is in the sweatshirt.
Change of Clothes
Please could all children bring in a spare change of clothes in their bag in case of accidents or getting wet or too dirty.
We are unable to store large quantities of spare clothing and only have the room for an emergency supply.
Plastic Carrier Bags
Please remember not to leave any plastic carrier bags in the playroom.
We have dance every Friday, so please remember to bring pumps.
Dates for your Diary
Tuesday 3rd February
Committee Meeting 19:30
The Fleece, Penwortham
Thursday 12th February
Food Assembly 12:00
Monday 16th February – Friday 20th February
HALF TERM – Playgroup Closed