Position - North Ringwood Playgroup

Committee Position Descriptions
Organise and chair meetings, delegating tasks as required
Liaise with all contacts such as Scout Leader, members, Committee members and Attendants
Oversee all activities and running of the playgroup
Clear suggestion box
Prepare notice advising scout master of session times for the year
Facilitate grievances and conflicts
Co-ordinate all advertising, interviewing and performance reviews regarding employees as needed
in conjunction with Executive Committee members
Prepare Attendants contracts in conjunction with the Executive Committee, and ensure First Aid
training and Working with Children Certificates are up to date.
Prepare AGM documentation in conjunction with the Secretary
Communicate to the Maintenance Officer of Playgroup requirements
Manage website content
Vice President
Attend Monthly Committee Meeting
Assist the President with above duties
Coordinate promotional advertising of playgroup and events.
Update and maintain Facebook account.
Assist President with website maintenance
Assist any Committee member as required and fill any Committee position should a vacancy arise
Perform duties as required such as preparing posters, notices, and investigating possible funding
Liaise with the Fundraising Co-ordinator with fundraising events
Book and coordinate the photographer for Playgroup Photos
Act as Staff Liaison Officer and assist the President with staffing activities
Attend Monthly Committee Meeting
Keep up-to-date records of all receipts and payments, including the collection of funds and
allocation of funds from the red box at Playgroup
Pay rent weekly
Prepare financial statements for presentation at Committee meetings, including bank reconciliation
statement, YTD Profit and Loss Statement and YTD Balance Sheet.
Prepare end of year Financial Statements for presentation at AGM.
Complete yearly reporting to consumer affairs
Ensure payments, as advised from the Fees Officer, are made to Playgroup Victoria
Assist President with the preparation of Playgroup Attendants employment contract
Pay Playgroup Attendants each fortnight
Pay superannuation each month
Pay PAYG tax each quarter
Keep pay records up-to-date and issue group certificates including reporting of details to ATO
Assist with Fundraising activities when required.
Liaise with Fees Officer
Fees Officer
Prepare and distribute fee invoices each term and when new enrolments occur
Liaise with Enrolment Officer
Keep up-to-date records of fees received
Follow up on any outstanding fees
Maintain Insurance register and ensure payments are made to Playgroup Victoria
Liaise with the treasurer
Attend Monthly Committee Meeting
Prepare agenda for meetings
Advise members of Annual General Meeting date via notice board 4 weeks prior to the meeting
Take minutes at meetings and distribute minutes appropriately
Maintain the Committee’s “Calendar of Events” document
Advise Web Admin Officer of any North Ringwood Playgroup website content updates
Collect and distribute the mail
Maintain the Committee Contact Listing and distribute to Committee Members as required.
Prepare newsletter once a term using Microsoft Publisher software
Prepare AGM documentation in conjunction with the President
Arrange all photocopying of required forms/newsletters
Type up other correspondence as required
Maintain Committee and Attendant Handbooks
Archive end of year files
Enrolment Officer
Attend Monthly Committee Meeting
Maintain member records on database
Allocate members to sessions
Act as first point of contact to new members
Familiarise prospective members with how our playgroup operates
Update session lists, advising Treasurer of new members and withdrawals for insurance
Maintain “Welcome booklet” for new members and distribute them throughout the year
Check the NRPG email regularly and answer any enrolment enquiries via the Playgroup mobile
Update sign-in book as necessary
Check DOB’s for under 1’s
Maintain email address list on website for member mail outs
Purchasing Officer
Attend Monthly Committee Meeting
Keep supplies stocked (tea, coffee, detergent, disinfectant, etc.)
Purchase/arrange delivery of craft supplies as required
Purchase/arrange delivery of new toys as required
Grant Officer
Help identify what NRPG projects need or could benefit from a grant
Identify Sources of funding (Community websites, newspapers and newsletters of various
community organisations often publish this information, as well as Media networks, especially
Address the Guidelines and tailor each grant application to that particular organisation. Get a copy
of the grant guidelines and application forms in advance of the submission deadline and read them
carefully. Allow plenty of time to complete all the application requirements to meet the submission
If NRPG is required to submit a budget with our application, work with treasurer
Follow up on all submissions
Drum up support for NRPG projects through other agencies, local community or local Members of
Keep a record of all discussions and contacts with the funding bodies.
Fundraising Coordinator
Attend Monthly Committee Meeting
Prepare annual fundraising calendar for Committee approval
Organise all fundraising activities
Arrange Sub-committee meetings for large fundraising events and planning
Coordinate Top Tales and Books Plus book promotions and fundraising
Coordinate cleaning/storage of Santa suit
Fundraising Sub-Committee (5 positions)
DO NOT have to attend monthly Committee meetings, but are most welcome to attend
One member of the fundraising sub-committee to take on the responsibility of coordinating
fundraising books (Top Tales and Books Plus)
Assist with organizing fundraising activities
Attend fundraising sub-committee meetings
Assist Committee to run promotional and social events such as Maroondah day, Spring Day,
Christmas Party etc.
Maintenance Officer (Non-voting position)
DOES NOT have to attend Monthly Committee Meeting, but most welcome
Obtain quotes and coordinate maintenance requirements
Order/deliver and top up sand and mulch
Ensure all maintenance requirements are completed in a timely manner in accordance with the
maintenance schedule