Sand Tiger Shark

Sand Tiger Shark
Odontaspis taurus or Eugomphodus taurus or Carcharias taurus
Photo modified from Sharks and Rays. TC Tricas, K Deacon, P Last, JE McCosker, TI Walker, L Taylor. 1997.
Nature Company Guides, Time Life Book Series. Weldon Owen Pty Ltd , San Francisco.
Klasse: Elasmobranchii
(Haaien en
Familie: Odontaspididae
Geslacht: Carcharias
Carcharias taurus
Rafinesque, Zandtijgerhaai
The sand tiger shark has a stout body with two large dorsal fins that are almost equal in size,
with the first dorsal fin placed far back on the trunk of the body. The tail has an elongated
upper lobe and no caudal keel. This shark appears bronze from above but is increasingly pale
below. Juveniles have reddish or yellow-brown spots on the tail and rear end of the body that
fade with age. The gill slits are anterior to the origin of the pectoral fins. Large teeth are
arranged in three rows on each side of the upper jaw midline. The teeth themselves have long
smooth, narrow-edged cusps with one or two small lateral denticles. This shark is able to
achieve neutral buoyancy and hover in the water by storing surface air in its stomach. While
menacing in appearance, this shark is generally considered to be harmless.
The sand tiger shark is found in the eastern and western Atlantic, the Pacific and Indian
Oceans and in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas. In the North Atlantic it ranges from the
Gulf of Maine to Florida and into the Gulf of Mexico. There have only been three reported
sightings of the sand tiger shark in Canadian waters. These sightings were in the Minas Basin
of Nova Scotia, near St. Andrews, New Brunswick and off Point Lepreau, New Brunswick.
The sand tiger shark is often found in sandy coastal waters, shallow bays, estuaries and rocky
or tropical reefs. Although most often found in shallow waters they also swim down to depths
of 200 meters. They are sometimes seen resting on the bottom and have the ability to remain
motionless while floating in the water column by use of buoyancy control.
Life History
The maximum length attained for the sand tiger shark is 3.2 meters (10.5 feet), although the
usual size is between 1.2 and 2.7 meters in length. It is a migratory species, inhabiting shallow
coastal waters in the summer and moving to deeper or southern waters in the winter.
Diet consists mainly of large and small bony fish, small sharks, rays, squid and crustaceans. It
is a voracious eater and its teeth are adapted for eating small prey.
The sand tiger is ovoviviparous, bearing 2 live young after a gestation period of 9 to 12
months. Each pup is approximately 91-105 cm and is usually born in the winter. In each of
the two separate uterine chambers the first embryo to hatch obtains its food by eating the
other developing eggs. Females mature between 220 and 240cm
Interaction with People
Generally harmless unless provoked, it is not considered a threat but is often encountered by
divers in other parts of the world. With its fierce look and ability to adapt to captivity it is a
popular shark in many aquariums.
Photo modified from Sharks. L Campagno, C Simpfendorfer, JE McCosker, K Holland, C Lowe, B Wetherbee,
A Bush, and C Meyer. Readers Digest Series. 1998. Weldon Owen Pty Ltd., Pleasantville, NY.
Distinguishing Characteristics
Often swims with mouth open
Two dorsal fins almost equal in size
Caudal fin with elongated upper lobe and prominent subterminal notch
Juveniles have yellow-brown spots.
Family Odontaspidae
These are the narrow toothed Lamniforms, Difficult to distinguish from I. desorii's anterior
teeth except for the small side cusplets. Not a common find, expecially intact.
 Odontaspis species (Sand Tiger Shark) - Delicate teeth prone to breakage.
 Carcharias species (Sand Tiger Shark) - More robust than than O. cuspidata.
Sand tiger sharks - Odontaspis, Carcharias
Sand tiger sharks have pointy teeth, with very long and curved roots (See Fig. at top of page).
Next to the main crown, there are often 2 or four small cusplets, though these have often
broken or worn off. There are many different types of sand tiger shark, but I haven't been
able to tell them apart.
Sand tiger sharks have pointy teeth, with very long and curved roots (See Fig. at top
of page). Next to the main crown, there are often 2 or four small cusplets, though these
have often broken or worn off. There are many different types of sand tiger shark, but
I haven't been able to tell them apart.
C. taurus(extant Sand Tiger shark ) see illustration
Carcharias hopei (Extinct Sand Tiger Shark)
teeth from a large Moroccan Sand Tiger shark. These teeth were originally described as Odontaspis robusta
(Arambourg 1952), but now are argued to belong to Carcharias hopei.
The anterior teeth exhibit straight crowns with a very pronounced root development on the
display side, and well developed side cusps. The lateral teeth exhibit a very nicely curved,
board crown. Eocene age - approx. 55 million years old.
large lateral teeth
large lateral tooth
anterior tooth
large anterior and lateral teeth
Odontaspis substriata (Extinct Sand Tiger Shark)
moderately sized Moroccan Sand Tiger shark.
These teeth were originally described Arambourg (1952), but much of his work has been reclassified. They are
large, well preserved, complete (including the side cusps)
The anterior and lateral teeth both have straight crowns with well developed side cusps.
Eocene age - approx. 55 million years old.
lateral teeth
anterior teeth
Striatolamia macrota (Extinct Sand Tiger Shark)
One of the largest Sand Tiger sharks that spanned the Paleocene Period.
The crowns of the these teeth exhibit striations which are typically well pronounced. Anterior teeth have two
small cusplets while the lateral teeth have larger, boarder side cusps. The teeth are large, well preserved,
anterior teeth
anterio-lateral teeth.
lateral teeth