CIA System of Population Programming & Stereotyping Commercial Product Bar Code Code signals Targets, Countries & Direction (Forward, Backward, Looped) Wine Bar Code & Advertisements signals the Schedule & the Status of the Global "Game". Exodous of all Westerners from Non European Countries & Hindi from outside of India is the only thing planned. Pharmaceutical & Vitamin Product Bar Codes used to stereotype Populations of People, specific Targets (Sudafed), anyone against Narcotics High End Businesses or potentially file against the Federal Government with Lawsuits. Hindi Gay Elderly Pedophile Narcotics Abuser Community Internationally used Pharmaceuticals & Product Purchases to stereotype people as targets & characters in screenplays that play out in the minds of the stalkers while never relevant to those being stalked. eKidnapping happens when the stalker uses the Stalker's perspective instead of the perspecitive of the Parent of the Kid being stalked. Whatever began with the UK Royalty & UK Royal stalkers, was continued in the Hindi Gay Elderly Pedophile Narcotics Abuser Community as though Directors of Programming activity with the use of Television Schedules, local Seinfeld Schedules & Advertising Schedules to create paranoia in the Narcotics Junkie & Abuser Community & terrorize anyone against Narcotics or Pro Easterners. America Online "Key Word" System duplicated the CIA's Key Word & Key Phrase System & was used as a source of "script" for terrorist activities before & after 9/11/2001. Space Satellite Terra Star Wars began in 1974-1980's with the use of the Key Word & Key Phrase database programming & stereotyping which matricized & programmed Advertisements & the public linking of Key Names & Key Product Names, Businesses & Locations to reinforce a Western Centric Aryan Presence in any Community. X-Box, Game Boy Products were used while eLinked to people after 2001 to create interest in the Sports Community & UK Actor's Kid's Community against World Peace Organizers & Non Westerners. Oussama Bin Laden = Sony. UK Actors knew they were electronically Key Word & Key Name matricized against Sony because the UKPM of the Late 1990's planned to ePush a UK Citizen Sony Employee up the ladder to the head of the Sony Company to signal "Takeover", Western "Rule of Earth" or ePuppeting of Non Western Countries to the EU Western Narcotics Junkies & Vagrants. The UK Narcotics Royalty's plans were to use other people's money, businesses & assets to signal Anti Semitic Narcotics Aryan Supremacy against their will & against all logic. ALL 9/11 Key Name & Key Word Code that attacked Muslims as though all Black Skin Africans affected: Key Phrases & Key Names used in Profiling Conversations News Writing Reporting became Personal while targeting the Perpetrator Stalkers of India's Ancestry, Reporters of the UK claiming control of News Agencies confused the Issues, Topics & Story with the stories of themselves & their day to day lives & profiled people they were talking about with the use of the news article. The Front Page of any newspaper is used to profile the person being targeted or on any given day, the Front Page News is used to schedule the targeting of someone or an asset. Electricity became the "Currency" with the use of Holographic-like Images called "likeness" or "corporal forms". Space Satellites were used to eStereotype people, program behavior, conversations & habits. UK Vagrants wanted to have one Space Satellite in space per person on Earth. Advertisements of the 2003-2005 period of Human Experimentation illustrate the details of this plan. KrazyGlue, this is the great idea of the 1970's, the social bonding agent that would keep all European together in Terrorism of Non Westerners & acceptance of dehumanization & human experimentation in the 21st Century. The S&M Logic Non Logic used in the Narcotics Abuser & Junkie & EU Political & Commercial Organizations was known as the KrazyGlue at the time of this product's Commercial appearance. The Hindi were the only people to use his KrazyGlue beyond anyone's ability to tolerate dehumanization against the World Peace Organizer as a means of Extorting support or gaining popularity in Europe. Hindi Internationally of any Citizenship willingly Terrorized the World Peace Organizer & Non Westerners to try to create Genocide & a Commercial Sado Masochistic Commercial Stock Market Gaming System eNarcotic Product as though it were a European War Plan. THERE'S NO COOPERATION BETWEEN HINDI, NARCOTICS TRAFFICKERS & ANYONE. NOBODY OF ANY WORTH COOPERATES WITH ANY NARCOTICS TRAFFICKER OR HINDI. "Currency" then became the strength of the signal you received if you were looking or feeling for the eFeeling you received from this eSystem eNarcotic. "Bonding" Agent, UK EU CA AU NZ Citizens depended upon this Space Satellite Manipulation of the brain for favor, developed a Yes Man System & Commercially sold their ability to create Yes Men out of Non Westerners. Database Brain or Activator, the eNarcotic or presence of the eNarcotic using Westerner or Hindi. S&M Terrorism Entertainment, Hindi sold the ability (to Hindi) to create a Game of Anyone's life with the use of Extreme Dehumanization, Stalking, Database Matricized Advertisements & Commercial Terrorism instead of pushing Former UKPM Blair to Committ Suicide. Hindi Internationally Matricized ALL Hindi & Narcotics Vagrants to Terrorize the World Peace Organizer as though the World Peace Organizer were UKPM Blair, a representative of the UK Royalty or the Physical Representation of the United States. Hindi Commercially sold the ability to use the Stock Market to target people, assets (Sports Players, Artifacts to Real Estate), & creation of Aggression, Crime & Genocide as demonstrated in Darfur, as an Franchise owner of the Irish Germanish UK Terrorist network of Anti Semitic Aryan Narcotics Abusers. Old Europeanism as known to the Baby-boomers of the 1990's: North - South, Heaven - Hell, Racial Profiling, Social Genetic Engineering, Space Satellite Engineering, eProfiling, Database Brain with Space Satellite BioChemical & BioMetric Array Changing Capabilities have been common phrases & common knowledge within the Community of Anti Semitic Narcotics Abusing, Using & Trafficking European Political & Commercial Organizations. Hindi didn't want favor from Non European Westerners. Hindi wanted to eKidnapp everyone to suffer India's Dysfunction & Abuse. More than 70% of the problems of the Third World are from India. Hindi Brain Industry developed in India controls or ePuppets body movement, thought patterns. Hindi worked on creating typos, typing spelling errors & grammar errors as a programmed linear pattern. Hindi eProgrammed thought patterns of "Logic" without Logical Thought to change the Medical & Scientific Industry faster toward a Western Centric eSystem. This means there's NO SAFETY, STABILITY OR SECURITY FOR ANY NON WESTERNER OF NON WHITE SKIN. This eSystem is maintained electronically through what's called "Channels". Hindi developed a Hindi Channel (Gay Channel) & an Black Channel, while the Aryans Developed an Gay White Muslim Aryan Channel. Hindi wanted to be paid with International Popularity for maintaining Genocide, Violence, Criminal Activity, Promiscuous Behavior & Neglect & Dysfunction in Government. Crime on a Quota, Hindi & Aryan Narcotics Junkies wanted to be paid to stalk Cities to maintain a Crime on a Quota System ePushing Criminal Behavior, Thought Patterns, Promiscuity, Adultery, Incest & Pedophila. A Monthly Crime on a Quota System existed where the Criminal Stalkers cloned the behavior of those spending money in the High End Markets as thought they were participating in the European WWII Genocide Game & ePushed the deaths due to crime or Stalker Terrorism as though the Big Spenders were spending lives every time they purchased a High End Commercial Product or Luxury Item. Monthly Crime reports appear to be a record of monthly expense or appear to be trying to maintain itself or it's numbers. There's no indication of any Police Prevention or Crime Stopping in numbers of the Monthly Crime Report. FAILED WWII SeQueL: News Agency Attack Against Muslims as a group of People, Region of Ancestral Muslim Land, Commercial & Political People in the News. Hindi, Gay Community, Irish, Europeans: Germanish, French, Canadians, Australians & New Zealanders (Westerners) had benefitted from the use of these Electronic Space Satellite Terrorism, Key Name Crime Placement & Private European Claim of Rule of Earth or Authority over all Life OF Earth to include the Migration of Financial, Physical & Natural Assets. How to "break the system": Consciously Develop Routines & Patterns of Good Habits, Nutritional Intake & Exercise, Be on Your Best Behavior at All Times, develop Polite Communication Habits, a Good Attitude about Others & Yourself says volumes about yourself without the need for investigation, Purchase Products grown in your Community, Learn & Reinforce the Native Ancestral Indigenous of the Land on which you Live, Learn the Language of Native Ancestral Indigenous & Reinforce their Traditions as those values Reinforce Life OF Earth or the Ecosystem of the Land. Advocate Balanced & Well Rounded News Reporting that reports toward solving problems of NEED. Learn Non European Languages, Expand your Kid's Education, Travel Internationally. The largest Industry is the $7 Trillion Travel Industry. Asia is the largest contributor to the Largest Industry in the World! Advocate for People & Communities of Well Rounded Self Actualized International Citizens of the World who advocate World Peace. WORLD PEACE IS ATTAINABLE. Learn about the 1950's Japan World Peace Plan at & at, Contact GKnot Foundation at or email All Information here is of Alleged Crimes & Criminal Activity also at