HINDI ORIENTATION ihndI pUvaaiBamauKIkrNa kxaa 4 evaM 5 WHAT IS LANGUAGE Method of Human Communication, spoken and written, consisting of words. Language is a vital tool. It is not only a means to communicate thoughts and ideas but it builds up friendship, cultural ties and economic relations in society. HINDI LANGUAGE Chief language or National language of India. Spoken by 50% people of 127 Cr. Population. Hindi as a language occupies third position in the world. 1. Mandarin (Chinese) 2. English 3. Hindi WHY IS LANGUAGE IMPORTANT? It equips us to enhance communication skills and forms a basic for our preparedness in a competitive world. The foundation of Hindi language is developed at the Primary classes. OBJECTIVES OF LISTENING SKILL Children listen to Hindi being read and spoken and comprehend the gist of the lesson. They get acquainted with the language. They are able to develop Hindi vocabulary ihndI hma sabakI raYT/BaaYaa hO OBJECTIVES OF SPEAKING SKILL Children learn to speak with correct pronunciation and expression. They make an effort to express words, phrases and sentences. They are able to express ideas using a wide range of vocabulary in Hindi. Pyaasaa kaOAa Akbar AaOr baIrbala baadla kOsao banato hOM OBJECTIVES OF READING SKILL Children learn to read and recite with the correct pronunciation, clarity, and fluency. They read independently with understanding. They are motivated to read unseen text. eg: Hoardings, News Items etc. maOM ihndI ilaK saktI hUÐ OBJECTIVES OF WRITING SKILL Children learn to organize their ideas and answer in a sequential manner. They use grammatically correct Hindi with proper punctuation and correct formation of letters. They gain knowledge of the language structures taught and are able to apply them. They develop creativity and express themselves in Hindi using original ideas. maorI paz\ya pustk In order to achieve these skills the subject is dealt with in two parts… PROSE AND POETRY : Model Reading. Explanation. Question and Answer discussion. Discussion of new and difficult words. Reading of the lesson by students with correct pronunciation. PROSE : In prose written work consists of : Word meanings Framing sentences Reference to Context Questions and Answers LANGUAGE: In language the written work consists of: Synonyms (pyaa-yavaacaI) Opposites (ivalaaoma) Gender Number (ilaMga) (vacana) Reading Comprehension ³Aqa-ga`hNa) Paragraph Writing ³AnaucCod laoKna) o LANGUAGE STRUCTURES: NOUNS (saM&a) PRONOUNS (sava-naama) CASES ( kark) VERBS (iËyaa) ADJECTIVES (ivaSaoYaNa) • On the completion of every topic interesting worksheets are given to reinforce comprehension and use of language learnt. • To make the language more interesting various activities are conducted such as class assemblies, special assemblies, kxaa 5___ ³2013¹2014) ivaYaya : iËyaa iËyaa ¹ Verbs idnaaMk : ijana SabdaoM sao iksaI kama ko krnao ka pta calao ]na SabdaoM kao iËyaa khto hOM. I naIcao ide vaa@yaaoM maoM iËyaa SabdaoM kao roKaMikt kIijae: II ]icat iËyaa caunakr ilaiKe : 1 maOM saOr krnao _________ . hUÐ) (jaata hOÀjaata 2 tuma saba bagaIcao maoM _________ . (KolaaoÀKola) 3 @yaa Aap maoro Gar _________ Æ (AaAaoÀAaeÐgao) 4 rahula ApnaI pZ,a[- _________ hO . (krtaÀkrto) 5 laaoga dUr ¹ dUr tk _________ jaato qao . (]D,krÀ calakr) III sahI iËyaa SabdaoM sao jaaoD,o imalaa[e : 1 hvaa QaIro ¹ QaIro a. jaaegaI. IV jaao Sabd iËyaa nahIM hOM ]napr 𝖷 ka icah\na lagaa[e : 1 calaao maIlaaoM 2 Aayaa nayaa 3 imalao iKlao KaAao Kayaa naIlao 4 saunanaa iKlaaOnaa 5 idnakr saunaanaa ilaKkr V ide ica~ kao doKkr iËyaa SabdaoM sao vaa@ya banaa[e : 1 savaarI : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 ]dya : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 caZ, : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Dala : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HINDI ELOCUTION COMPETITION HINDI ELOCUTION COMPETITION HINDI ELOCUTION COMPETITION