Date: Class-3 February 5th (Kyle) _and February 7th_ (Porcupine) Class Information Today’s Special Words: Adjective Adverb Brainstorming In-Class Writing Activities: 1. 2. 3. Students took Class notes. Students turned-in second Journal Page. Students turned-in any of the five handouts from last class: ∙Making Sentences More Interesting ∙Simple Sentences with One Subject ∙Picking out Verbs in Sentences ∙Picking out Prepositional Phrases ∙Crossing Out Prepositional Phrases 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Students completed a Brainstorming page for their essay and gave a copy to instructor. Students began their 5 paragraph descriptive essay (due next class). Students worked on 3 handouts about adjectives and adverbs. Students worked on subject/verb practice sheet. If they had time, students started Journal Page for next Class Session. Lesson Plan Course: _Freshman English I 1:00-1:55 2:00-2:55 3:00-3:55 Beginning of Class Business: Writing a 5-Paragraph Essay: An 1. Sign Attendance Sheet 2. Turn in Journal Page 3. Turn in these practice sheets from last class: in-class demonstration using the 5 Paragraph Graphic Organizer as a guide to writing an essay. Final Discussion of Prepositional Phrases: In-class discussion of how Making sentences more interesting. Picking out Prepositional Phrases Crossing out Prepositional phrases Picking out Verbs in Sentences Simple Sentences with One Subject Brain-storming ideas for 5 Paragraph Descriptive Essay: In-class demonstration of brain-storming techniques that pull-up ideas from the students’ right brains and help them to organize these ideas. prepositional phrases are used in sentences as adjectives and adverbs. Students will begin their own 5 paragraph essays: The students will Introduction to Subject/Verb Agreement: In-class discussion of use the 5 paragraph graphic organizer to organize their ideas into a 5 paragraph essay with individual help from the instructor. subject/verb agreement which includes an explanation handout and a practice sheet (Handout). Assignments: Introduction to Adjectives and Adverbs: Students brainstorm ideas for their 5 paragraph descriptive essay: Students will write a 5 paragraph descriptive essay about someone or something that they know a lot about. (Handout) They will begin by brainstorming their ideas about this topic on the provided Brainstorming Sheet (Handout). Students will then make a Xerox copy of their Brainstorming Sheets to hand in for credit. Tips for distinguishing Adjectives from Adverbs (Handout) Practice Sheet: Picking out Adjectives Practice Sheet: Picking out Adverbs (Handout) Practice Sheet: Adding Adjective, Adverbs, and Prepositional Phrases to Sentences (Handout) 1. Journal Page for next class. 2. Although there will be some time in class next week for students to type their 5 paragraph descriptive essays, they will need to finish writing them before they come to class. 3. Students will complete any in-class handouts on adjectives, adverbs or subject/verb agreement to turn-in at the beginning of next class session. Reading Assignments: Chapter 25: Planning and Drafting Essays Chapter 1: Sentence Essentials