School Profile 2013-2014

School Profile 2013-2014
Broadview Avenue Public School
JK-8 Regular Program, SK-7 EFI
590 Broadview Ave.
Ottawa, Ontario
K2A 2L8
Phone: (613) 728-1721
Fax: (613) 728-5945
School hours:
9:10 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.
School Website1
Catherine Deschambault
Diana MacFarlane
Office Administrator
Donna Atkinson
Chief Custodian
Shawn Viner
School Council Chair
Stephanie Craze
Superintendent of Instruction
Frank Wiley
School Trustee
Jennifer McKenzie
Chair of the Board
Jennifer McKenzie
Director of Education/
Secretary of the Board
Jennifer Adams
General Board Information:
Phone: 613-721-1820
Board Website2
Accessibility Information3
Our School
The history of “Broadway Avenue” Public School, now known as
Broadview Public School, has been chronicled since the late
1800’s. Through two fires – 1916 and 1926 – and
reconstructions, four additions and a name change, Broadview
has become one of the larger school complexes in the city.
Difficult as it may seem, over 1400 students attended
Broadview in the mid 50’s. About one-third of our current
population is housed in the original wing of the school.
Broadview plays a vital role in its community, establishing
partnerships with local groups and providing a venue for varied
activities. Most significantly, Broadview is a true neighbourhood
school, with the vast majority of students walking to school.
Our Students
Broadview currently has approximately 860 students from JKGrade 8. We are considered a community school for the JK-6
students. Our Grades 7 and 8 students come from the broader
community, and from several feeder schools, We have
approximately 250 students in our English program, 100
students in our 4 congregated gifted classes, 8 students in our
Junior/Intermediate Learning Disabilities class and 520 students
in the EFI program. Upon leaving Broadview, most students
attend Nepean H.S. while others go to Canterbury, Lisgar, Bell,
Woodroffe, or Sir Guy Carleton.
Our Staff
The 70 plus staff members at Broadview include 51 teaching
staff, 2 educational assistants, 2.5 office staff, 11 Early
Childhood Educators, 4. custodial staff, and 2 library
technicians. We are supported centrally by a psychologist,
social worker and speech and language pathologist. The staff is
a blend of experienced teachers and those who are relatively
new to the profession. It includes many specialists who have
had previous careers and work experience which greatly
enriches their teaching. Our support staff members are all
highly qualified individuals who work as members of various
teams to ensure that the school plant and student and school
systems function effectively, and to enable our students to
access support that will enhance their learning.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Our Community
Parents and Community
Broadview Public School families represent a rich diversity of people, drawing from a
variety of Ottawa Centre/Ottawa West communities. The many families who are new to
Canada or to Ottawa help to create a stimulating social and cultural environment for our
students. Our parent volunteers are a valued and integral part of school life at Broadview.
The School Council funds a variety of enriching classroom activities in arts and science.
They also efficiently run several very productive fund-raising efforts, such as the Dance-athon and the spring Book Bonanza where students, staff and parents have the opportunity
to buy books at great prices. Volunteers participate in many student activities, including
arts initiatives, sports days, field trips, classroom assistance and the ski program.
Mission Statement
Broadview is the doorway to learning. Our mission is to create an atmosphere of learning
and personal growth that is supportive of all students.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
Broadview Public School is a triple-track school.
English JK-Grade 8
Early French Immersion: SK-7
Full day kindergarten program and Extended Day program
System Class: Junior-Intermediate Learning Disabilities (LD) class
Congregated Gifted: 4 classes, Grades 6/7,8 English and Grade 7, 8 Gifted EFI
Classroom Organization
English Program
Full Day Kindergarten JK - 2 classes, JK/SK -1 class
Gr. 1 to 8 – 10 classes
Gifted 6/7, 8 – 2 classes
Junior/Intermediate LD – 1 class
EFI Program
Full Day Kindergarten French Immersion SK – 3 classes
Gr. 1 to 7 - 18 classes
Gifted 7,8 EFI - 2 classes
Special Education and ESL Programs
At Broadview, special education students’ needs are met through an inclusive model as
outlined in the recent Expert Panel report on Special Education “Education for All”. Our
regular teachers work closely together with our Learning Support Teachers, Learning
Resource Teachers and English as a Second Language teacher to ensure the needs of all
our students are met. We have 4 congregated gifted classes for identified students in
grades 6-8. We also have a junior intermediate system LD class for students who have
been identified with severe learning disabilities.
Clubs and Activities
Primary and junior choirs, and intermediate bands, including concert and jazz
Numerous junior and intermediate sports, volleyball, soccer, basketball, badminton,
cross country running, track & field, touch football, bordenball
Ski Club, Art Club
Students Council, Yearbook Committee
HELP Social Justice Club
“Scare Hunger “ food drive
Hampers for Harmony House
School spirit days
Skating at Dulude Arena as part of Phys. Ed program
Public Speaking (English and French)
Lunch time intramural sports
Media Club, Gaming Club, Chess Club
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Safe Schools Initiatives
Broadview has an established Code of Student Behaviour that covers both school and
Board guidelines and policies. Codes of Conduct and initiatives evolving from them are
intended to support a positive school climate and to ensure the safety of our students.
Staff and the School Council review school issues on an on-going basis and as directives
Safe and Caring School Committee
Bucket Filler program
Pay it Forward initiative
Monthly student recognition assemblies
Pink Day
Lunch Monitors
Tell Them from Me Survey grades 4-8
Facilities and Resources
large grassy yard with two new play structures, 2 multi-purpose gymnasia, one with
fully equipped science lab, networked computer lab, mobile computer lab
all classrooms have networked computers and Internet access
art and music room, design and technology room, extensive library
Extended Day program
nearby: Dovercourt Community Centre with outdoor rinks, Dulude Arena.
Google Map of Broadview Avenue Public School
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Achievement and School Improvement Planning
Measures of Student Achievement and Success
Students at Broadview participate in the provincial EQAO testing at Grades 3 and 6.
Reading Comprehension
 PM Benchmarks and GB + available for the primary students
 CASI available for junior/intermediate students
Participation in Regional and National Programs
 Participation in Math competitions
 Participation in Science competitions (Solar Car)
 Strong participation in music and the arts
 Strong participation in intramural and competitive sports teams
 Broadview students share their successes in individual, group, and class situations
Student Events
 Monthly student recognition assemblies and spirit days
 Annual grade 8 school leaving ceremony
 Displays of student work
 Primary, junior, intermediate games and sports days
 Primary, junior and intermediate musicals and concerts
 Education Week exhibits
School Improvement Plans and Initiatives
The Broadview Avenue Public School Improvement Plan includes a review of student
data, in the context of the results of classroom observation and daily performance, student
test results, and demographic factors. For the next two years, the staff has decided to
focus on developing student critical thinking skills. Teacher teams meet by grade level to
create rich tasks and then moderate the results.
Our school improvement goal is that…
“By June 2014, students at Broadview will demonstrate creative and critical thinking skills
by co-constructing criteria that will be used to make a judgment on a question based on
the “Big Ideas” set by the Ontario Curriculum. Students will communicate and defend their
judgment effectively using supporting evidence based on the criteria as measured by the
“Evidence of Student Learning”.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Leadership Recognition
“Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative
to achieve a positive outcome.”
As representatives of our school population, our Student Council provides input for our
school-wide events, including organizing and running our intermediate dances (making
decorations, running the canteen at dances, counting the money and making the deposit,
donating money to local charities). Our students also demonstrate leadership in sports,
where they have won many regional O.C.E.A.A. banners and Board O.C.E.A.A. banners.
The HELP club is involved in a number of local, national and international fundraising
events including Right to Play. In the spring of 2014, students will attend the Me to We
event. In addition to informal recognition on a regular basis and formal recognition at
assemblies, we also acknowledge their contributions in our classrooms, school
announcements, newsletters, assemblies, our principal’s report to School Council, and
end-of year awards ceremonies. As well, we recognize student leadership by incorporating
their suggestions into our planning.
Our staff have a wealth of professional qualifications including Masters Degrees and
Bachelor’s degrees in Phys. Ed., Music, Guidance and Computers as well as additional
Specialists in ESL, Special Education, FSL, and Biology. Our staff members keep abreast
of current educational issues through membership in various organizations (Learning
Disabilities Association of Ottawa-Carleton, Council for Exceptional Children, Intermediate
Music Council). Our staff has actively participated in numerous Board-wide professional
development activities in literacy and numeracy, and we recognize their initiative by
providing and supporting opportunities for further professional growth. We recognize staff
leadership at monthly staff meetings, school newsletters, assemblies, performance
appraisals, and our principal’s report to School Council. In the past, one of our staff
members has won the Premier’s Award for Excellence in Special Education,one of our
staff has received the Directors Citation Award and two of our teachers have been
nominated for the Capital Educator’s Award.
Last year, our volunteers contributed countless hours of support for the benefit of students
in our school. They are actively involved in fundraising (Dance-a-thon, Milk Program, Book
Bonanza), helping out with pizza lunches, running sports days, and volunteering on field
trips, just to name a few activities. We thank our parents, guardians and volunteers on an
on-going basis, and look for opportunities to acknowledge them through school
announcements, our principal’s report to Council, school newsletters, and our annual
volunteer appreciation event.
At Broadview, we work closely with our community partners and recognize their
contributions through our school announcements, school newsletters, school website and
principal’s report to School Council. Our partners include Dovercourt Recreation Centre,
Scotiabank, the Ottawa 67s, and Child and Youth Friendly Ottawa.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
URL References
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Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship