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Looking ahead, in 2012, Adaptation Scotland has a number of significant areas where it is investing its resources in delivering an adaptation support service to increase climate resilience in Scotland.
Our Climate Ready Clyde project is continuing to attract interest from stakeholders within the Glasgow & Clyde Valley area and we are currently preparing an exciting programme for the second workshop which takes place on Thursday 8 March .
Our close work with Scotland’s 2020 Climate Group is continuing providing one-to-one support to two members (Royal Mail and First
Group) on assessing the risks and opportunities that climate change may present to their business. Adaptation Scotland has now also joined the 2020 Sub-Group on Business Engagement and is looking forward to exploring the issues around climate change adaptation for business with this influential group.
We are now offering a new one day risk assessment training course to public sector organisations which will equip participants with the skills and resources necessary to run cross departmental climate change adaptation risk assessment workshops within their own organisations.
(See next article for more details).
In addition, we are developing our support to help communities adapt to a changing climate. We will be looking to see what information is
12 to 18 March www.climateweek.com
Planet under Pressure
26-29 March 2012
London www.planetunderpressure2012.
Earth Systems Engineering 2012
3rd-5th July 2012,
Newcastle University. www.conferences.ncl.ac.uk
Climate Change Adaptation:
Drivers, Barriers and Strategy
6 and 7 March at Imperial College
London www.imperial.ac.uk
already available and how best to contribute to this in order to raise awareness about climate trends, impacts and actions. We will also identify how best to support third sector and other organisations that provide services to communities so that they too are aware of how climate will impact on these services and how to help develop the capacity of communities to adapt. An early step is to establish an area on our website to provide relevant information and, as always, we are happy to use this as a platform to share information that you might have or wish to promote.
If you wish to discuss any of the above, please do get in touch with the team. We will of course provide updates of these activities in future newsletters.
Best wishes for 2012
Julian Holbrook
Manager Adaptation Scotland
New risk assessment training course - 20th March, Glasgow
This one day course will equip participants with the skills and resources necessary to run cross departmental climate change adaptation risk assessment workshops within their own organisations.
The course will include an overview of climate change impacts that are likely to affect public sector organisations and will introduce risk assessment techniques. Discussion sessions, interactive activities and case study examples from across the UK will be included throughout the day. This initial pilot course is free of charge, 50 places are available on a first come first served basis. Please contact Anna
Beswick, Adaptation Scotland Public Sector Officer to request more information and registration details: anna@sniffer.org.uk
Science and sense: using knowledge effectively to address climate change
8 and 9 March 2012 www.imperial.ac.uk/cpd www.climatechangeandyourhom
UK Climate Change Risk Assessment
The UK Government has published the first assessment of the impacts the UK is facing from climate change. The Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) presents the latest evidence on the threats and opportunities of
climate change for the UK to the end of the century. The CCRA consists of a number of reports, including ' a Climate Change Risk
Assessment for Scotland '. A summary of the Scotland report is also available.
Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act , Scottish Ministers are required to develop an adaptation programme to address the risks identified for Scotland in the CCRA and work on this is now underway.
In the meantime, the Climate Change Adaptation Framework and the accompanying Sector Action Plans continue to build resilience and capacity to adapt to climate changes in Scotland.
Climate Change and its effect on Scotland's Landscapes - new research by SNH
In coming decades the impact of climate change and sea level rise, and our response to addressing its causes and adapting to its effects, will increas ingly have implications for Scotland’s landscapes, be it altering its character or the landscape’s contribution to our quality of life. These effects are explored in two new reports from Scottish
Natural Heritage (SNH).
The first report, ‘
An assessment of the impacts of climate change on
Scottish Landscapes and their contribution to quality of life
’, notes that while the effects of climate change may not be certain, it will certainly have implications for Scotland’s landscapes and the social, economic and environmental benefits they provide.
The second report,
‘Climate Change Conversations ’, carried out with the support of Sciencewise-ERC, presents the findings of a project that engaged two Scottish communities in discussing the implications of climate change for their place.
Read more .
Adaptation Reporting power - final tranche of reports published
In December, Defra published the final tranche of reports ( energy sector ) it has received under the Secretary of State’s Adaptation Reporting Power. All reports
submitted to Defra are now available online . Defra is due to publish sector summaries and an overall review of the reports by the spring.
URBAN-NEXUS Dialogue Cafe Series
URBAN-NEXUS will hold the first in a series of European Dialogue
Cafés on urban sustainability, in Glasgow on 29th and 30th May. The event will bring together project partners from across Europe and other stakeholder organisations from the public, private and third sector with an interest in urban climate resilience. The Café will be very interactive, providing an informal forum to discuss key research findings, critical knowledge gaps, evidence interpretation and practical application, including examples of successful partnerships and case studies. Hopefully new partnerships and networks will be created to seek innovative ways of responding to the threats and challenges of climate change faced by European cities. The proceedings will be informed by work currently being led by Sniffer on assessing evidence on urban climate resilience from the fields of research, policy and practice. We are particularly keen to hear about partnership experiences so, if you have knowledge to share or you would like more information, please contact June@sniffer.org.uk
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