Writemates Blogs Writemates Offers the Write Stuff for Consumers Even when you pay top dollar for services, there is always the potential for disappointment. Contest-driven websites diminish this potential by allowing consumers to choose from competing freelancers, permitting glimpses into different style options for what their money can buy. From web-design to logo creation to product naming, sites featuring freelance contests are becoming the go-to for those who simply don’t know whom to go to. Writemates.com allows freelancers to bid on a variety of writing jobs. Customers are provided drafts by three trusted professionals, skilled and experienced in the exact area of the project at hand. Because all of Writemates’ contest finalists are compensated for their work and are rated and credentialed based on all of their submissions (chosen or not) each freelancer takes every writing assignment quite seriously. This company believes that you, the customer, should only see work by people who have been hand-picked and fairly paid, and who take pride in and accountability for everything that they do. Writemates debuts in July of 2015 with professional resume writing contests. Thinking you need a little help with that resume? You do! Quiz: Which individual needs professional help with his/her resume? a. A qualified, experienced, and well educated candidate b An experienced candidate who lacks formal education c An educated candidate who lacks experience d. All of the above And the answer is…d. All of the above Here’s why: The first candidate we will call “Mr. Perfect.” Harvard educated, Master’s in Business, a list of accomplishments that would wow the most discriminating recruiter. But what if said recruiter is a stickler for grammar and what if Mr. Perfect is so busy doing perfect things that he doesn’t catch the grammatical blunder on his resume – a blunder so offensive that it causes the recruiter to gasp, tisk, and toss Mr. Perfect’s list of outstanding accomplishments into the confetticut shredder she keeps chair-side? That 4.0 GPA and impressive list of publications won’t get Mr. P anywhere once it’s been minced and scrambled randomly amongst the rejected masses. And how about Candidate B, the well-seasoned applicant who, although highly qualified, does not possess the pedigree to match? This young woman -- we’ll call her Miss Been-There-Done-That – knows the job she wants and has the skills to qualify her. But the head of HR is still paying off his own student loans and can’t help but hold a tiny grudge against those adjacent to him on the corporate ladder who haven't had to sit through the SAT’s, the GRE’s, or Accounting 101. Miss BTDT needs the help of a professional resume writer who can transform her resume into a showcase of her on-thejob experiential learning, tweaked to impress even the most degreeprejudiced amongst HR Directors. And our candidate C, Mr. All-Educated-But-No-Place-To-Go? Only a skilled, professional resume writer can tease out all of the work-like experiences from his educational history and frame them in a manner that would cause a resume reader seeking an experienced candidate to take a second look. When it comes to investing in your future, there is nothing wiser or safer than investing a small amount of money in hiring a professional to create your resume for you. The cost is minimal, the and the benefits are innumerable. Whether you are Candidate A, B, or C above, or a healthy combination of the three, consider acquiring professional help on your resume. You'll ensure you've put your best foot forward in a world in which -- for better or worse -- banks heavily on first impressions.