Directed Reading 18.2 worksheet

Name ________________________ Class _________________ Date _______________________
Skills Worksheet
Directed Reading
Pages 484 – 489
Section: “Living Things Need Energy” 18.2
Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.
What do all living things need to survive?
a. plants
b. animals
c. organisms
d. energy
What are the three groups of living things?
a. abiotic, biotic, neutral
b. producers, consumers, decomposers
c. energy, no energy, variable energy
d. grasslands, prairies, water
Organisms that use sunlight to make food are called _______________.
a. algae
b. producers
c. photosynthesis
The process of making sunlight into food is called _______________.
a. algae
b. producers
c. photosynthesis
Plants, _______________, and some bacteria are producers.
a. algae
b. producers
c. photosynthesis
A consumer that eats only plants.
a. herbivore
b. scavenger
c. carnivore
d. omnivore
A consumer that eats only animals.
a. herbivore
b. scavenger
c. carnivore
d. omnivore
A consumer that eats both plants and animals.
a. herbivore
b. scavenger
c. carnivore
d. omnivore
An omnivore that eats dead things.
a. herbivore
b. scavenger
d. omnivore
c. carnivore
10. What are organisms that get energy by breaking down dead organisms called?
a. materials
c. decomposers
b. carbon dioxide
d. water
11. What do decomposers produce?
a. water and carbon dioxide
b. an ecosystem
c. food from sunlight
d. consumers
12. What kind of diagram shows how energy flows from one organism to another?
a. producer
b. ecology
c. consumer
d. food chain
13. How is a food web different from a food chain?
a. A food web is smaller.
b. A food web shows more relationships.
c. A food web is simple.
d. A food web has spiders.
14. What are the two main food webs on Earth?
a. animal and plant
b. land and aquatic
c. webs and chains
d. prairie dog and coyote
15. What happens to most of the energy that grass gets from sunlight?
a. The grass stores the energy.
b. The grass feeds prairie dogs.
c. The grass uses the energy to live.
d. The grass gets rid of the energy.
16. What diagram is triangle-shaped and shows how energy is lost?
a. food web
c. energy pyramid
b. food chain
d. community
17. How can the absence of wolves affect elk populations?
a. The elk eat more animals.
b. The elk leave the wilderness.
c. The elk overgraze the grass.
d. The elk die out.
18. Why were gray wolves brought back to Yellowstone National Park?
a. to help elk
b. to restore the natural energy flow
c. to keep the grass from taking over
d. to eat the cows and sheep
19. What kind of elk do wolves kill?
a. the strong and healthy
b. the old, injured, and diseased
c. the smart and quick
d. the energetic and fast