Vidic, 2:00 R13 ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT: HOW CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER CAN PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT Vincent Antoine Verret ( THE ISSUE: ACQUIRING LAND ON WHICH TO BUILD CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER PLANTS In the Energy industry there are many methods of generating the electricity that we use power our society. A good many of these energy sources have impacts on the environment in which we live. Our current main energy source, the combustion of fossil fuels or natural gas creates greenhouse gases that heat the atmosphere and affect the climate. Others have an effect on plant and animal life in the surrounding areas. Solar powered electricity generation is one of the many major developments for renewable, clean energy sources. It has little to no effect on the climate, and has no components that interfere with animal life, outside its initial construction. There are two major issues with the principle of using the sun to generate electricity on a utility scale. The first issue is the issue of the sun only being visible for half of a day. This issue is solved by using Concentrating Solar Power with a form of Thermal Energy Storage. This uses the sun to heat a fluid when then heats water to turn an electricity generating turbine. This allows some of the energy output by the sun to be kept to be used when the sun no longer shines on the plant. The other issue is that at our current stage of technological development, solar power is incredibly inefficient. Concentrating Solar Power Plants at present can only reach an efficiency of 15% [1]. This means that only twenty percent of the energy that reaches the plant from the sun is actually converted into electricity. Because of this fact, in order to create a utilities scale plant on par with output of more traditional energy sources, Concentrating Solar Power Plants must be very large and take up very significant plots of land. This a very great concern when designing a solar power plant of any kind. This especially applies to Concentrating Solar Power, as the heliostats (mirrors) that reflect the sun’s light do nothing on their own, and thus cannot just be place as an addition to an existing building like a set of photovoltaic panels. The plant must be designed around their placement. This creates the issue, where does the land come from. Does some own it already? Will the plant have to displace a population so that it can function? As such, engineers must design these plants in a way that has minimal impact on nearby communities and companies, without sacrificing the efficiency of the plant to do so. WHY CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER OVER PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER? Currently there are two technologies that allow us to generate electricity using the sun’s rays. The first is the photovoltaic cell. Photovoltaic cells, more commonly referred to as solar panels, use the energy of the sun to produce an electric current directly. This means that if one were to store the energy created by a photovoltaic cell, it would have to be stored in a battery which has limited life. A more long term method for energy storage is to use concentrating solar power to generate electricity, a method more similar to the way electricity is generated by nuclear power plants and coal plants. As demonstrated in Figure 1, CSP uses mirrors to focus sunlight onto a heat storage medium. When used without Thermal Energy Storage, the light is reflected to boil water and drive a turbine. When Thermal Energy Storage is used, the light is reflected onto a Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF) that is pumped either directly to the boiler, or is pumped to heat a the energy storage medium with a high energy density. The energy storage is usually a mixture of nitrate or nitrite salts. When the sun is obscured, the storage medium is pumped to heat the Heat Transfer Fluid and stored to be reheated. The heat transfer fluid is then pumped to the boiler, which drives the turbine [2]. FIGURE 1 [3] A flow diagram of a Andasol-1, a parabolic trough plant with Thermal Energy Storage Using Thermal Energy Storage, a plant can remain in operation when the sun is obscured and is thus a more reliable source of electricity than a photovoltaic plant. SOLAR POWER IN CONTRAST TO OTHER SOURCES OF ENERGY University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 1 2013-10-29 Vincent Antoine Verret With every source of energy there always a perceived main problem that prohibits its use. With fossil fuel plants, there is the issue of the pollution of the air that results. The combustion of fossil fuels produces greenhouses gases that trap the heat of the sun in Earth’s atmosphere. In the long term this will have effects on Earth’s climate. Climate change is already causing habitats to disappear for many kinds of animals. The unsustainable practice of burning fossil fuels will have an effect on humans as well. With power plants that depend on nuclear fission, there is the issue of radiation and safety. In the United States there was the incident at Three Mile Island in 1979. In Ukraine in 1986 there was the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant that lead to the establishing of the 30 kilometer Zone of Alienation. Just two years ago in Japan there was the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster as a result of the tsunami in March. The safety hazards of these resources make them, in their current state of research, unethical to use according to the code of ethics of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, which states that its members “accept responsibility in making decisions consistent with the safety, health, and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment” [4]. With the possibility of irradiation of local areas, engineers are obliged work in the public interest and keep possible dangers in check [5]. On the other side of sources that can be tapped for energy there is hydroelectricity which involves the turning of turbines using the kinetic energy of flowing water, either by damming a river or by creating a hydroelectric farm off the coast. The disadvantage of hydroelectric power is the necessity of water and the impact of a dam on river fauna. Wind farms also have an effect on avian population. These too must be constructed in areas of strong winds. The IEEE code ethics takes issue with environmental impact on animals here too [4]. Concentrating Solar power plants require do not the combustion of fossil fuels, nor do they have the issue of radiation emissions that nuclear energy sources suffer from. The only requirement of a solar power plant is high intensity sunlight found in near tropical areas. However, heating water to be constantly vaporizing into steam requires more than the sun shining on it, it requires the redirection of the energy produced by the sun from several spots to a single point. To heat a storage medium to temperatures exceeding 500 oC requires even more, as the storage medium will lose heat as it kept so that it can be used when the sun is obscured [6]. Renewable Energy Laboratory in their 2013 report on the subject recommends the construction of large plants in largely unpopulated areas that receive near constant daytime sunlight like the Mojave Desert in Nevada [7] These regions, far from any population center, would cause minimal damage were there major accidents. Safety is paramount in ethics [8]. These areas are flat, minimizing difficulties in designing a support infrastructure that does not interfere with people’s daily goings and have a large amount of space on which we can construct the systems necessary for a solar power plant. A strong maintenance infrastructure is important. If there is an issue with generation and the plant needs to be shut down for any reason, the length of the blackout is shortened. A strong power system that can support a large area is useless if it only works some of the time. The situation can be compared to the issues with the Intel Pentium Chip in 1994 in which the chip would make errors in calculation. Intel’s response was to offer replacements to those who could demonstrate that they needed a replacement chip for their applications of the device. This was considered too little, as the flaw was unpredictable and thus no one could know that they would need a new chip [9]. Similarly a power system must be designed so that it can be trusted as reliable. The citizenry should not have to worry that their electricity will cut out any moment. COMBATING INNEFICIENCY As previously stated, the efficiency of a concentrating solar power plant maxes near 20% [1]. In order to produce the large amounts of energy necessary for powering a settlement, the plants must be vast in size. In large open spaces like deserts and plains, the view of the sun is unobstructed except during night time and cloudy times. Being out of the way, plants in empty regions like these are fully capable of expanding outward in ways that minimize shading. Shading means that heliostats are too large and too close together, which causes them to block each other’s line of sight with the sun or the target to which they are reflecting light. To show how much unused space is required refer to Figure 2. THE ISSUE OF SIZE While Concentrating Solar Power Plants have the advantage of lack of emission, carbon or radioactive, there is the issue of size. For their output, solar power plants of any kind require a significant plot of land dedicated to their use. Were a solar plant to be constructed near populated areas, the construction would displace a portion of the population that is not insignificant. To resolve the issue of land, the National 2 Vincent Antoine Verret FIGURE 2 [3] The Gemasolar Solar Power tower plant in Seville, Spain. Parabolic Trough plants take much more room individually, as shown in Figure 3. FIGURE 3 [3] Andasol 1 (foreground) and Andasol 2 (background) in Andalusia, Spain Gemasolar is solar power tower in in Spain, operated by Torresol Energy. It has a net energy output of 17 MW day and night. This is because Gemasolar makes use of a technology called Thermal Energy Storage. This allows storage of the energy captured in a nonelectric format. The concept of thermal energy storage revolves around directing the solar energy to a Heat Transfer Fluid that can be kept at high temperatures with insulation. When the stored energy is needed, the heat is then transferred to water which then evaporates and drives the turbine [6]. This design allows energy to be conserved and dispatched as needed to the power grid. By using solar power as a singular energy source, energy facilities can be condensed in size, as no ancillary energy sources are needed. There are two kinds of Concentrating Solar Power plants that use Thermal Energy Storage. Gemasolar is a Solar Power Tower. Solar Power Towers dispense with a separate Heat Transfer Fluid and uses the energy storage medium as the heat transfer fluid. This means it spends less time flowing and thus conducts less heat into the piping vessels. While Solar Power Towers are more efficient than their alternative, the Parabolic Trough plant, they have a limited size, as there is a temperature at which the heat storage medium can no longer retain the energy it absorbs. This means that excess heliostats will waste resources, as the energy they redirect to the storage medium is immediately lost as radiated heat [1] [3]. The other type of Concentrating Solar Power plant, the Parabolic Trough, does not redirect energy directly to the storage medium. Parabolic trough plants have row upon row of parabolic heliostats that each have a separate target. They reflect sunlight into a pipeline that runs above the heliostats carrying the heat transfer fluid. The heat transfer fluid’s flow is split so that some goes to heat the storage medium, while the rest goes to a heat exchanger to boil water and turn the plant’s steam turbine. This means that additional heliostats correspond to separate pools of heat transfer fluid. Any excess heat can be immediately used instead of radiating from the storage medium. Though they have a much higher capacity, CONCLUSION: THE CHOICE IS CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER With the world’s dependence on fossil fuels and natural gas, the environment is at risk of being irreversibly changed by climate change. The greenhouse gases emitted by the combustion of fuels are causing the atmosphere of the Earth to be heated up. This heating is altering the landscape of the planet. Sea levels are slowly rising and the Polar Ice Caps are melting, endangering many kinds of arctic animal species. The temperatures of Earth’s seas are also rising, killing of various kinds of ocean life. To avoid this, we as a society must work to design a more ethical means of powering our machines. A way that does not endanger the lives of humans when they malfunction. Nuclear plants, while efficient, currently endanger lives with their radiation when there is a major malfunction. Wind resources require a very significant land commitment and require a windy area to generate enough electricity. Hydroelectric plants affect water life where they are built. The use of Concentrating Solar Power with Thermal Energy Storage technology allows us to generate electricity even when the source of the energy is no longer present. It beats back solar energy’s greatest downfall and provides a clean, renewable source of energy. The only negative impact of building a solar plant is that the land on which it is built cannot be used for something else [7]. Solar Energy provides an ethical renewable energy resource that endangers no one. References [1] V. Quaschning. (2009). “Renewable Energy and Climate Change.” John Wiley & Sons. (Print book). p. 157-158 [2] K. Lovegrove, W. Stein. (2012). “Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy, Volume 21: Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Technology: Principles, Developments and Applications.” Woodhead Publishing. (Print book). p.16-64 3 Vincent Antoine Verret [3] R. Dunn, P. Hearps, M. Wright. (2011). “Molten-Salt Power Towers: Newly Commercial Concentrating Solar Storage.” Proceedings of the IEEE. (Online Article). [4] “Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: Code of Ethics” [5] C. Fleddermann. (2000). “Engineering Ethics Cases for Electrical and Computer Engineering Students.” IEEE Transactions on Education. (Online Article). 65202 [6] S. Kuravi, J. Trahan, et al. (2013). “Thermal energy storage technologies and systems for concentrating solar power plants.” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. (Online Article) 7d36eeabfacd9 [7] S. Ong, C. Cambpell, et al. (2013). “Land-Use Requirements for Solar Power Plants in the United States.” National Renewable Energy Technical Reports. (Online Article). [8] (2007). “National Society of Professional Engineers: Code of Ethics.” de-2007-July.pdf [9] D. Rummer. (2000). “Ethics in Electrical Design.” EC&M Electrical Construction & Maintenance. (Online Article). -4f76-4c7d-b8b810854fdbbab1%40sessionmgr114&hid=108&bdata=JnNpd GU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=mth&AN=3830334 ADDITIONAL SOURCES (2012). “Concentrating Solar Power.” Solar Energy Industries Association. (Online Blog). R. Sitch. (1997). “The Castle.” Miramax Films. (Film). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank: Chandler Campbell, for keeping me awake long enough to write this paper; and Sawano Hiroyuki, for composing the soundtracks I listened to while writing. 4