Bioplatforms Australia Datasets Initiative IlluminaHiSeq 2000 Sample submission form ResearcherContact Details Email: Phone: 61-02-61256963 Address: Linnaeus building # 134, room 3.077. The Australian National University, Acton 0200, ACT. Name:Diana Garnica and John Rathjen Institution / Organisation: The Australian National University Sample Information Organism / Species Sample type DNA/RNA Part of organism RNA/RNA extracted from Extraction method Comments / special considerations Pucciniastriiformisf.sptritici (Pst) and Triticumaestivum(Ta) RNA From Pst, ungerminated spores, from Ta healthy and infected leaves RNAeasy Plant kit QIAGEN Growth protocol of fungus and/or plant (medium, soil, water regimen, light/day, fertilisers etc): Wheat seedling were grown at 21C for two weeks, then infected with fungal spores and maintained in a wet chamber at 9C for 48h. Subsequently plants were moved to a growth chamber at 17C in 16/8 light cycle. Collection of infected tissue was done a different time points during the process mentioned above. Healthy tissue was collected from uninfected plants. Germinated spores were collected ~17 days after infection when the plant tissue is fully covered in spores. BPA Project: Ramaciotti Sequencing submission form 1 Treatment protocol (i.e. route of administration of pathogen): Ungerminated spores of the pathogen are mixed with talk and sprayed onto wet wheat seedlings. Further Information on experimental design (i.e. timepoints and biological replicates): Three biological replicates from different time points along the infection were collected and sequenced (0 hai and6 dai). Only one sample 9 dai was collected s in the past we had sequenced two replicates. Also, three replicates of ungerminated spores were sequenced. Finally, one replicate of wheat leave tissue infiltrated with buffer and one replicate of wheat leave tissue infiltrated with spores extract were sequenced. BPA Project: Ramaciotti Sequencing submission form 2 Sample Name Volume (ul) RIN (RNA) OD 260/280 OD 260/230 Conc.(ng/ul) Additional Information. (method used) Sample 1 DG1 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Unger-spores r1 Sample 2 DG2 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Unger-spores r2 Sample 3 DG3 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Unger-spores r3 Sample 4 DG4 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Infected tissue 0 hai r1 Sample 5 DG5 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Infected tissue 0 hai r2 Sample 6 DG6 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Infected tissue 0 hai r3 Sample 7 DG7 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Infected tissue6 dai r1 Sample 8 DG8 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Infected tissue6 dai r2 Sample 9 DG9 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Infected tissue6 dai r3 Sample 10 DG10 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Infected tissue9dai Sample 11 DG11 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Wheat infiltrated with buffer Sample 12 DG12 50 ul >8.0 >200 ng/ul Wheat infiltrated with spores extract Attach additional sheet if more samples BPA Project: Ramaciotti Sequencing submission form 3 Sample Requirements RNA • • • Samples should be intact and not degraded as assessed by a Bioanalyzer. The RNA Integrity Number (RIN) value should be greater than 8. OD 260/280 ratio of 2, and a 260/230 of 1.8-2. 5 μg of total RNA at min concentration of 200ng/ul (optimal 500ng/ul). The concentration should be measured using the Ribogreen fluorescent assay. Samples should be resuspended in nuclease-free water or elution buffer. RNA that has been extracted using Trizol or any phenol based method must undergo an additional column purification • • Sample shipment details Samples to be shipped on dry ice. Facility The Ramaciotti Centre Address Lowy Cancer Research Centre C25 via Gate 11 Botany Street University of New South Wales Randwick, NSW 2052 Contact person Tonia Russell Phone: (02) 93851658 Email: Please email a copy of the completed form to Anna Fitzgerald ( at the time of sample submission and complete Google Docs metadata form. BPA Project: Ramaciotti Sequencing submission form 4