G27-2015 - Northern Territory Government

Northern Territory of Australia
Government Gazette
No. G27
8 July 2015
General information
The Gazette is published by the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel.
The Gazette will be published every Wednesday, with the closing date for
notices being the previous Wednesday at 4.00 pm.
Notices not received by the closing time will be held over until the next issue.
Notices will not be published unless a Gazette notice request form together
with a copy of the signed notice and a clean copy of the notice in Word or
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Notices will be published in the next issue, unless urgent publication is
The Gazette will be available online at 12 Noon on the day of publication at
Unauthorised versions of Northern Territory Acts and Subordinate legislation
are available online at http://www.legislation.nt.gov.au
Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Police Administration Act
Sale of Goods
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 166 of the Police Administration
Act, the following property as shown on the attached schedule has been in the
possession of the Officer in Charge, Police Station, Alice Springs, for a period in
excess of 3 months and this property will be sold or otherwise disposed of in a
manner as determined by the Commissioner of Police, if after twenty-eight
(28) days from the publication of this notice the property remains unclaimed.
V. Read
Alice Springs Police Station.
25 June 2015
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Alice Springs Police Property List
Red/black specialized MTB
Silver stand
Honda XR100 Vin: 9C2KE01U83R7001
Purple helmet
Black/white pearl type necklace and wrist watch
Silver ADEC ladies watch
Silver/white ladies watch
Grey Diamondback MTB
Red Holland Vintage
White/blue Southern Star
Grey/blue Avanti
Brown Huffy Granite
Black/green GT Karakoram
Black Blackthunder 2 MTB
Silver/blue Apollo Summit
Grey/black Avanti black thunder
Light blue Huffy
Black BMX with orange rims
Black/silver Specialized Hardrock MTB
Red/silver Crimson MTB
Grey/light blue backpack
White Toshiba Satellite laptop
Black suitcase
Coin container
Black Nokia mobile phone
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Black Motorola mobile phone
Nokia mobile phone
Silver Samsung mobile phone
Black LG mobile phone
8 x Mobile phones
Black IPhone 6
1 x Nokia 1 x IPhone – both damaged
White LG mobile phone - damaged
Black wallet
Cologne bottle
Money tin lid
Money tin (damaged)
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Northern Territory of Australia
Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act
Notice of Amendment of Management Plan
Galiwin’ku Locality
I, Michele Melino, Executive Director Strategy and Reform, as the delegate of the
Minister for Health, under sections 50(5) and 51 of the Volatile Substance Abuse
Prevention Act:
give notice of the approval for the amendment of the management
plan for the management of the possession, supply and use of
volatile substances in the Galiwin’ku locality;
specify that the amendment of the plan will come into force on the
date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette; and
specify that copies of the amended plan may be inspected or
during normal business hours at the East Arnhem Shire,
Rarrapul Street, Galiwin’ku; and
from the Department of Health Alcohol and Other Drugs
Program website
Dated 29 June 2015
M. Melino
Executive Director Strategy and Reform
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Northern Territory of Australia
Place Names Act
Naming of Places
Roads in Muirhead, Town of Nightcliff
I, David William Tollner, Minister for Lands and Planning, under section 11D(1) of
the Place Names Act, give notice that:
on the recommendation of the Place Names Committee for the Northern
Territory, I have approved the naming of roads in Muirhead, Town of
Nightcliff; and
the name and location of each road is as indicated on Compiled Plan 5492,
which may be inspected at the office of the Surveyor-General, 3rd Floor
NAB House, 71 Smith Street, Darwin; and
the names are recorded in the register kept by the Committee, which may
be inspected on the Committee's website at:
Dated 22 April 2015
D. W. Tollner
Minister for Lands and Planning
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Northern Territory of Australia
Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act
Appointment of Ordinary Members
Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal
I, John Laurence Hardy, Administrator of the Northern Territory of Australia, acting
with the advice of the Executive Council, under section 16(1) of the
Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act, appoint each person
named in the Schedule to be an ordinary member of the Northern Territory Civil
and Administrative Tribunal for 3 years.
Dated 30 June 2015
J. L. Hardy
By His Honour's Command
J. W. Elferink
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
Kathleen Gail Blair
Timothy Andrew Carey
Kerry Francis Eupene
Dana Anne Fitzsimmons
Rodney James Omond
Louise Claire O'Riordan
Diane Louise Szarkowicz
Anita Toth
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Northern Territory of Australia
Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act
Appointment of Deputy President
Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal
I, John Laurence Hardy, Administrator of the Northern Territory of Australia, acting
with the advice of the Executive Council, under section 15(2)(a) of the
Northern Territory
John William Arthur Birch to be a Deputy President of the Northern Territory Civil
and Administrative Tribunal until 30 September 2015.
Dated 30 June 2015
J. L. Hardy
By His Honour's Command
J. W. Elferink
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Northern Territory of Australia
Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act
Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority
Appointment of Member
I, John Laurence Hardy, Administrator of the Northern Territory of Australia, acting
with the advice of the Executive Council, under section 6(1) of the
Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act and with reference to section 6(4) of
the Act, appoint Leah Marree Clifford to be a member of the Aboriginal Areas
Protection Authority for 3 years on and from 1 August 2015.
Dated 30 June 2015
J. L. Hardy
By His Honour's Command
D. W. Tollner
Minister for Local Government and Community Services
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Northern Territory of Australia
Correctional Services Act
Revocation of Declaration and
Declaration of Corresponding Interstate Laws
I, John Laurence Hardy, Administrator of the Northern Territory of Australia, acting
with advice of the Executive Council:
under section 121 of the Correctional Services Act and with reference to
section 43 of the Interpretation Act, revoke all declarations of corresponding
interstate laws in force under section 121 of the Correctional Services Act
immediately before the date of this instrument; and
under section 121 of the Act, declare the laws specified in the Schedule to be
corresponding interstate laws for Part 3.3, Division 3 of the Act.
Dated 30 June 2015
J. L. Hardy
By His Honour's Command
J. W. Elferink
Minister for Correctional Services
Part 8A of the Corrections Act 1986 (Vic)
Part 6 of the Corrections Act 1997 (Tas)
Part V, Division 10 of the Prison Regulations 1982 (WA)
Section 27A of the Correctional Services Act 1982 (SA)
Chapter 2, Part 2, Division 9 of the Corrective Services Act 2006 (Qld)
Chapter 12, Part 12.2 of the Corrections Management Act 2007 (ACT)
Part 2, Division 3, Subdivision 2 of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act
1999 (NSW)
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Northern Territory of Australia
Crown Lands Act
Northern Territory
of Australia
John Laurence Hardy
By His Honour
the Administrator
of the Northern
Territory of Australia
I, John Laurence Hardy, Administrator of the Northern Territory of Australia, acting
with the advice of the Executive Council, under section 76(1)(d) of the
Crown Lands Act, revoke the reservation of land known as Reserve No. 1100 over
NT Portion 1361, Hundred of Bagot, reserved by proclamation made on
25 July 1963
dated 8 August 1963.
Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Northern Territory of Australia on
30 June 2015
J. L. Hardy
By His Honour’s Command
D. W. Tollner
Minister for Lands and Planning
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Northern Territory of Australia
Aboriginal Land Act
Declaration of Open Areas
I, John Laurence Hardy, Administrator of the Northern Territory of Australia,
acting with the advice of the Executive Council and on the recommendation of the
Tiwi Land Council, under section 11(1) of the Aboriginal Land Act, declare each
area of Aboriginal land described in Schedule 1 and indicated on the maps in
Schedule 2 to be an open area.
Dated 30 June 2015
J. L. Hardy
By His Honour's Command
D. W. Tollner
Minister for Lands and Planning
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Schedule 1
Part A
Tidal Waters on Melville Island
Firstly, all that area of land and sea being those parts of NT Portion 1644,
Melville Island together with all other islands adjacent to the intertidal zone lying
within 5.56 km of low water mark and excluding NT Portion 1640, that lie within its
intertidal zone (between the lowest astronomical water mark and high water mark),
including adjoining inlets and tidal rivers and tributaries, commencing near a point
at latitude 11 degrees 17.234 minutes south, longitude 131 degrees 26.573
minutes east; thence generally southerly by said zone to Cape Keith; thence
generally westerly by the said zone to Cobham Bay; thence generally south
westerly by the said zone to Cape Gambier; thence generally north westerly and
northerly by said zone to the northern most point of Cape Van Diemen; thence
generally easterly and south easterly by said zone finishing near a point at latitude
11 degrees 11.532 minutes south, longitude 130 degrees 25.844 minutes east;
Secondly all that area of land and sea being the following Islands and described
as all that lies within its intertidal zone between the lowest astronomical water
mark and high water mark, around Irrititu Island including adjoining inlets and tidal
rivers and tributaries those parts of NT Portion 1644 being all the area of land and
sea around Harris Island and Buchanan Island and described as all that lie within
its intertidal zones between mean low water mark and mean high water mark,
including adjoining inlets and tidal rivers and tributaries and more delineated on
Compiled Plan 5495 lodged with the Surveyor-General, Darwin.
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Part B
Tidal Waters on Bathurst Island
All that area of land and sea being those parts of NT Portion 1640, Bathurst Island
together with all other islands adjacent to the intertidal zone lying within 5.56 km of
low water mark and excluding NT Portion 1644, that lie within its intertidal zone
(between the lowest astronomical water mark and high water mark), including
adjoining inlets and tidal rivers and tributaries, commencing near a point at latitude
11 degrees 20.922 minutes south, longitude 130 degrees 15.240 minutes east
known as Deception Point; thence generally easterly, southerly and south easterly
to the most easterly point of Bathurst Island; thence generally southerly and
westerly by said zone finishing near a point at latitude 11 degrees 47.846 minutes
south, longitude 130 degrees 01.459 minutes east known as Cape Fourcroy and
more delineated on Compiled Plan 5496 lodged with the Surveyor-General,
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Part A
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G27, 8 July 2015
Part B
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