MURALIDHAR LALAGIRI Filtration Product Development Engineer 14254 Burbank Blvd, Sherman Oaks, California Ph.: 806 2243739 Email: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- PROFILE Currently working as Filtration Product Development Engineer at Walker Engineering Enterprises, California Proficiency in design development of existing/new products through internal and external resources Involvement in quality documentation, reviewing ECO, PPAP and improving manufacturing processes. Materials for Environmental compliance through IMDS and REACH 6+ years of hands on experience in developing and functionalization of nonwovens for use in chemical and biological aerosol filter media Developed and designed a fibrous media incorporating nanofibers in layered orientation with higher quality factor Expertise in manufacturing technologies using Meltblown, Electrospinning, Needlepunching processes and technologies in development of micro webs, nano webs and supporting layers of a filter Hands on experience in constructing and handling different kind of commercial grade glass fibers and filter media manufactured by Hollingsworth and Vose and Johns Manville Modeling and experimental verification expertise on fiber diameters using Image pro software; Porosity, MPPS, pressure drop, quality factor by using TSI 3160; Physical characteristics of the developed webs using ASTM standards Characterizing and testing Aerosol filtration on TSI 3160 machine using Certi Test software. Expertise in testing and characterizing filter media including testing permeability, porosity, hardness. Tested at different aerosol sizes, particle flow rates, basis weights and fiber diameters for filtration performance Hands on experience with shop equipment on universal testing machine Extensive academic expertise in microscopic techniques and analytical techniques 2 Publications as first author and 7 conference presentations Excellent interpersonal skills, team player and strong interdisciplinary work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- TECHNICAL EXPERTISE Aerosol filtration testing: TSI 3160, Certi test software, particle spectrometer and counter, aerosol generator Micro porous materials testing: air permeability and porosity Physical structure testing: Tensile Strength testing (Instron), MVTR (breathability measurement), Air Permeability, SEM, Optical microscopy Generic lab equipment: Gas chromatography (GC), FTIR, UV-vis spectroscopy Software Skills Image pro software, Microsoft office suite, Chem Draw, Endnote, R-statistics Basics of Solid Works MS Office, Adobe Photoshop ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- EDUCATION PhD – Environmental Toxicology (specialization in Nonwovens and Advanced Materials) (2007-2013), Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, GPA: 3.7/4.0, Advisor: Dr. Seshadri Ramkumar Bachelors – Biotechnology (2003-2007) Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India GPA: 3.9 / 4.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORK EXPERIENCE Product Development Engineer (April 2014 – Present) New product development including latest technology media, and working with suppliers to provide media solutions for current, and future applications Evaluating and participating in value analysis of filtration media currently used, and to study, and make recommendations of similar performing media at improved/better price points Reviewing materials for environmental compliance i.e. IMDS and REACH Managing and reviewing Engineering Change Orders as needed for media, and media pleat packs Working closely with design department, product development, and sales to select, recommend, and apply the proper filtration media to meet customer requirements Graduate Research Assistant (September 2007 – December 2013) Nonwovens and Advanced Materials Laboratory, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX Dissertation: Developing and characterizing of surface enhanced composite media for air filtration applications Advisor: Prof. Seshadri Ramkumar Developed single layer submicron fiber webs by optimizing the process parameters in meltblown process and comparing them to the micron webs in the market today Designed novel nano-microfibrous standalone webs by optimizing electrospinning conditions of commercially available PVA and shown that the single layered webs are performing on par wit HEPA filter industrial standards Established relationship between micro and nano fiber diameters, basis weights, thickness and filtration performance of the webs Filtration efficiency, pressure drop, quality factors of the webs of nano and micro fiber webs were modeled by experimental verification Various substrate materials using cotton and polypropylene were developed for composite filter design by needlepunching and thermal bonding process. Composite filters were developed using nanowebs and activated carbon for chemical and biological protection Activated carbon filters were developed for toxicology studies and filtration in water Summer Intern (December 2006 – May 2007) Environmental protection and training institute, Hyderabad, India Assisted in development of technologies for water purification using naturally available aquatic species and analyzing them in laboratory pilot scale setup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------PUBLICATIONS Muralidhar Lalagiri, Vinit Singh, Gajanan Bhat, Siva Parameswaran, Ronald J. Kendall and Seshadri Ramkumar, “Filtration Efficiency of Submicrometer Filters”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2013 52 (46), 16513-16518 Muralidhar Lalagiri, Seshadri Ramkumar, “Filtration Efficiency of the Composite Media Prepared by Meltblown & Electrospun Nanofibers”, TAPPI Journal, 2011 Muralidhar Lalagiri, Uday Turaga and Seshadri Ramkumar, “New Generation nanofiber filters for air filter applications” (to be submitted for Journal of Applied Polymer Science) Venkata R Kolli, Ajoy Sarkar, Muralidhar Lalagiri, Sudheer Jinka & Seshadri Ramkumar. “Review on Efficacy of Antimicrobial Finishes in Textiles” (manuscript under preparation) Uday Turaga, Vinit Singh, Muralidhar Lalagiri, Paul Kiekens , and Seshadri Ramkumar, 2012, Nanomaterials for Defense Applications, Defense-related Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC Protection: Technology at the Cutting Edge, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series-B: Physics and Biophysics. SpringerLink Publishing Company, pp.197-218 Uday Turaga, Ronald J. Kendall, Vinit Singh, Muralidhar Lalagiri, and Seshadri Ramkumar, 2012, “Recent Advances in Chemical Biological and Nuclear Protection”, Advances in Military Textiles and Personal Equipment, Woodhead Publishing Limited -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOOK OF ABSTRACTS/CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Ecofriendly Filters for Human Health, Poster Presentation, Society of Environmental Journalists 22nd Annual Conference, Lubbock, Texas, October 17-21, 2012 Nanofiber-Cotton Fabric Composites: New Developments, 2012 AATCC International Conference, Charlotte, N.C., USA, March 21-23, 2012 Filtration Efficiency of the Composite Media Prepared by Meltblown & Electrospun Nanofibers, Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Atlanta, Georgia, January 2011 Nanofiber-Cotton Fabric Composites: New Developments, AATCC 2011, Charleston, South Carolina, March 2011 Functionalized Nonwovens for Water Filtration, TAPPI 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2011 Filtration Efficiency of the Composite Media Prepared by Meltblown & Electrospun Nanofibers, American Filtration Society, Houston, Texas, October 2011 Nanoparticles for Functionalization of Textiles, Techtextil, Las Vegas, Nevada April 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------AWARDS AND ACTIVITIES IFF Student Scholarship from IFAI, Roseville, MN, 2012 J.Watmull Scholarship from J.Watmull fund , 2010, 2012 Study Abroad Competitive Scholarship from TTU, 2010, 2011, 2012 Travel grants from TTU, 2009, 2010, 2011 TTU Graduate Summer Scholarship, 2012 Graduate Senator of Student Government Association, Texas Tech University, 2011-2012 Secretary/Treasurer of LE-SETAC (Llano Estacado Student Chapter for The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), 2009-2011 Secretary of India Student Association at Texas Tech University, 2008-2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------