Curriculum Vitae VIJESH KRISHNA Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development Georg-August University of Göttingen, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, D-37073 Göttingen, Germany Ph. +49 (0)-551-39-3917; E_mail:; Date & place of birth Nationality Marital status 25 October 1976; Vamanapuram (Kerala, India) Indian Married to Sethulekshmy KR.; one son PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 03/2012 onwards Senior Research Fellow, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany 09/2009 - 02/2012 Production & Resource Economist (South Asia), International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), New Delhi, India 01/2008 - 08/2009 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, US 11/2001 - 09/2002 Research Associate, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, India. EDUCATION 2004-2007 2003-2004 1999-2001 1994-1999 PhD in Agricultural Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany MPhil in Environmental Policy, University of Cambridge, UK MSc in Agricultural Economics, University of Agricultural Sciences (Bangalore), India BSc in Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, India AREAS OF RESEARCH INTEREST Economics of land-use change; Institutional economics; Technology diffusion in agriculture; Non-market valuation FELLOWSHIPS OBTAINED o SV Ciriacy-Wantrup Post-Doctoral Fellowship at University of California, Berkeley (2008-09) o Department for International Development (DFID) Shared Scholarship from Association of Commonwealth Universities and University of Cambridge (2003-04) o Junior Research Fellowship from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) (1999-2001) PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS International Association of Agricultural Economics (IAAE); European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE); Cambridge Commonwealth Fellow; Indian Society of Agricultural Economists (ISAE; Life-time membership); Agricultural Economists’ Research Association (AERA; Life-time membership). TEACHING & TRAINING EXPERIENCE o Guest lecturer at University of Agricultural Sciences (Bangalore, India) in course, "Advanced Natural Resource Economics" (January-June 2011). A field visit (2-day) was conducted as part of this course to provide students practical experience on data elicitation for contingent valuation. o Handled sections in different training programmes viz. o 'Non-randomized approaches for impact evaluation', in the training programme conducted on impact evaluation for socio-economists of CIMMYT at Texcoco, Mexico in January, 2012, o ‘Risk in agriculture', at Centre for Advanced Faculty Training in Agricultural Economics in November 2011 at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India o 'Economics of conservation agriculture' at Regional Training Course on Conservation Agriculture, organized by CIMMYT in December 2010 at Ludhiana, India and o Trainer on 'Stated preference contingent valuation: theory and practice', as a 3-day workshop organized by Bioversity International in February 2010 at Chennai, India. o Supervised the research work of 12 students (3 MSc, 8 MA and 1 MBA) from different universities of India under the CIMMYT internship program. REVIEWER FOR JOURNALS AND CONFERENCES Journal/Working Paper Series/Conference Ecological Economics Agricultural Economics Journal of Agricultural Economics African Journal of Agricultural Research CIMMYT Working Paper Series AgBioForum Land Economics Food Policy Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (Iran) IAAE Conferences - Brisbane 2006, Beijing 2009, Brazil 2012 # of papers reviewed 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 8 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE o At present involved in Planned Collaborative Research Center 990 [“Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)”] in Georg-August-University of Göttingen. o During 2009-2012 period, I had led the socio-economic components of 6 projects in CIMMYT (South Asia), focusing mainly on (i) diffusion and impacts of Conservation Agriculture and (ii) seed and product value chains. These projects were funded by USAID, BMGF, BMZ, ICAR and IFAD, with a total budget of US$ 1591 thousand for the duration of these projects. o Collaborated with Bioversity International (Rome) to carry out project on 'payment for agrobiodiversity conservation services' in India during 2009-11 (PI: Dr. Adam Drucker). o Collaborated with project on 'economics of biotechnology in developing countries', funded by German Research Foundation (DFG) at University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart) and participated in panel dataset development on Bt cotton diffusion in South India (PI: Prof. Dr. Matin Qaim) LANGUAGES KNOWN Malayalam English Hindi (Mother tongue) (Excellent) (Excellent) ii RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS A. Peer-reviewed journal articles o Krishna, V., and Qaim, M. (2012) “Bt cotton and sustainability of pesticide reductions in India”. Agricultural Systems 107: 47–55. o Krishna, V.V., Pascual, P. and Zilberman, D. (2010) “Assessing the potential of labelling schemes for in situ landrace conservation: an example from India”. Environment and Development Economics 15: 127-151. o Krishna, V.V., and Qaim, M. (2008) “Consumer attitudes towards GM foods and pesticide residues in India”. Review of Agricultural Economics 30(2):233-251. o Krishna, V.V., and Qaim, M. (2008) “Potential impacts of Bt eggplant on economic surplus and farmers’ health in India”. Agricultural Economics 38(2):167-180. o Krishna, V.V., and Qaim, M. (2007) “Estimating the adoption of Bt eggplant in India: Who benefits from public-private partnership?” Food Policy 32(5/6): 523-543. o Tamizheniyan, S., Umesh, K.B., and Krishna, V.V. (2004) “An economic assessment of integrated pest management”. Journal of Rural Development 23(2): 231-244. o Tamizheniyan, S., Umesh, K.B., and Krishna, V.V. (2003) “Economics of integrated pest management in rice production in Tiruvarur district, Tamil Nadu.” Agricultural Economic Research Review 16 (1): 12-23. B. Book chapters o Krishna, V.V. and Pascual, P. (2009) “Can greening markets help conserve landraces in situ?” In Pascual, P., Kontoleon, A., and Smale, M. (eds.) Agricultural biodiversity and economic development, Routledge, New York. o Dedeurwaerdere, T., Krishna, V.V., and Pascual, U. (2007) “An evolutionary institutional approach to the economics of bioprospection”. In Kontoleon, A., Pascual, U., and Swanson, T. (eds.) Biodiversity economics: Principles, methods and applications, Cambridge University Press, UK, pp. 417-445. o Krishna, V.V. and Qaim, M. (2007) “Potential socio-economic impacts of Bt eggplant in India”. In Ramasamy, C., Selvaraj, K.N., Norton, G.W. and Vijayaraghavan, K., (eds.) Economic and environmental benefits and costs of transgenic crops: Ex-ante assessment. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, pp. 57-71. C. Working papers o Raghu, P.T., Krishna, V., Erenstein, O., Zaidi, P.H. and Kumar, A., "Cultivar selection for farm profitability and risk management in maize in the drought-prone districts of India and Bangladesh". Paper submitted to CIMMYT-SEP Working Paper Series on April 2012. o Krishna, V., Aravindakshan, S., Chowdhury, A., and Rudra, B., “Access to technology and its productivity impacts: The case of zero-tillage in the subsistence wheat farming system of West Bengal, India”. Submitted to CIMMYT-SEP Working Paper Series on April 2011 (Working on the reviewers' comments). o Deurwaerdere, T., Krishna, V.V., and Pascual, U. (2005) “Bioprospecting and intellectual property rights: A dynamic approach to economic efficiency”. Environmental Economy and Policy Research discussion paper No. 13. 2005. Department of Land Economy. University of Cambridge, UK. RECENT CONFERENCE PAPERS o Krishna, V. and Sadashivappa, P. (forthcoming)"Agrarian institutions and diffusion of biofortified maize in India", Symposia paper accepted for Triennial Conference of International Association of Agricultural Economics at Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 18- 24 August 2012. iii o Shiferaw, B., Hellin, J., Krishna, V., and Erenstein, O (2011) "Changing demands and value chains for maize in Asia". Keynote paper at 11th Asian Maize Conference in Nanning, China, 611 Nov, 2011. o Sadashivappa, P., and Krishna, V. (2011) "Maize-poultry value chains in India". Paper at 11th Asian Maize Conference in Nanning, China, 6-11 Nov, 2011. o Krishna, V., and Qaim, M. (2011) "Pesticide reduction sustainability of Bt technology in India". Paper at European Association of Agricultural Economists 2011 Congress: 'Change and Uncertainty: Challenges for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resource' at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Aug 30-Sept.02. o Krishna, V., Aravindakshan, S. and Chowdhury, A. (2011) “Technology adoption, re-invention and impacts: Case of zero-tillage wheat in the subsistence farming system of West Bengal (India)”. Paper at 'Mind the Gap: From evidence to policy impact' conference at Cuernavaca, Mexico, June 15-17. OTHER CONFERENCES ATTENDED FOR PAPER PRESENTATION o Triennial Conference, International Association of Agricultural Economics, August 16-22, 2009 at Beijing. o Joint Annual Conference, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association and American Council on Consumer Interests, July 26-July 28, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. o Joint Annual Conference, American Agricultural Economics Association, the Western Agricultural Economics Association, and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, July 29August 1, 2007 at Portland, US. o International Conference on 21st Century Challenges to Sustainable Agri-Food Systems, March 15-17, 2007 at Bangalore, India. o Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics, December 15-18, 2006, New Delhi, India. o Deutscher Tropentag, October 11-13, 2006, Bonn, Germany. o Triennial Conference, International Association of Agricultural Economics, Queensland, Australia, 2006. o Annual BIOECON Conference on ‘Economics and the analysis of biology and biodiversity’. September 2-3, 2004, University of Cambridge, UK. o Biennial Conference of International Society for Ecological Economics, Montreal, Canada. o International Conference on Society, Politics, The Economy and The Environment- Implications for socioeconomic progress in 21st century, July 24-26, 2001, Bangalore, India iv