Rochester Conservation Commission

Rochester Conservation Commission
Minutes of the March 25, 2015
Public Hearing and Regular Meeting
Approved 4-22-15
Members Present:
Deborah Shigo, Chair
Michael Kirwan
Jeff Winders
Jack Hackett
Michael Dionne, Vice Chair
Kevin Sullivan
Mark Jennings
Staff: Seth Creighton, Chief Planner
The Chair convened the regular meeting at 6:37 p.m.
Minutes: The regular meeting minutes of February 25, 2015 were reviewed. Mr. Jennings said there were
a few grammatical errors that needed to be corrected. Mr. Jennings motioned to accept the minutes with
changes; Mr. Hackett seconded the motion, the motion passed unanimously.
1. Discussion: The Commission discussed the status of closing on Hope Farm. Mr. Creighton and Ms. Shigo
explained what has been completed and what needs to be done. Mr. Creighton stated that Truslow Resources has
requested additional funds be set aside to finish this project, due to the Moose Plate Grant requirements. Mr.
Dionne motioned to spend $500 more, Mr. Kirwan seconded the motion.
2. Conservation Overlay District- None.
3. Dredge and Fill Application/Wetland Permit Application:
a) NH DES Wetlands Minimum Impact Application: 183 Washington St, LLC; 6 Truman Circle, Map-Lot
2378-8-1 (Temporary Wetland Impact for Sewer Line Installation)
Mr. Jennings explained the history of, and changes to, this development to the members. Ms. Shigo said
this development abuts the Clement conservation easement, and said that she had noticed many of the
“protected area” signs along the easement’s border were missing. Mr. Sullivan asked how much tree cover
there was within the wetland area proposed to be temporarily disturbed; Mr. Creighton showed the
Commission pictures of the area and mentioned that it appeared as though this area had been cleared of
trees at the time of the recent timber harvest. Mr. Winders suggested that the sewer line could follow the
new road and thus avoid the wetland area. Mr. Sullivan noted that this temporary impact is only 33’ long,
and that the Commission had just approved a 300’ temporary impact at their last meeting. The
Commission decided they do not object to this proposal.
b) NH DES Wetlands Permit: Salmon Falls Rd, Municipal water/sewer main project (Wetland Impact for
Water/Sewer Line Installation)
Mr. Creighton explained that this application was actually a modification to a previously submitted
wetlands application that the Commission had reviewed several months ago. The changes are due to
engineering and budget changes. The Commission had no concerns with this, but would like DPW to
incorporate drainage improvements when they are doing road projects.
4. Violations: The Commission inquired about a property on Route 202 where trees had been cut and
plow trucks/equipment were now being stored. Mr. Creighton explained that he has spoken with the
Building, Zoning, Licensing, Services Dept and the City will contact the property owner and inform
he/she that a Zoning Variance must be sought because the landscaping business use is not allowed in that
zoning district; if a variance is granted, the applicant will need to design and obtain proper site plan
approval. Mr. Winders said he had been on the property and taken pictures; Mr. Creighton reminded the
Commission they do not have the right to enter private properties unless the owner has given them or the
City written permission. Mr. Sullivan suggested that the Commission defer these types of private property
matters to Code Enforcement, and thus not directly become involved.
5. Correspondence: (emailed/sent prior to meeting): There was no discussion on these items.
6. Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber / Intent to Excavate:
a) Notice of Intent to Excavate- City of Rochester’s East Rochester School
The Commission had no concerns with this.
b) Notice of Intent to Excavate- City of Rochester’s Upham/Knight/Catherine/Sheridan/Glen Streets
The Commission discussed that DPW should start incorporating improved stormwater treatment measures into all road
7. Reports: Commission members discussed why feeding deer is life threatening to the deer.
8. Old Business: A question about timbering near Rt 202 in East Rochester was discussed.
9. New Business: a) Annual invasive species/rare species monitoring report relative to the City
Concrete site: The Commission had no concerns with this.
10. Other Business: a) The members announced several upcoming workshops.
b) The Commission discussed that Standard Operating Procedures need to be created with regards to
members speaking with land owners.
c) Mr. Winders passed around “Salmon Falls Watershed Action Plan” booklets that he had acquired at a
recent meeting in Wells, Maine. Mr. Winders said the next meeting is June 2nd and encouraged others to
attend; Ms Shigo asked Mr. Winders to inform the Commission once this got closer and he had an agenda.
d) Mr Winders said the Appointments Committee asked him where the Federal money is for the
Laverdiere Farm. Mr. Winders said he told them that the money is coming in July. The Conservation
Commission members asked Mr. Winders to not give that answer because it is unknown if or when
Federal money will be granted.
11) Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(d):- (if necessary), Discussion of acquisition of
real property (recent site walks/LACE sheets)
At 8:00 pm a motion was made by Mr. Dionne and seconded by Mr. Jennings to go into non pubic session. The motion
carried unanimously.
At 8:38pm the public session resumed.
At 8:38 p.m. A motion was made by Mr. Dionne and seconded by Mr. Hackett to adjourn. The motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Seth Creighton, Chief Planner