Biol. 129--Biology of Marine Mammals Tues/Thurs: 4:00 – 5:45 PM in Jack Baskin Aud. 101 Spring 2012 Instructors: Dr. Lisa Schwarz Dr. Patrick Robinson e-mail: Office hours: Tues. 2:30 to 3:30 PM EMS 3rd Floor “knuckle” e-mail: Office hours: Thurs. 2:30 to 3:30 PM EMS 3rd Floor “knuckle” Textbook: Marine Mammals Evolutionary Biology by A. Berta, J. Sumich and K Kovacs Reader: A PDF is available on the course website Web Page: Username: bioe129 Password: neophoca Check the website often for course updates Lecture date: Topic: Reading: Tues. April 3: Systematics of Cetaceans (Schwarz) ....................................................... 1-24; 51-82 Thur. April 5: Systematics of Pinnipeds and other Marine Mammals (Schwarz)........... 27-47; 89-107 Tues. April 10: Evolution of Cetaceans and Pinnipeds (Costa) ........................................ Thur. April 12: Foraging Behavior and Ecology (Robinson) ........................................... 312-355 Tues. April 17: Diving Physiology and Behavior (Robinson) Thur. April 19: Locomotion and Hydrodynamics (Maresh) ............................................. 223-229 Tues. April 24: Thermoregulation, Keeping Warm in Cold Water (Robinson) ................ 213-223; Reader 8-16 Thur. April 26: Oceanography and Ecology of Marine Mammals (Huckstadt) Tues. May 1: Midterm I Thur. May 3: Water Balance, Do Marine Mammals get Thirsty? (Fowler) .................. 229-232; Reader 17-22 Tues. May 8: Marine Mammal Acoustics and Biosonar (Robinson) .......................... …270-305; Reader 40-56 Thur. May 10: Sensory Physiology (Robinson) .............................................................. 145-157 237-262; Reader 23-29 111-119; Reader 2-7 One paragraph outline and title of term paper due today! Tues. May 15: Manatees / Research Techniques (Schwarz / Robinson) ......................... Reader 61-70 Thur. May 17: Cetacean Social Systems (Schwarz) ........................................................ 363-407; Reader 35-39 Tues. May 22: Pinniped Social Systems (Robinson) ....................................................... 363-407; Reader 30-34 Thur. May 24: Midterm II Tues. May 29: Life History Patterns, Foraging and Reproduction (Robinson) ............... 363-407 Thur. May 31: Marine Mammal Conservation: Historical Whaling (Schwarz) .............. 456-466; Reader 57-60 3 page term paper on specific aspect of marine mammal biology due today! Tues. June 5: Marine Mammal Conservation: Tuna dolphin (Schwarz) ....................... 466-472 Thur. June 7: Marine Mammal Conservation: Modern Issues (Schwarz) ..................... 472-484 Mon, June 11: Cumulative Final Exam……4:00 – 7:00 PM in the usual lecture hall (Baskin Aud. 101) If you plan to take this course as a “W” requirement, please inform your TA before the first lab. If you are a DRC student requiring special accommodations, please let us know as soon as possible Bio 129 Lecture Evaluation Criteria: Points distribution: Midterm I 25% Midterm II 25% Final Exam 30% Term report 20% Targeted exam format: Multiple choice Essay True/false Fill in blank or definition 25% 25% 25% 25% Biol. 129L--Biology of Marine Mammals Laboratory Spring 2012 Week # Date Topic Due Week 1 Apr. 2-4 No lab meeting this week Week 2 Apr. 9-11 Field I.D., Systematics, Skins & Skulls Week 3 Apr. 16-18 Resources available for the term paper (Bring your own laptop if you have one) Week 4 Apr. 23-25 Time Depth Recorder Lab (Bring your own laptop if you have one) Week 5 Apr 30-May 2 Survey Cruise Lab Preparation ............................ TDR lab write up & Long Marine Lab tour Week 6 May 7-9 Survey Cruise Lab participants must (go on one of the three cruises) Week 7 May 14-16 Año Nuevo Field Trip .......................................... Survey cruise write up Week 8 May 21-23 Bioacoustics laboratory Week 9 May 28-30 Review for Practical and Final Exams ................. Bioacoustics write up Week 10 June 4-6 Laboratory Practical Exam Bio 129L Laboratory Evaluation Criteria: Each written laboratory assignment (3 totals) is worth 25% and the lab practical is 25%. Points will be deducted for late assignments!! Attendance is mandatory Laboratory Sections: Meet at Long Marine Lab, Center for Ocean Health 118, unless stated otherwise. This is an off-campus location, so please allow the necessary time to arrive on time. TA Claudio Rojas Mike Tift Luis Huckstadt e-mail: Lab time Mon 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Wed 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Wed 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Office hours Mon 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (COH Trailer) Wed 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (COH Trailer) Wed 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (COH 148B) Note: the course/lab syllabus is subject to change. It is your responsibility to attend lectures and labs, look for updates/announcements on the course website, and complete all exams and other assignments. You must complete all coursework to pass the class. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in removal from the class.