Course Outline: Biol

Biol. 129--Biology of Marine Mammals
Tues/Thurs: 4:00-5:45
Spring 2013
Thimann Lecture 3
Dr. Daniel Costa
Office hours:
Max Tarjan
Course assistant:
Wed; 2:30-3:30 pm COH 208
Text: Return to the Sea: The Life and Evolutionary Times of Marine Mammals by A. Berta,
Reader: A PDF is available on the course website
Web Page:
Lecture date: Username: bioe129
Check the website for course updates
Password: neophoca
Tues. April 2:
Systematics of Cetaceans .............................................................. 1-18, 79-106
Thur. April 4:
Systematics of Pinnipeds and other Marine Mammals .................. 51-60, 127-134, 141-145, 147-148
Tues. April 9:
Evolution of Cetaceans and Pinnipeds .......................................... 29-50
Thur. April 11
Foraging Behavior and Ecology .................................................... 67-69, 116-120, 136-139, 151-158
Tues. April 16:
Diving Physiology and Behavior................................................... 69-72; Reader 23-29
Thur. April 18:
Oceanography and Ecology of Marine Mammals (Huckstadt) ..... 19-28; Reader 2-7
Tues. April 23:
Thermoregulation, Keeping Warm in Cold Water ........................ 61-62, 65, 106, 110, 135, 145-146;
....................................................................................................... Reader 8-16
Thur. April 25:
The bottlenose dolphins of Sarasota Bay - lessons from 4 decades and 5 generations
Guest Lecturer: Dr. Randall Wells Chicago Zoological Society
Tues. April 30: Midterm I
Thur. May 2:
Water Balance, Do Marine Mammals get Thirsty? ....................... 139-140; Reader 17-22
Locomotion and Hydrodynamics .................................................. 62-65, 106-110
Tues. May 7:
Cetacean Social Systems ............................................................... 121-125; Reader 35-39; 40-56
One paragraph outline and title of term paper due today!
Thur. May 9:
Pinniped Social Systems ............................................................... 72-78; Reader 24-30
Tues. May 14:
Cetacean Biosonar: Seeing without eyes ....................................... 112-115
Thur. May 16:
Marine Mammal Acoustics ........................................................... Reader 53-56
Thur. May 21:
Sensory Physiology ....................................................................... 65-67, 110-116, 134-136;
....................................................................................................... Reader 53-56
Guest Lecturer: Dr. Colleen Reichmuth UCSC
Thur. May 23:
Midterm II
Tues. May 28:
Life History Patterns, Foraging and Reproduction ........................ 140-141, 146-149
Thur. May 30:
Marine Mammal Conservation: Historical Whaling ..................... 159-174; Reader 57-60
3 page term paper on specific aspect of marine mammal biology due today!
Tues. June 4:
Marine Mammal Conservation: Tuna dolphin ..............................
Thur. June 6:
Marine Mammal Conservation: Modern Issues ............................
Tues. June 11: .............................................. Final
Exam………………………… 4:00 – 7:00PMBio 129 Lecture Evaluation Criteria:
Points distribution:
Targeted exam format:
Midterm I
Midterm II
Final Exam
Term report
Multiple choice
Fill in blank
or definition
Biol. 129L--Biology of Marine Mammals Laboratory
Spring 2013
Week #
Week 1
Apr 1-3
No lab meeting this week
Week 2
Apr. 8-10
Field I.D., Systematics, Skins & Skulls
Week 3
Apr. 15-17
Time Depth Recorder Lab (Bring your own computer if you have one)
Week 4
Apr. 22-24
Resources available for the term paper ................ TDR lab write up
Week 5
Apr 29-May 1
Survey Cruise Lab Preparation
& Long Marine Lab tour
Week 6
May 6-8
Survey Cruise Lab - participants must go on one of the three cruises
Week 7
May 13-15
Año Nuevo Field Trip .......................................... Survey cruise write up
(Optional, lecture students may participate)
Week 8
May 20-22
Bioacoustics laboratory
Week 9
May 27-28
Review for Practical and Final Exams ................. Bioacoustics write up
Week 10
June 3-5
Laboratory Practical Exam
Bio 129L Laboratory Evaluation Criteria:
Written laboratory assignment (3 total) are worth 70%, the lab practical is worth 20% and attendance is worth 10%.
Points will be deducted for late assignments!!
Laboratory Sections: Meet at Long Marine Lab, Center for Ocean Health 118, unless stated otherwise
Teaching Assistant
Sarah Peterson
Elizabeth McHuron
Caleb Bryce
Caroline Casey
Note: the course and lab syllabi are subject to change
Lab time
Mon 9:00 - 12:00 AM
Mon 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Wed 9:00 - 12:00 AM
Wed 1:00 - 4:00 PM