spanish I Syllabus - Staunton City Schools

Course Title: Spanish 1
Teacher: Maria Bautista
Contact information:
Room 105
Textbook Series: Realidades 1
Publisher: Pearson Prentice-Hall, Copyright 2008
Course Objectives:
The Spanish 1 program develops four basic skills involved in learning a language-listening, speaking, reading and writing in a
cultural content. Listening and speaking are developed through use of DVDs, CDs and oral exercises. The reading selections
include dialogues and cultural readings. The writing exercises include workbook, textbook, CD, class work and online
activities. Students learn about the geography and cultures of the Spanish speaking world. The curriculum aligns with the
Virginia Foreign Language Standards of Learning.
Person to person communication MFLII.1 MFLII.2
Student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in Spanish.
Student will initiate, sustain, and close brief oral and written exchanges in Spanish.
Listen and Reading for Understanding MFLIII.3 MFLII.4
Student will understand basic Spanish both spoken and written presented through a variety of media
Student will use verbal and non-verbal cues to interpret spoken and written Spanish.
Oral and Written Presentation MFLII.5
The student will present orally and in writing Spanish in simple sentences and paragraphs.
The student will present rehearsed and unrehearsed materials in Spanish
Cultural Perspectives, Practices and Products MFLII.6
The student will examine and discuss the interrelationship between perspectives, practices and products of Spanish cultures studied.
Making Connections through Language MFLII.7
Students will gain an understanding of perspectives, practices and products of the Spanish speaking world and how they are interrelated.
Making connections through Language MFLII.8
The student will use information acquired in the study of Spanish to reinforce ideas in other subject areas.
Cultural and Linguistic Comparison MFLII.9 MFLII.10
Students will demonstrate an understanding of cultural similarities and differences between Spanish speaking countries and the United States.
The student will develop a better understanding of the English language through the study of Spanish.
Communications across Communities MFLII.11
The student will apply information acquired in the Spanish classroom beyond the classroom in recreational, occupational and educational purposes.
The following chapters will be covered:
1: Mis amigos y yo
1A: ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
Vocabulary: activities and expressions for saying what you
like and don’t like to do
Grammar: infinitives; making negative statements
1B: Y tú, ¿cómo eres?
Vocabulary: adjectives and vocabulary
to ask about and describe someone’s personality
Grammar: adjectives; definite and indefinite articles; word order
2: La escuela
2A: Tu día en la escuela
Vocabulary: classroom items and furniture;
parts of the classroom; prepositions of location
Grammar: subject pronouns; the present tense of -ar verbs
2B: Tu sala de clases
Vocabulary: classroom items and furniture;
parts of the classroom; prepositions of location
Grammar: the verb estar; plurals of nouns and articles
3: La comida
3A: ¿Desayuno o almuerzo?
Vocabulary: foods; beverages; adverbs of frequency;
expressions to show surprise
Grammar: present tense of -er and -ir verbs; me gusta(n), me
3B: Para mantener la salud
Vocabulary: food; beverages; expressions to discuss health;
expressions to discuss preferences, agreement, disagreement,
and quantity; adjectives to describe food
Grammar: the plural of adjectives; the verb ser
4: Los pasatiempos
4A: ¿Adónde vas?
Vocabulary: leisure activities; places; expressions to tell where
and with whom you go; expressions to talk about when things
are done
Grammar: the verb ir; interrogative words
4B: ¿Quieres ir conmigo?
Vocabulary: leisure activities; feelings; expressions
for extending, accepting, and declining invitations; expressions
to tell when something happens
Grammar: ir + a + infinitive; the verb jugar
Materials Needed:
3 ring binder
1- Spiral notebook
1- Composition notebook
1- pack of index cards (3”-5”)
Loose leaf paper
Course Evaluation:
Assessments will be made in listening, speaking, reading, writing and culture. Nine weeks grades will be
determined as follows:
Homework 15%
Class work and Participation
(written and oral participation, weekly bell works, exit pass activities, notebook checks, article reports,
Test/Project 30%
Sequence of Assessments
Students will be assessed weekly for homework and participation. At the end of the week, the student will
receive a homework averaged grade and a participation averaged grade. With each textbook chapter,
students will be assessed using, at a minimum, 4-6 quizzes. Quizzes will vary in their format, but will
include written, listening and oral assessments. Each chapter studied will have a culminating
comprehensive chapter test, which will also include a listening and oral portion.
Teacher does not offer retakes on tests and/or quizzes.
Late work procedures
Students will lose 5 points for every day work is late. After 10 days late the maximum grade will be a
70% (If work is not done correctly; then, the grade will be a 50%). Student MUST write the date
when work was turned in, if no date is provided, the teacher will use the date when the work was graded.
Projects are very important is this class; therefore, for every day a project is late students will lose a
letter grade.
Missed work due to absences
It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher for work missed due to absence from class.
Identical to the School policy, all missed assignments must be made up within a reasonable amount of
time. The reasonable amount of time is defined as the number of days absent plus one day, up to a
maximum of 10 days. If no work is turned in, parent will be notified and student will receive a zero for all
missing assignments.
Conduct Grades
Conduct grade will be based on a student exhibiting the following qualities:
Non-disruptive behavior
Following school policies
Students will earn the following letter grades:
Consistently exhibits desired qualities
Regularly exhibits desired qualities
Sometimes exhibits desired qualities
Seldom exhibits desired qualities
Consistently does not exhibit desired qualities
Classroom Procedures
-Cell phones are to be turned off and out of sight. There are no warnings. Cell phones will be confiscated
-A participation grade is given every week. The following will be taken into consideration when giving a
participation grade: behavior in class, work completion on a timely manner, the ability to work with
others, the ability to follow classroom procedures and rules, oral participation in class and preparedness to
-Students are to be in their seats and quiet when the bell rings. Students MUST have a pass when coming
to class late.
-Students will be dismissed by teacher and not by the bell.
-Students need a Spanish binder, notebook for notes, paper, pen or pencil, textbook and workbook daily.
Student will lose 5 points in participation when NOT prepared for class.
-Only water is permitted in class-exceptions would be teacher organized “fiesta” days.
-Students must respect everyone in class and must let the teacher teach.
Classroom procedures will reflect all policies and regulations as outlined in the student handbook.
Need extra help? Advisory tutorial time as determined by the school’s schedule/ Success Block.
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
I have read and understood all of the above information:
Parent/Guardian/date ________________________________________