Board of Directors Application
Are you a motivated student looking for leadership experience for next year?
Are you interested in getting involved in a national recognized student organization?
If so, then apply for the Board of Directors for the Student Alumni Association!
About the Student Alumni Association (SAA):
SAA is a student run organization, which is sponsored by the UCR Alumni Association. SAA organizes events, which enable current UCR students to network with UCR alumni. SAA is currently the largest due-paying organization on campus with over 650 members.
Some of the events/programs that SAA organizes are: o Career Conferences (Medical, Engineering, and Business) o Dinners with Alumni o UCR Dance Marathon o Mentorship Program o Social events o Community service o And more!
The mission of the SAA at UC Riverside is to provide students with the opportunity to network with alumni and gain valuable insights into their prospective careers.
What are some of the benefits of becoming a SAA Executive Board Member? o Get actively evolved in running SAA Events o Work closely with the alumni and build connections o Resume builder o Represent the largest due paying organization on campus o Develop professional skills
Eligible candidates must:
Be available for Interviews on the week of April 22
Be available for Grad Fair Training on April 28 at 5:30 p.m.
Be available for Executive Board Retreat on May 16-17
Be available for Executive Board Meetings every Monday (every quarter) from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Serve on a Dance Marathon 2015 Committee or hold a Dance Marathon 2015 position.
Plan to be on campus all year (No Study Abroad, UCDC, or early graduation)
Completed applications must be turned in via email as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx) to
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact the office at (951) 827-2586 or by emailing President
Ravin Ahir at
DEADLINE: April 17, 2014 at 4:00 p.m.
Interviews will take place on the week of April 22, 2014. We will be contacting you via email with interview dates and times on Sunday, April 20, 2014 once you are selected for an interview. Signups are under first come basis.
Please note that all applicants must provide at least one letter of recommendation (unless you are a current member of the Executive Board or APB). All applicants MUST be members of SAA in order to be considered for any position, if you are not currently a member please visit
to become one .
UCR Student Alumni Association (SAA)
Board of Directors Application
Name: __________________________ Expected graduation date:___________________
Major: ________________
Permanent Address:
Minor (if applicable):
___________ Overall GPA:
(min 2.5 req)
Permanent Phone: (_____)____________ E-mail: _______________________
Campus Address:
Campus Phone:
City/State/Zip: _______________________
1) Why are you interested in serving on the SAA Board of Directors?
2) What unique qualities and experiences do feel you can bring to the position you are applying for?
3) What do you hope to gain from this position?
4) Are you involved in other campus and/or community service? If yes, please list those activities with any leadership position(s) held.
5) What are your future career/professional goals?
6) Please list the top three positions that are you most interested in.*
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
7) Please list the top three Dance Marathon committees you plan to serve on for Dance Marathon or positions that you are most interested in (list of positions on page 6). PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOES NOT
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
Board of Directors Descriptions of Positions
President (Position will be appointed by current President & Adviser)
Plan and chair Board Meetings including preparing agendas
Provide leadership to the board
Represent SAA on the Board of Directors for the Alumni Association and at least one UCRAA committee
Vice President – Internal and Finance Operations
Work in collaboration with SAM/DWA to oversee program development
Oversee Membership Relations and Public Relations chairs
Collaborate with Vice President of External Affairs in planning General Meetings
Recruit and oversee APB in conjunction with Vice President of External & Membership
Oversee Assistant Programing Board (APB) and coordinate recruitment in Fall
Assist APB in planning at least one APB project every quarter
Oversee and maintain ASUCR and ASPB accounts and funding; apply for funding when appropriate and process all applicable reimbursements.
Collaborate with Fundraising Chair in securing sponsors for various events
Work with Conference Chairs to monitor conference budgets and find cost saving measures.
Vice President – External Affairs
Serve as liaison with other student organizations, such as ASUCR and ASPB
Assist Career Conference Chairs in planning of conferences
Oversee Media/Publicity position
Assist Conference Chairs with advertising to other student clubs and organizations
Seek community service activities.
Organize social events such as Hike to the C, Painting the C, Homecoming Activities (including
Scotfest), etc.
Work with Membership Relations chair in overseeing events such as Discovery Days and
Recruit and oversee APB in conjunction with Vice President of Internal & Membership
Act as liaison between the Student Alumni Association and Dance Marathon
Must serve on Dance Marathon Committee
Work with Fundraising Chair to secure funding for the execution of Dance Marathon
Organize events such as Philanthropy Day, and Donor Appreciation Week
Membership Relations
Update membership database
Responsible for responding the membership queries
Work with Fundraising Chair to secure membership benefits from local businesses
Develop and implement strategic plan for increasing memberships
Work closely with Vice President of Internal & External on Orientation, and Discovery Day
Help create APB application and timeline
Must serve on Dance Marathon Committee or hold position on DM
Publicity & Media Chair (Portfolio is Required)
Responsible for designing flyers for upcoming SAA events
Assist in digital graphics and design of website
Design and format newsletters
Coordinate poster and flyer distribution and postings
Document SAA events, take pictures
Develop videos and commercials advertising organization
Must serve on Dance Marathon Committee or hold position on DM
Career Conference Chair (3 positions available: Medical, Engineering, and Business)
Medical Career Conference & Co-External Relations Chair
Coordinate and plan a career conference for fall academic quarter.
Form a career conference committee and delegate tasks.
Communicate with alumni panelists and student attendees.
Seek community service activities.
Organize social events such as Hike to the C, Painting the C, Homecoming Activities (including tailgate), etc. in non-conference quarter
Work with Membership Relations chair in overseeing events such as Discovery Day and
Must serve on Dance Marathon Committee or hold position on DM
Engineering Career Conference & Co-External Relations Chair
Coordinate and plan a career conference for winter academic quarter
Form a career conference committee and delegate tasks
Communicate with alumni panelists and student attendees
Seek community service activities.
Organize social events such as Hike to the C, Painting the C, Homecoming Activities (including tailgate), etc. in non-conference quarter
Work with Membership Relations chair in overseeing events such as Discovery Day and
Must serve on Dance Marathon Committee or hold position on DM
Business Career Conference & Fundraising Chair:
Coordinate and plan a career conference for spring academic quarter
Form a career conference committee and delegate tasks
Communicate with alumni panelists and student attendees
Must serve on Dance Marathon Committee or hold position on DM
Raise funds to lower cost of SAA career conferences and other events
Seek and organize fundraising group events
Organize quarterly movie premiere fundraiser
Organize TV show taping fundraisers once per quarter
Organize at least one movie premiere per quarter
Organize Final Survival Kits
Secure vendors for on-campus fundraising each quarter
Work with Membership Relations to secure benefits from local businesses
Work with Philanthropy chair to secure funding for the execution of Dance Marathon
Must serve on Dance Marathon Committee or hold position on DM
Student Alumni Mentorship (SAM)/ Dinners with the Alumni (DWA) Director
Build and maintain close relationships with students and alumni in order to inspire their involvement in the SAM program
Recruit students interested in having an alumni mentor and match them with alumni in their field of interest.
Maintain contact with students and alumni in the SAM program
Coordinate at least one Dinner with Alumni per quarter
Build and maintain close relationships with students and alumni in order to inspire their involvement in the DWA program
Must serve on Dance Marathon Committee or hold position on DM
Dance Marathon Positions
Please note which Dance Marathon position or committee you would be interested in serving on. Full descriptions of positions can be found on
Director of Logistics (must be a returning member from DM2014)
Program Chair
HR Chair
Entertainment & Program Chair
Layout and Design Chair
Venue Chair
Logistics Committee
Director of Finance ( must be a returning member from DM2014)
Corporate Sponsors Chair
Non-Corporate Sponsors Chair
Fundraising Chair
Finance Committee
Director of Outreach (must be a returning member from DM2014)
Staff/Faculty Outreach Chair
Service Orgs Outreach Chair
Professional Orgs and Honors Orgs Outreach Chair (Includes: Frats/Sororities)
Housing Outreach Chair(2 positions)
Cultural/Arts/Athletics/Recreation Orgs Outreach Chair
Community Chair (non campus)
Student Life Outreach Chair
Service Orgs Outreach Chair
Special Events Chair
Outreach Committee
Director of Marketing (must be a returning member from DM2014)
Social Media Chair
Graphic Designer
Marketing Chair
Marketing Committee
Completed applications must be turned in via email as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx) to
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact the office at (951) 827-2586 or by emailing President
Ravin Ahir at
DEADLINE: April 17, 2014 at 4:00 p.m.