ATLANIC Community Schools - Unit Planning Teacher’s Name: DEREK BAIR Subject: 21st Century Tech Grade: 9th Overview of the Unit: Think Green will increase student awareness of the environmental issues caused by waste. Student will analyze four Rs reduce, reuse, recycle and recover. Iowa Core/Content Standards. ● Communicate and work productively with others, incorporating different perspectives and cross cultural understanding, to increase innovation and the quality of work. ● Demonstrate leadership skills, integrity, ethical behavior, and social responsibility while collaborating to achieve common goals. ● Understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Enduring Understanding: Sustainability is an important problem for any individual living in the 21st century. Concepts: Sustainability Content: Identifying current problems and some of the solutions currently in place for environmental sustainability. Demonstrate understanding of vocabulary. Essential/Higher Order Questions: What can be done to make your home/school/communi ty more green? Disciplinary Processes: Identify common trends by observation. Brainstorm ideas for solutions. Implement solutions at a controllable level. Skills: Team work, analyzing observations, researching, presentation. Academic Vocabulary: Sustainability, Organic Waste, Decomposition, Waste Stream, Recycle, Methane, Composting, Biodegradable, Landfill, Climate Change, reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, energy, carbon footprint See Attachments Day 1 Lesson: Ask students what they know about Sustainability using Google Docs. They will be defining terms based off of the Pre-assessment worksheet. They have 9 terms; we would like them to have 12. They will work with a partner to define each term and use them in a complete sentence. AIW Standards: IDK/SU SWCK SWEC Day 2 Lesson: Recycling Solid waste worksheet. Students will go to website and get more information and then answer the 5 questions on worksheet. We will discuss as a class after. #5students MUST add a question to discuss after filling out the previous 4 questions. AIW Standards: IDK/SU SWEC Day 3 Lesson: Janitors will come in to one class and answer questions about the 4 R’s-solid waste (building WS). Take home the Landfill Solid Waste worksheet (city or county) at the end of class, need to have questions answered that they know. AIW Standards: IHOT SWEC Day 4 Lesson: Landfill activity- Finish answering questions about Landfill sold waste. Wendy Whitrock will discuss with the kids some of the attributes of the Cass County Landfill. (Fall Semester Fieldtrip). AIW Standards: SWEC IVBS Day 5 Lesson: Students Create a poster answering the Question - What is our impact on the environment from our production of solid wastes? Students present next day. AIW Standards: SWCU IHOT Day 6 Lesson: Watch student presentation posters. Start Discussing recovery. Take a small piece of paper and safe container and burn it and students are supposed to document the reaction. AIW Standards: SWEC TEC SWCK Day 7 Lesson: Write the word “methane” on the board. Review what students know about methane, and talk about methane in a controlled environment, predict some of the characteristics of methane burning. AIW Standards: IDK/SU ISC IHOT Day 8 Lesson: Methane bubbles and reflection. Take students to Chemistry lab. See Attached: AIW Standards: SWCU Day 9 Lesson: Get online and go to and go over how landfills burn waste and open up discussion on the 4 R’s. Ask class to discuss their responsibilities now that they have this information. Students take home WS- waste reduction at home AIW Standards: SWEC TVBS IHOT ISC Day 10 Lesson: Where Does it Go From Here? Do pre-assessment WS first-how we use them? Get into groups of 2-4, and discuss opportunities for implementing 1 of the 4 R’s in home/school/community. AIW Standards: IDK/SU SWCK SWEC Assessment Students will have a paper over the unit. See Where does it go from here? document. AIW Standards: IDK/SU SWEC Differentiation Students are pared for large writing or reading projects. Unit Planning Process 1. Identify Subject/Course – Unit Selection 2. Iowa Core – Common Core – National Standards (Unwrap the Standard) 3. Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions 4. Disciplined Inquiry 5. Unit Plan – a. Outlining Unit b. Developing Daily Lessons 6. Crosswalk AIW Standards with Unit 7. Revise and further develop the Unit 8. Rubrics – Checklist – Assessments 9. Differentiation 10. Implement Unit Unit Planning Key: TCK (Task – Construction of Knowledge) TEC (Task – Elaborated Communication) TVBS (Task – Value Beyond School) SWCK (Student Work – Construction of Knowledge) SWCU (Student Work – Conceptual Understanding) SWEC (Student Work – Elaborated Communication) IHOT – (Instruction – Higher Order Thinking) IDK/SU – (Instruction – Depth of Knowledge and Student Understanding) ISC – (Instruction – Substantive Conversation) IVBS – (Instruction – Value Beyond School)